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The Arms Race Is Back... With A Twist: Us Congressman Urges Nato To Purchase French Warship Destined For Russia

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The saga of the French Mistral amphibious assault warship which was ordered by Russia years ago, and whose delivery - at least according to Putin - was the reason behind the US record $9 billion DOJ fine of French BNP (which the Russian president called "blackmail" by the US designed to intimidate France and prevent it from completing the transaction) just took a turn for the bizarre.

In a note written in the Atlantic Council's website, Democrat representative for New York's 16th district, Eliot Engel, has proposed that instead of letting France conclude its deal with Russia, now that even the BNP "blackmail" has failed to dent Hollande's intention to see the delivery to its end, that NATO (read the US) should step up and "collectively purchase or lease the warships as a common naval asset."


In other words, with cajoling, threats and even fines failing to make an impression on French weapon delivery intentions, and thus US foreign policy, it is time to start throwing away taxpayer money in order to spoil Putin's party.

An interesting suggestion. I wonder how Putin would react to NATO buying his hardware?

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I think that would make a nice canal narrowboat! I'd rather have nine inch guns than painted buckets!

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Perhaps they could also buy the two white elephants we have built / are building - and the rubbish jets we are going to fly from them.

The US has already bought itself a whole fleet of F-35s, which most people say are rubbish.

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The US has already bought itself a whole fleet of F-35s, which most people say are rubbish.

We have already bought 3 I believe. The one on the QE's ski ramp today was a mock-up. The 3 we habe bought are in the US at the moment - grounded I think because one caught fire about 10 days ago. They keep catching fire and, well, there is such a long list of what is wrong with these aircraft that we had better hope we never go to war with Russia or China.

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We have already bought 3 I believe. The one on the QE's ski ramp today was a mock-up. The 3 we habe bought are in the US at the moment - grounded I think because one caught fire about 10 days ago. They keep catching fire and, well, there is such a long list of what is wrong with these aircraft that we had better hope we never go to war with Russia or China.

russia and china are both atheist.(actually china has the uppe hand in this game..russia has lots of resources,and china needs them...china will at some point double-cross russia if the motherland chooses to throw their hat in with the mad mullahs,,,,,i think russia knows this already so will be a bit cagey about sending too much manpower down there.

and: isreal has a very large russian speaking population,so they won't take so kindly to killing their own.

would be better to broker a deal.

I've said before, greece and cyprus would be better suited to (orthodox,if they can manage it) russian bloc than EU megalomania.

EU needs to stop being so expansionist(and micromanaging) and focus on a "core" of northern europe,without interference from bergoglio/ratzinger etc trying to pull the strings from behind the scenes.even germany knows this at heart.we're still leaving though.Britain and ireland are going across the pond.

more likely russia/china will flatten the mad mullahs first if they get too uppity.they also see rabid religeous fanatics(either chistofascist like blair/bush or islamofascist like i'minajihad) as a threat.

don't really see either of them at this stage wishing to commit their own flesh and blood to die in a cause that is not theirs..they would rather have proxies play the game(with a bit of military hardware assistance but nothing more...useful idiots are expendable)

they would,of course,prefer us to do the dirty work,and then cry foul and impose trade sanctions.

marxist gameplan being sponsor the hardliners on both sides to cause maximum civil unrest and war of attrition..then mop up afterwards.

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