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Everything posted by erat_forte

  1. Yes! Why do more people not get totally peed off by this? It is irritating to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. The road is meant for travelling on, not blocking with unused lumps of machinery.
  2. Where do you think all those designer clothes in the charity shops come from?
  3. Hmmm... ans I thought Industry was meant to actually produce something?
  4. Variable pricing is another 'smart' option - your fridge could watch the current spot rates and 'bid' for power - it would hold off for an hour or so when the price rose too much. You would be billed for what you used at the spot rate. However that would not be so controlling would it?
  5. So if the 'unaffordable' housing is crap and tiny (as we regularly see newbuilds here & on Rightmove etc), what on earth is the size and quality of the "affordable" stuff?
  6. You forgot the opportunities to rig the game, inside knowledge, corruption and bribes etc. which rolling dice doesn't generally allow.
  7. "something must be done" This at least gives the illusion of action
  8. Is this real money, or fantasy numbers? What did the banks do with this money / fantasy number? Where did the BoE get it from? If Mervyn King called you up tomorrow and offered you a secret loan of £60000000000.00 no strings attached, but don't tell anyone, pay it back in 6 months no questions asked.... what would you do with it?
  9. I never found Borders pleasant. They did have a great selection of weird foreign mags but the ambience was dire.
  10. Yeah cos no one ever menstions that schitt here do they?
  11. I am a great supporter of citizens income or national dividend, as a libertarian free market solution to the social and economic problems outlined here - (and I regard a citizens income as completely replacing pensions, benefits, quango grants, all government aid etc.) However this post above illustrates a curious point. Why should it ne a national, dividend not be a global dividend? Why shouldn't African villagers benefit as much from this scheme as Hull twenty-somethings? Is it an economic argument? If so what? Is it a racist argument? If so what? Or something else? Genuinely curious.
  12. We are not the Nazis. Everything else you say is spot on.
  13. Yes, saw him a few days ago Don't buy from the mint, unless you want to spend £30-£50 on some cardboard packaging. The bullion houses such as Chards, Coininvestdirect, Bairds, should have new Royal Mint coins a lot cheaper then the Mint - they buy in bulk at wholesale rates, and their retail markup is much slimmer.
  14. Have you invited Mandleson onto your yacht yet? How many times?
  15. OK, but you have £5 less; you didnt spend it on some stupid novelty chicken keyring. So the stupif novelty chicken keyting maker loses a sale, loses £5. And so on. Net result = 0 (or, given that there is friction in the system, net result < 0
  16. Would also replace state pensions, and arts councils and business start up grants etc. - anyone wanting to spend all their time doing their art project, or take time off to float a new small business, would be able to on the CI and would not need to get extra money from Quangos.
  17. Why does the pensions company think this is a good investment? Are they complete idiots? Or is it a good scam for them as well?
  18. If you owned the same amount of gold as the Chinese govt, I think that there would be lots of people on Earth rushing to find a way to rescue you.
  19. How does this transfer demand from coin to paper? Surely these fake bars are exactly what are backing the paper certs. Old gold coins can only strengthen in value compared to tungsten-backed certificates? It should be easy to authenticate a gold coin by its ring as others have said here? What noise does a tungsten coin make?
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