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Everything posted by sikejsudjek

  1. When Osborne decided to cut social care 'because it was popular with Tory voters' the plonker forgot that it would have a knock on effect to the NHS. A lot of the overspend and bed blocking is because its not safe to discharge people early if there is no social care available at their home. When they do discharge early, many end up back in hospital soon afterwards with even worse problems which are even more expensive to put right. So not only has this austerity policy not saved money, its most likely cost lives and cost the tax payer even more. Not really a problem for your average Tory voter because the idea of the sick, disabled or poor dying seems to give them a self righteous hard on. Of course PFI which New Labour and the Tories thought was wonderful cost the NHS dear. Overall PFI gave us £57 billion of assets for a cost to the tax payer of £300 billion. The fact there was no outrage tells you that both of these political outfits are stuffed full of neoliberal shills who couldn't give a toss about the poor old tax payer. They represent the 1% and their 'need' to rip the rest of us off. They most certainly have NOT given the tax payer value for money. Its worth pointing out that corporations are paying a LOT less in tax (and blatant tax dodging). Its not unreasonable to expect them to contribute towards the NHS given that they benefit from a healthy workforce.
  2. The NHS is a better system than private insurance based systems, but it needs to be properly funded by actually taxing multinationals and tax dodging millionaires, and by getting rid of PFI rip offs. The tax payer got £57 billion of assets for £300 billion. This is just out and out neoliberal corruption.
  3. Maybe he could stop spending 7x per head of population on transport for London, and start to invest in the rest of the country...
  4. "In Saudi Arabia itself, the government seems unable to cope with the crisis. The 'Arab News' says that 31,000 Saudi and other foreign workers have lodged complaints with the government’s labour ministry over unpaid wages. On one occasion, the Indian consulate and expatriates brought food to the workers so that their people should not starve" No wonder the Tories are in love with the Saudi's ! Although to be fair the Tories would have let them starve.
  5. Yep. Neoliberalism. Never mind going back to Victorian values we are heading for serfdom.
  6. Killing the productive economy to save the ponzi asset bubble 'cause we can't have all those vested interest groups that wrecked the economy last time not being able to do it once again. Neoliberals know that 'crises' are a good opportunity to grab some more wealth. They've got form - 2008 ended up being a nice big income boost to the 1%. So here we are again with some more money printing to do nothing of use in the real economy. Unfortunately the neoliberal parasite is killing its host.
  7. The biggest scroungers in the UK are our banks period. PFI £57 billion of assets. Cost to the tax payer £300 billion Bailouts via QE. £375 billion initial bailout. Further post Brexit £150 billion. It is inevitable that there will be another crash and with it another massive bailout.
  8. Me too. Aim to be at or around the tax threshold, mortgage free. I have everything I need, don't need benefits. I will only vote for a party that puts the boot into the establishment and the super rich - who have turned into a parasite that is killing their host. This is the parable of the broken window in action on a macroeconomic scale ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window
  9. Unfortunately neo liberal politicians don't represent people, they represent capital. Once you understand this you can explain very easily pretty much every dodgy decision they make. Neo liberals are in both main parties. That way they control politics - you can have democracy as long as you can't vote for anyone that dents their mates profits. The obvious solution is to build council housing. Its actually the ONLY solution that has worked to dramatically increase supply. BUT it doesn't make capital more money - which is why Corbyn is so hated. Plus Corbyn wants peoples' QE and an end to the PFI gravy train that has robbed tax payers of £250 billion. The neoliberals are hellbent on making sure this gravy train for rich vested interests never stops. Maintaining the ponzi housing bubble is no. 1 priority for them, not solving the housing crisis.
  10. Well something needs to be done. The ponzi economy is now eating the productive economy. In the long run everyone looses out except for the 1%. Personally at this stage I'd prefer money spent on infrastructure projects via people's QE. Especially projects that can be independently shown to be fiscally positive (such as a house building program) and projects that end up lowering everyone's energy costs. That benefits business in the long run too - lower energy costs plus investment in automation with decent wealth redistribution is a viable long term aim. Transport needs investment in lowering fares on rail and increasing rolling stock. The Tories only seem interested in what benefits capital - which is why overcrowded trains syphoning off money for shareholders is seen as preferable to a decent public transport system.
  11. It has an impact but not necessarily in the way people assume. HPI is linked first and foremost to bank lending. Most immigrants end up either without jobs (refugees aren't allowed to work), or in low paid work. Its far more likely that irresponsible bank lending, mafia money, money laundering, and BTL is having a larger influence on HPI. That said - take out 1 million immigrants and yes it would reduce demand at least in the rented sector.
  12. There can be no economic or moral justification for anyone inheriting this sort of wealth. Allowing this to continue while we have so many struggling to survive is a disgrace. Its a shame that voters don't use their democratic power to change the system - largely because people who are in debt and scared for their jobs are compliant. Unfortunately not only is most of the wealth held by a small number of people, but they use their power to increase their wealth still further even when it destroys other peoples lives. What they think they are going to gain from this behaviour is beyond me. Most of them are utterly miserable people detached from reality.
  13. If its going to crash anyway - you want some assets to show for it - not just pumping money into raising house prices ! On this I believe Corbyn is right. We've had QE of £375 billion plus now another £170 billion. What do we have to show so far for half a trillion pounds ? Sweet **** all.
  14. The bloke is pushing a piece of string. Too much debt, not enough spending money. So the 'fix' is print money to give the plebs more debt. Genius. Its a ponzi bubble Carney, and you're not going to save it.
  15. May will never deliver on housing because Tory nimby's will always block it. Carney seems hell bent on wrecking the economy to keep the bubble going. Rather than actually fix the housing problems he's creating money to keep a generation priced out of housing. Its the productive economy vs the ponzi bubble.
  16. What they could do is to invest to make sure our energy costs are reduced. Add in a policy to boost automation and redistribute the profits to all of society and you have a long term strategy that could compete on a world scale.
  17. The problem is that economists work from models that are devoid of reality. They do not take into account the problems of money creation as loans. There is simply too much debt being created to prop up asset prices. Far better to create money for something useful than keep on creating money via loans to lend on property. For those objecting to money creation - we already have it. QE - all that was intended to do was to allow banks to keep pushing more debt on an over indebted population. No wonder it didn't work. We did not borrow £375 billion off foreigners or savers to bail out our banks - we printed it. What have we got to show for that ? Another asset bubble and not much else. There is simply too much debt in the system - and no one wants to write any of it off. The result is the productive economy is shrinking as people buy less and less, and spend ever more of their scarce income on increased housing costs.
  18. Its not a human right but it should be. Unfortunately the interests of a minority of people to exploit others are being put first. Economically it amounts to little more than a ponzi scheme, and politically its unsustainable in the long term.
  19. Carney should have a walk on part in Little Dorrit. The bit where the ponzi scheme collapses....
  20. Never ceases to amaze me how the 'broke' generation after the war managed to build enough homes and bring in the NHS. Maybe its time people woke up to the fact that a market economy is not in the best interests of the 99%. We need social housing. We need a free health service. We need strategic industries to be protected and in some cases nationalised. We do not need 80 people owning 51% of the wealth of planet earth and politicians putting their needs ahead of the rest of us.
  21. Too much debt in the system, a few greedy old men owning half the planet. Great isn't it..... Amazes me how people fall for it. We used to afford free uni places, cheaper transport, wages rises, cheaper housing etc. etc. We were less efficient than now - less automation. But its the greed and inequality of the system that is tearing it down.
  22. Just a few comments on what I've read on here. "Britain is in a weak negotiating position" I do not believe this to be the case. The worst case scenario is that we have to trade with the EU under WTO rules. That means a 3% tariff for most goods and services. This is similar to the situation with trading with China or the US. Cars are one of the few goods at 10% - and whilst that might not be good news for Nissan and co. it is disastrous for the German car industry. They have already been hit with massive fines for the VW scandal and 20% of their entire car production is sold into the UK. So - are German politicians who are facing an election next year willing to destroy their car industry and loose hundreds of thousands of jobs ? No ! Merkel has already put her people in to negotiate Brexit and sidelined the EU negotiators. There is NO WAY that the EU or the French are going to 'punish' us. The political clout is with Germany, and Germany wants a deal.
  23. No regrets at all. Will vote out again if need be. This ridiculous ponzi economy must end, and we need leaders who represent people not the banks.
  24. Tony Blair is president Coriolanus Snow, and I claim my voucher to the next foodbank austerity games. It comes as no surprise to me that a neo-liberal like Blair, who blew the crap out of over 100,000 people against the will of the British public wasting £75 billion of our money to give us ISIS, would ignore the referendum result. As for the Scots - the majority of the English have wanted to boot them out for sometime now. Its about time England got a vote on removing them from the union. We'll even throw in RBS for a pound. That should sink them without trace.
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