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About byron78

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  1. Well that's me off. I can't be bothered with how many powerfully stupid people there are on this board these days. Farage? He should be in bloody prison tbh. Imagine pushing a nation to self harm with absolutely no (real world) plan to stem the bleeding. The man is scum wrapped in a flag. History is littered with them.
  2. Project Fear has already largely happened. 50K a year+ migrants was the Project Fear prediction (based on how many more immigrants would turn up once we offered a second roll of the asylum seeking dice right on the shores of the EU). Project Unicorn? Not much has come true, has it? Huge wins for the left and the unions, but I know so many farmers and fishermen who have gone under or are going under.
  3. I completely agree the left and the unions have benefited hugely. Michael Foot was right (and FoM definitely did suppress wages for the poor etc). That said, I don't remember anybody selling Brexit on how well it would empower labour forces to strike!
  4. I was told years back - when Bitcoin was heading to 40K+ - it would be the "tulip" asset that would be devalued horribly to help reset all the excess printed cash. Good source as well. Put it on here. Implored folk to get out. Got shouted at. It's collapsed in price since. And the plan is STILL to let crypto soak up excesses and then die having absorbed as many idiots as it can.
  5. I actually think the 50K migrants Brexit has delivered are a huge bonus for far right groups. They don't care the politics they've helped pushed has caused them. All they want to do is hate because it helps distract from their own sad little lives.
  6. This is an astonishing thread. The rush by some to try and blame the people who have lost a very young child is both astonishing and extremely sick tbh. What is wrong with some people?
  7. I'd imagine hundreds of complaints will have gone in. The Russian propaganda swallowing loons who can't yet see Brexit is bloody killing the UK and flooding it with migrants are still fairly plentiful. I do know some who have rowed back (I'm one). But there are still millions of mentalists about. None will be able to name 3 positive Brexit outcomes or even give the most basic examples of what has changed for the better of most Britons either. Idiots. Tiny penised sad little men who can't possibly be wrong (even though they're very clearly wrong now) because their fragile pathetic egos won't let them.
  8. I hate David Cameron. But in hindsight this may have been the only thing he told the truth about (Feb 2016 "Project Fear" issues raised, flagging circa 50K+ asylum seekers very very quickly should we leave the EU). He was spot on. And now I have to sit and wait for all the remedial racists and idiots who told us all this was nonsense to make excuses and pretend it's because of something else and not Brexit. Hate this board. Hate this country right now. Feel we're at least 10 years away from enough idiots dying off or admitting they were wrong. Until then no changing any of this. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/12145781/David-Cameron-warns-of-migrant-camps-in-southern-England-if-Brexit-vote.html
  9. I think you're ever so close, yes. Right now we desperately need a few state owned companies effectively keeping things ticking over and regulating the private markets simply by offering more value and choice. I'm not really sure what the opposition to them in the UK is (other than decades of propaganda and ideology for ideologies sake, of course). They work fantastically well all over the rest of the world (oil and gas market is dominated by them, and those companies really don't seem to be struggling turning a profit or competing against completely private alternatives).
  10. They will drop but they won't crash nearly as hard as some think. Stagnate as much as anything I think. Why? It's different to the last couple of HP crashes. Building figures haven't recovered since 2008 (we haven't been building enough homes). Social housing and council houses aren't an option or even on the horizon for many. These effectively regulated the UK housing market until the 1980s, setting bases for rental prices and land and house values. Effectively subsidised the entire private market. Most private owners didn't/don't realise this or they have simply got addicted to the rampant HPI we've had ever since.
  11. Yes, it's as old as time. People vote Tory to punch down. People forget that down to most Tories is anyone who isn't a big asset holder, giving them buckets of lobbying cash, or didn't go to the same exclusive public schools as us, etc. And you're absolutely right. Most people have no idea regarding the surpluses and excesses out there. All the money this past decade hasn't just disappeared. Nobody is eating it or burning it for warmth. It still exists. It's just trickled up. Yes, some trickles down. But mostly back into asset investments (hence the massive property boom once most of the furlough cash started trickling up etc). House Price Inflation is LITERALLY 95% of trickle down economics in the UK. People get wealthy from their assets being swollen as a result of those of us with cash to invest piling into property. And then they moan about it. And then they vote for a party who promotes trickle down economics and doubles down on the things that have invariably caused the house price inflation issues they like to moan about. Bonus points to them if they can somehow weirdly bleat about "socialism" or "wokeness" being the main issues as well!
  12. Bizarre theory given anyone with assets has got richer than ever this past decade or so. I wouldn't call it a surplus. Well beyond that (an excess, maybe?) I believe the official stats point to a trebling of wealth at the top. There are various feedbacks and loops now that seem to be impoverishing the middle and bottom more and more at these vastly accelerated rates. They surely cannot let this continue much longer. It is killing growth for a start. It's not sustainable. Nor is it desirable for the vast majority of (thinking) people. A lot of that is probably tied up in land values in the UK (where less than 25K people still own over half of the country's available land, of course).
  13. Land prices will have to drop. Simple as that really. I know people who built houses in the mid-90s when the market was rock bottom. You used to make a profit on the 3rd home of every one you built etc. You shouldn't need to replace a huge subsidy to private house builders, especially when it hasn't worked. We still have record low numbers of houses being built that are well below 2008 levels despite HTB. And house prices have soared even further out of reach of first time buyers partly because of it. 1) How to replace it? Easy. A state owned house building company that sells cheaper homes but also trains and teaches youngsters learning a trade. 2) Make it easier and cheaper for anyone to build. Sod the greedy big 3 house building companies right now tbh. The amount of profit and bonuses their CEOs have all grabbed since HTB etc is a bit grim.
  14. It is very hard to take anyone talking about Western propaganda seriously, when Putin and Russia are LITERALLY running around claiming 24/7 that the West is overun with Satanists and Nazis. Especially when Putin has largely funded a lot of that last group...
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