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Fukushima To Cause Uk House Price Crash.

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Ok, might need a few dots joining up, but here goes.

Fukushima melts down, wiping out 1/2 of Japan, thus causing Japan to sell of all UK and US bonds. The rise in bonds causes mortgages to rise and the ultimate collapse of the UK property market.


Long - tinfoil hats and suits.

Has any angle been missed? From what I can see, printing more money is not going to help either.

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It is hard to calculate the effects of a catastrophe, if it could be done easily then the markets would have priced it in. Same could also be said for other things like property.

What are the chances of nothing happening (nothing to see here, move along). Has the BBC reported anything on Fukushima recently? If not this I suspect the situation is worse than I thought.

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It is hard to calculate the effects of a catastrophe, if it could be done easily then the markets would have priced it in. Same could also be said for other things like property.

What are the chances of nothing happening (nothing to see here, move along). Has the BBC reported anything on Fukushima recently? If not this I suspect the situation is worse than I thought.

They must have all been gagged, speaking to a Japanese family in Scotland last week who said things are very very bad and not being truly reported even in their own country.

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Has the BBC reported anything on Fukushima recently? If not this I suspect the situation is worse than I thought.

That's an interesting argument, if they're not reporting anything then things must be terrible but if they are reporting then things must be so terrible that they can't cover it up anymore.

I have to say I do wonder why people are willing to treat Russia Today as a reliable source. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the BBC but to dismiss them as unreliable whilst accepting the word of the propaganda arm of a de-facto mafia state seems at best perverse.

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I volcano exploded in japan a few days ago but didn't get a huge amount of mainstream coverage.


I tend to get my news from traders around the world on Twitter now, especially as tend to dabble in $USDJPY from time to time

Edited by aSecureTenant
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I noticed this quote in the BBC article

However, while this latest development is a concern, the scale of the overall radiation leakage at Fukushima must be kept in some perspective.

According to Dr Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, the total amount of the radioactive element caesium produced since the disaster began at Fukushima is roughly equal to the amount that has been emitted at Windscale/Sellafield since operations began there 60 years ago.

Nothing to worry about then!

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They must have all been gagged, speaking to a Japanese family in Scotland last week who said things are very very bad and not being truly reported even in their own country.


So what did they say is actually happening then? :rolleyes:

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So what did they say is actually happening then? :rolleyes:

They spoke mainly about leakage into the sea and how many of the people have died who were working at the plant after the tsunami they seemed very worried by the situation , my own view is that it cant be controlled as they would wish but they are doing their best and need help, but maybe if the full truth was out panic not only in the markets but among the population would break out. Very delicate balancing act by the Government there as to media information .

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FT reports that at a press conference on Tuesday, Tokyo Electric Power said it had detected a leak in one of the tanks that store water used to cool melted uranium fuel rods. A puddle that formed near the tank was emitting a radiation dose of 100 millisieverts an hour when measured a short distance above the surface, Tepco said – about 350,000 times higher than natural background levels.

But don't panic: here comes the Japanese government to designate the leak as a trivial, "Level 1" incident on an 8 level scale. But at least finally the JNRA admitted the ongoing problems at the supposedly "contained" disaster site. On the other hand, what it would take for Japan to admit to a Level 8 emergency? Perhaps a Fukushimanado.

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Has any angle been missed? From what I can see, printing more money is not going to help either.

Printing money doesn't "help", but it does change the nature of the problem. eg:

Japan sells US and UK bonds, interest rates rise, so the US/UK print money to buy their bonds as Japan sells them causing their currencies to fall, inflation to spike and nominal house prices to sit stationary at first, then rise with everything else in nominal terms. No nominal crash, inflation reduces govt. debt burden, speculators win and savers lose (a familiar story).

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I follow E N E news, seems to have a lot of regular links to domestic japanese news sources regarding fuku.

It seems its been snafu for awhile but recent events are showing tepco dont have a clue what they are doing.

We do not hear about it over here as im sure the establishment would not want us taking the german route and shutting down all nuke plants, which they did in response to the fukushima disaster.


Kyodo News, Aug 20, 2013: Roughly 300 tons of water contaminated with radioactive substances have leaked from water storage tanks [... Tepco] said it detected in the leaked water radioactive substances emitting beta rays, with an extremely high reading of 80 million becquerels per liter [...] TEPCO said the toxic water most likely flowed into the soil. The utility has yet to identify the exact source of the leak.

Its all pretty bad, they have turned the entire site into a water logged radioactive swamp, the buildings with the remaining spent fuel containers are corroded, damaged and likely to fall down if another earthquake hits.

Tepco somehow froze the ground creating a frozen earth wall to prevent run off to the sea, apparently its been leaking 300 tons a day for the last 2 years

This new leak is bad news, there have been public protests about nuke power and fukushima in japan, with little media attention.The dangerous part will come when they attempt to manually remove the spent fuel pellets from the wrecked spent fuel containers. Theres apparently spent fuel there to wipe out most of the southern hemisphere if it is uncooled and allowed to burn up.

Tuna is off the menu also. lots of spawning grounds and fisheries near fukushima, bio magnification means tuna is at risk of being contaminated.

But back to the thread, If TEPCO loses control and southern japan is evacuated, im sure cameron would let them all come and live in the south east and London to drive up demand.

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That's an interesting argument, if they're not reporting anything then things must be terrible but if they are reporting then things must be so terrible that they can't cover it up anymore.

I have to say I do wonder why people are willing to treat Russia Today as a reliable source. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the BBC but to dismiss them as unreliable whilst accepting the word of the propaganda arm of a de-facto mafia state seems at best perverse.

Leaving aside that the BBC both put a spin on stories, each publishes stories that the other doesn't, so I think a better balance is achieved by reading both, and using a very large pinch of salt for each.

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Ok, might need a few dots joining up, but here goes.

Fukushima melts down, wiping out 1/2 of Japan, thus causing Japan to sell of all UK and US bonds. The rise in bonds causes mortgages to rise and the ultimate collapse of the UK property market.

I think the consensus is that Fukushima has already melted down, and the cores are undergound.

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Tinned tuna is off the menu read somewhere that Tuna absorbs radiation more than any other fish species and seas around Japan are full of Glowing Tuna , :D

Hence why tuna is rising. Most of our tuna comes from the Atlantic or Indian Ocean with most US tuna coming from the Pacific. Yanks now want Atlantic tuna.

Interestingly, in recent weeks my local Tesco and Sainsburys have begun selling some tinned tuna with a Pacific branding - most expensive tinned tuna in the shops IMPO a good pound or two more expensive - but interesting how it has just begun to show up in UK supermarkets is it not?

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