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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by anon

  1. "more formal discussion" we've been doing that for a number of years, member 13,928, now its time to celebrate.
  2. I know your looking for people who support his view, i myself am not one of them im afraid. Whilst there might well be "Good Landlords work very hard to give their tenants a comfortable secure environment" out there, from what i hear these are few and far between. In fact id say that the 'big boys' will be forced to be more accountable to government/tenants given thier size and hense visability. Id rather see an market made up of a few hundred larger groups than tens of thousands of 2 or 3 property landlords. just my opinion of corse.
  3. presently we cant join the euro as our public deficit is too high. ie we couldnt get it even if we wanted too.
  4. I like this idea. but who doesnt feed at the mortgage trough these days? NS&I dont allow isa transferes in so that rules them out.
  5. Is that a spiff in his hand? always thought the guy had to have been smoking something.
  6. Hi, not really a new member dispite my low post count. only posting here to push the thread length from 666 posts to 667:)
  7. Thanks, i was looking at the property addresses, none of which were in southampton.
  8. Am i missing something? what has any of that got to do with southampton?
  9. probably over done yeah, but beware buying first thing on a monday morning, volumes are low and therell probably be a rush to buy causeing a spike. id wait until mid moring myself when any sellers are more likely to be present.
  10. according to ADVFN only 18% of NRK shares are presently out on loan (and hense presumably sold), not really enough to account for the £10 pershare price drop over the last few months. id say most of the drop was caused by real sellers fleeing a shinking ship. http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=ukfinancials&symbol=L^NRK
  11. i watched that treasurey commity webcast where merv was called to account. they had banker type explain how this 10bn squid aution worked. apparently banks bid for the funds available (10bn a time) and have to pay at least 1% above base, ie 6.75%, more if theres a high demand. in addition banks that 'win' the money have to put down securities 'worth' twice (i think 50% security:cash was mentioned) the amount they wished to borrow, and most importantly should the market value of said securities decrease the bank that borrowed the money has to stump up the difference. those terms are enough to dampen my fears at least that the BoE had just rolled over under pressure risking taxpayers money.
  12. Hey, it looks like my job is relocating to newcastle so im trying to do some research on the place beofre i look around. where would you guys say are the 'no go' areas that i should really try to avoid renting a place in? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could answer a couple of questions for me regarding ending of a tenancy. We’ve been renting our current flat for about 3 years and are currently on a rolling contract. I was given to believe that I was required to give 1 months notice before I wished to move out. I contacted the estate agent to tender my notice (today) 6 weeks before the date we wished to move (start of august) to give the landlord a bit of extra time to find a tenant. Three days ago we paid our rent for the next month. The estate agent however has come back to us saying that we still have to pay next months rent as our notice doesn’t take effect until the the start of the next rent period. We expected to only pay 2 weeks worth of rent as is fair. Question: is it standard to demand what is effectively 2 months notice? And if not do I have any legal case to deny the landlord the extra 2 weeks of rent he (or more likely the agent) demand? Thanks in advance.
  14. anyone record this and is able to put it up on youtube?
  15. How come i only every find about about these things 30mins after they finish:(. anyone able to put a recording on the web somewhere so those that missed it can watch? (no luck searching skys web page unfortunatly)
  16. voted (some great comments as well, worth reading, and whilst youre there you might as well vote)
  17. 1) 27 year old male, living in hampshire on 20k pa in a steady non-service related job. got the job and left parental home 3 years ago and have been fine with renting during that time however circumstances have now changed in regard to the place im currently renting. in that 3 years i was able to save over 1 years take home pay as a deposit. Got interested in state of the economy worldwide over a year ago mainly as an off shoot of investing in shares, which lead me here eventually. 2) i dont expect a cataclysmic crash over a short period, however i do expect prices to be yoy negative by this time next year, and a slow but steady decrease for a 5-10 years. 3) the Fed, followed by the Boe/Ecb, allowing hyperinflation in an attempt to errode national debt/pospone a recession. 4)8 (that answer 2 will occur). 5) agree with the OPs 5.75% guessitimate.
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