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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Patfig

  1. Octopus ( Felxible ) Electric 28.4 standing charge 51.36 Gas 7.48 standing charge 27.22 Interestingly their new prices to update to todays prices are Electricity 70.62 Gas 19.83 Its gonna get sticky out there this winter
  2. small woodburner heats our downstairs happily not worried about upstairs and the wood lasts for ages. In S West so don't really need to start using it till mid to late October
  3. 2 cubic metres will last us the winter always does
  4. The way to me seems like we are in for a rough old ride. I got 2 cubic metres of logs in store and a heap of candles ready for winter. AIr rifle primed .......................................
  5. Think I might start a new lets go down the pub thread and see if it gets hijacked by someone on a tax n spend theme.
  6. No its a tariif we have been on for a year or so and I think it runs out next year sometime. 50 plus pence pre unit would cause us serious issues
  7. EDF 27.64p per KwH 50p per day standing charge discount on KwH price for paying DD 7% off of unit price reducing it to 25.7p
  8. It would be interesting to know how much current business owners are paying per KwH for their electricity
  9. Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents!
  10. So after Hasta ls vista baby............................. I'll be back!
  11. It may well be hard cheese for Rishi If Cheesey wins I see my move across Hadrians wall being brought forward.
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