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Legalised Marijuana Is Coming


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Looks like the era of prohibition in the US may be slowly drawing to a close..

On the basis that British law usually blindly follows US law with a few year lag, my guess is maybe 10 year to legalisation/tolerance in the UK.


U.S. voters next month in five states, including bellwether California, are poised to expand the legal use of recreational marijuana to almost a quarter of the American population, a move that could prove to be one of the most consequential shifts in U.S drug policy since the 1930s.

Linky:  http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-10-28/marijuana-vote-in-california-may-herald-end-of-prohibition-era

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Apparently in Colorado..   because Marijana is still ilegal to supply/use at a federal level none of the shops/producers have bank accounts... they all have to transact in cash.

i expect this leave a lot of room for things "slipping off the books".   They'd probably raise even more tax revenue if everything was logged through bank accounts!

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You legally get stoned in Colorado. 3 months later you go to Dubai where you end up feeling ill and have a blood test as part of the diagnosis. They find traces of marijuana in your blood sample and so you are arrested and charged with possession, found guilty and jailed for 4 1/2 years.

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Why stop at marijuana ?

The UK historically had very liberal drug laws until the Yanks virtually forced their prohibitive system of controls on us in the 1950s.  In the past this country was both a leading consumer and purveyor of opiates.  We built an Empire on them. In fact you can almost chart Britain's terminal decline from the days the country stopped getting out of its brains on dope.



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23 minutes ago, blobloblob said:

You legally get stoned in Colorado. 3 months later you go to Dubai where you end up feeling ill and have a blood test as part of the diagnosis. They find traces of marijuana in your blood sample and so you are arrested and charged with possession, found guilty and jailed for 4 1/2 years.

Anybody dumb enough to go to a sh1thole like Dubai deserves all the misery he gets.


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13 hours ago, stormymonday_2011 said:

Why stop at marijuana ?

The UK historically had very liberal drug laws until the Yanks virtually forced their prohibitive system of controls on us in the 1950s.  In the past this country was both a leading consumer and purveyor of opiates.  We built an Empire on them. In fact you can almost chart Britain's terminal decline from the days the country stopped getting out of its brains on dope.



The US has a huge problem now with opiate painkillers; something we don't have.  These are legal (?in some states) and heavily advertised and prescribed by doctors.  People get addicted to them as they would heroin, which is what they are, and eventually switch to heroin as it's much cheaper.

I'm totally anti drugs, especially marijuana, myself as I've seen what a shell they can make of people. I do however see the legalisation of cannabis as inevitable.

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23 hours ago, stormymonday_2011 said:

Why stop at marijuana ?

The UK historically had very liberal drug laws until the Yanks virtually forced their prohibitive system of controls on us in the 1950s.  In the past this country was both a leading consumer and purveyor of opiates.  We built an Empire on them. In fact you can almost chart Britain's terminal decline from the days the country stopped getting out of its brains on dope.



maybe so,but in those days opiates weren't much of a recreational pastime,they were one of the only known anaesthetics for surgery.

FWIWi don't have a problem with weed for medicinal use.supposed to be quite effective against MS

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The choice of any truly free person to imbibe any substance that they see-fit to should be theirs, and theirs alone.

The law should only get involved when it comes to the *consequences* of the above actions.

Anything else is Fascism, Communism, or some other equally repugnant pile of shite..! 





The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage - Danish proverb




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25 minutes ago, The XYY Man said:

The choice of any truly free person to imbibe any substance that they see-fit to should be theirs, and theirs alone.

The law should only get involved when it comes to the *consequences* of the above actions.

Anything else is Fascism.







The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage - Dani

You have made my point rather more succinctly than I have.

Addictive personalities and individual circumstances make addicts as much as the drugs themselves.

Opiates are no more addictive than nicotine yet every year lots of people manage to give up smoking using little more than will power

Lots of US soldiers became regular heroin users while in Vietnam. Nearly all kicked the habit without any medical intervention once they left the combat zone.


There is no doubt that heroin or other opiates in overdose can kill you but then so can paracetamol.

Most households have substances in their garden shed and under their sink that they bought off the supermarket shelf which are a lot more deadly than most class A drugs.




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14 minutes ago, The XYY Man said:

The choice of any truly free person to imbibe any substance that they see-fit to should be theirs, and theirs alone.

The law should only get involved when it comes to the *consequences* of the above actions.

Anything else is Fascism, Communism, or some other equally repugnant pile of shite..! 





The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage - Danish proverb




in their own personal space,yes,

but I wouldn't necessarily want one driving behind me!.

we do sometimes have to respect other peoples "safe spaces"....and being in charge of a tonne of steel hurtling at pedestrians is not really on.


..this is why take-away's were invented.

whoever designs a successful take-away garage that can cope with random orders of 10 packs lager,40 B+H and 3 packs rizla,two goodfellas pepperoni pizza's and a packet of jelly tot's to deliver, will make a feckin fortune!

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1 hour ago, The XYY Man said:

The choice of any truly free person to imbibe any substance that they see-fit to should be theirs, and theirs alone.

The law should only get involved when it comes to the *consequences* of the above actions.

Anything else is Fascism, Communism, or some other equally repugnant pile of shite..! 





The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage - Danish proverb




Agreed, I'm in the legalise/educate/tax camp. It would, amongst other things, remove funding from a large section of the worlds organised crime (and even terrorism which is at least in part funded by the drugs trade).

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3 minutes ago, goldbug9999 said:

Agreed, I'm in the legalise/educate/tax camp. It would, amongst other things, remove funding from a large section of the worlds organised crime (and even terrorism which is significantly funded by drugs I believe).

Same here. The war on drugs has failed. Government could make loads from tax.

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It's getting worse for Cannabis in the UK unfortunately, the Government are starting to shut down CBD companies, the plan is to make CBD prescription only according to the people I know in the industry. Here is a VICE article touching on this > http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/cbd-a-medicine-claims-health-regulation-arm-of-government

It's shocking how misinformed people are over here about Cannabis, most people think it has the psychedelic properties of LSD and the physical addictive properties of Heroin. I am a frequent Cannabis user for Insomnia and Stomach discomfort. I only ever take it at night time to help me sleep (tried it during the day and it multiplied the time required to do tasks by at least 2 so no more of that. My mind would just go off in tangents, I'd be watching things on YouTube then suddenly remember that I had work that still needed doing) and I hate having to buy it off the black market. If they just legalized it and had you have to show an ID card or something to buy it things would be a lot better and people like me could cut their ties to the shady underworld.

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I've got some CBD oil that I bought hoping it would help with my chronic migraines. It has a peculiar affect in that it gets rid of the pain but not the other migraine symptoms - photophobia, clumsiness, feeling excessively cold and a strangely painless (due to CBD) throbbing in the head. So I end up taking a Naratriptan anyway :(

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19 minutes ago, Solitaire said:

I've got some CBD oil that I bought hoping it would help with my chronic migraines. It has a peculiar affect in that it gets rid of the pain but not the other migraine symptoms - photophobia, clumsiness, feeling excessively cold and a strangely painless (due to CBD) throbbing in the head. So I end up taking a Naratriptan anyway :(

CBD on it's own is pretty limited in what it can do. I have some Oil too but it's nowhere near as good as good old Mary Jane. The Cannabinoids work in sync with each other, restrict it down to one and you only get partial treatment. A small hit of an Indica Cannabis strain sorts my migraines out within 5 minutes. One small bowl is enough to get rid of the migraine for he next 1.5 - 2 hours without feeling "stoned", more jsut kinda lightly uplifted and perkier. Of course you could react totally different, we all have different reactions to different medicines.

For Chronic Migraines the best legal medicine is Codeine in my experience, be warned that it is addictive though if taken for more than a few days at a time. Also makes you a bit zoned out so not so great if you have to drive anywhere or do anything technical.

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Thanks, that's interesting RI. I've never used cannabis products before apart from the oil just recently. I'll give the Indica a go.

I'm a bit confused by your last comment, what is 'the best legal medicine' you have referred to?

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26 minutes ago, Solitaire said:

Thanks, that's interesting RI. I've never used cannabis products before apart from the oil just recently. I'll give the Indica a go.

I'm a bit confused by your last comment, what is 'the best legal medicine' you have referred to?

As Rave said, Codeine. I had to edit the post as I deleted it by accident when making alterations to the text. I have a habit of fiddling around with posts before I post them and sometimes I miss a word out in doing so. My typing can't keep up with the thoughts running through my mind at times.

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