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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by bartelbe

  1. Pathetic, nowhere near enough to deal with inflation.
  2. The truth is the British education system is a disaster area because we expect too much of it. No politician gets into trouble by opposing education, it is like opposing world peace. So education becomes the swiss army knife of UK politics, the magic solution to all problems. It will fix health, the economy, crime, community cohesion, the lot. Of course schools can't possibly do that, if the community outside the school is a crime ridden sh*thole, with massive anti-social behaviour issues. it is deluded to think that the school can magically fix those problems when the kids step through the school gate. I know a few teachers and the issues they have to put up with in schools with behavioural issues are shocking. Could you imagine going into work, being assaulted so badly by someone you worked with you had to go to A&E and that person just getting a two day suspension? With you expected to work with them after that? Welcome to the world of UK education. A large percentage of our schools have massively behavioural problems and even if you could fix that issue, education still isn't fit for purpose. The idea that every kid is suited to academic education is ludicrous but at the moment vocational and work based alternatives are a joke. Ofsted is there so parents can avoid the schools in which there kids will be used as punching bags by feral children and to be fair the Guardian types who whine about that kind of thing generally send their kids to private schools, so of course they don't care. It is not unreasonable for parents to want to avoid the worse of our crap dysfunctional education system, the trouble is, you need money to do that by buying a house in the right area.
  3. This is the sort of reckless behaviour we got before 2008, the banks are going to implode again.
  4. The spineless fools will use the banking crisis as an excuse to stop rate increases and will allow inflation to run out of control.
  5. No, the regulators in this country are a joke for multiple reasons. They are underfunded and there is a revolving door between the regulator and the companies they are suppose to regulate. Rightwing politicians dislike regulation and appoint light touch leaders to the regulators. They too often rely on self reporting and don't bother to check the organisations they are regulating. Just look at the regulation of the water industry, which is an utter joke and I would be astonished if banking regulation is any better.
  6. And when inflation goes through the roof, what does this clown suggest we do?
  7. We should trust the bankers because? Bet if you asked a banker about the risk of a banking disaster in 2007, they would have given the same line. Maybe they have been honest this time and maybe the regulators have done their job but frankly I wouldn't trust the average banker as far as I could throw them. The numbers always look good, till they don't. We will see how honest they have been this time.
  8. This isn't really a banking crisis, it is a pay crisis. Since the 70's pay in America has been stagnant and a similar process has been at work in Britain since the 90's. This is great for the rich but creates two problems for them. The first is the possibility of the plebs electing governments to end their greed. They neatly got around that by shielding the elderly, who dominate elections, from the worst of the pain. Triple lock, medi-care and similar policies. The second is if you make the majority poorer, you have no market for your products. To fix this, they cranked up the money printing presses. Low interest rates, QE, all trickles down the system into cheap credit to buy that new car, fridge or even a house. With two added bonuses for the rich, they profit off the repayments from this debt and they profit from the asset bubbles inflated by this debt. The problem, which anyone with a basic grasp of mathematics can spot, is you can only load the plebs with ever increasing amounts of debt for so long. At some point it has to be paid back or there has to be a default. This is the situation we are in now and the banking crisis is a symptom of that. Sure they will try their usual trick of printing money to bail out the bankers, it is always socialism for that lot. The problem the elites face, is it is much harder to do that in a world in which inflation is a real threat.
  9. Yeah but who needs an EU passport. I am so glad we gave that up so the boomers could get their worthless blue passports back.
  10. You're right, you can run entire illegal factories in this country and fraud has basically been made legal. Which is hardly a shock when you look at the dodgy chancers giving "donations" to our political parties.
  11. I am so glad we chose to flush our industrial base down the toilet and allow foreign competitors and private equity to asset strip it. Betting everything on the City and services has proved to be such a brilliant move.
  12. Nobody knows, including the useless Bank of England, useless government and more than likely, the bank's own staff. Most of whom are too thick to understand half the products their own bank deals in. As for the auditors, they would give a triple A rating to anything, if they are paid. You might say I am too cynical but look at the situation before 2008. The financial elites are a bunch of f**king morons and can't be trusted.
  13. Offering a room is empty virtue signalling, there are plenty of stories of people who have offered space in their house then got bored/ fed up after 6 months. Throw their migrant out and make it someone else's problem. That is the problem with virtue signallers, immigration is an inter-generational issue. The choices we make now will change the country for generations to come, we need a policy that looks at demographics over decades. Which is something you can't do or even discuss with the virtue signallers.
  14. You're right, the government is pro-open borders but that doesn't mean the small boat issue can be ignored. In the past people like yourself said it is only a few 100 people, it will never get bigger than that. Now it is 10's of thousands of people. Can you guarantee that if we took a more liberal policy, 10's of thousands wouldn't become 100's of thousands. Say we did a Merkel and offered to ferry migrants across the Channels to keep them safe. How many would you expect then? That is problem I have debating with people like yourself, you never give any clear answers. It is just evasion, followed by an ism to shutdown the discussion.
  15. A better price which is never going to come. Doesn't matter how long owners sulk, without lower interest rates, buyers can't afford bubble prices. The only way that they will get bubble prices now, is if wages go up and buyers can afford more expensive mortgages. The problem for sellers, is by the time that happens, years of inflation will have effectively made their house worth less in real terms anyway.
  16. That is how crashes tend to happen, they blowup all at once. The reality is, the problems of 2008 were never solved because the rich loved an economy with stagnant wages and runaway asset prices. So they printed money, crashed interest rates to the floor and blamed the poor for the bankers crash. They got away with this because China was practicing mercantilism, keeping its currency artificially low and selling good cheaply. They played a long game to hollow out Western economies and this held down Western inflation. Now inflation is back, the elite can't simply turn the money printing presses on again. They are f**ked.
  17. So we are only adding a town roughly the size of Reading to our population each year? That on a small, very densely populated island, which already doesn't have enough land to feed itself and can only find enough water by destroying its eco-system. It is utter madness and yet it is impossible to have a rational debate with those who favour open borders about this. They pretend we have infinite resources and then shutdown the debate with cries of racist.
  18. That is what everyone is forgetting, they all think that we can print money and lower interest rates like we are still in an age of low inflation. If those policies cause inflation to take off, they will have to reversed or interest rates ramped higher.
  19. No-one can say if the market will crash now or in 10 years time. All we can tell you is all real estate bubbles collapse eventually. There are a vast number of vested interests in maintaining the housing bubble. Politicians and central bankers are terrified of what happens when it collapses and the state of our rotten economy is exposed. Bankers, estate agents and developers make a vast amount off the bubble and want it supported. The media is stuffed full of BTL landlord journalists and amateur developers, who have a vested interest in talking the market up. The housing market will only collapse when the market fundamentals are too hard to fight. That could be now, inflation hasn't gone away, the useless Bank of England can't simply ignore it and what other central banks are doing. Bankers can't hold down saving rates forever, with base rates this high. Not if they want to keep deposits. Which makes offering low mortgages rates extremely difficult for them. What I am saying, is don't bet against a crash. The bubble relied on very low interest rates and QE, neither of which exist anymore.
  20. I have no time for his site because it censors any discussion of a potential housing crash. Now I get they don't want an advice site to turn into a political flame war but when people are looking for advice about whether they should buy now, it is relevant. Instead the majority on their forum are still encouraging people to buy, like interest rates haven't gone up and prices aren't declining. An advice site which denies economic reality is useless.
  21. The useless Bank of England isn't raising interests because it wants to, it is doing it because it is forced to. Even if the pro bubble incompetents in the Bank of England choose to pause or reduce rates, they need every other central bank to do the same. Otherwise the pound collapses, inflation gets worse and they have to increase rates even further. The establishment can be as pro housing bubble as they like. At the moment they are passengers along for the ride, they can't fight market fundamentals anymore.
  22. More than a decade of f**king austerity, which has screwed working age people, to achieve f**k all. We are back in 2008 again.
  23. Yes but I suspect this could be like the Icelandic banking crisis and Northern Rock. At the time everyone thought they were isolated problems, no-one imagined the whole banking system was rotten and about to collapse. It wouldn't surprise me to find high street banks have been involved in some form of dodgy speculation, which is now coming apart due to higher interest rates.
  24. Importing cheap easily exploitable Labour is a pillar of our failed rotten economic model. It should end but the problem is, the Tories rotten economic policies don't work without an infinite supply of cheap labour. Developed economies like Britain are suppose to compete based on superior productivity, which is driven by investment. Investment in R&D, infrastructure and training. Alas Mogg and his Tory mates represent the interests of asset strippers. He and fools like Truss believe in the light touch regulation and free market free for all. When companies fear they will be asset stripped by private equity or foreign takeovers. They defend themselves by cutting back on investment programs to increase this year's profit, at the cost of future growth. The only way to make the low tech dumb Mogg economic model work, is the import sweatshop labour from poorer countries.
  25. Hah, I just find prodding baby boomers fun, they are so easy to bait. Which is odd because they were all hippies in their youth. You would think they would be more chilled about it.
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