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Gordon Brown To Win A Landslide Election Victory


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Guest vicmac64

they picked Cameron well - he has since proven he is no Tory he is a stooge inplace to ensure Gordo's ret to power.

you only have to look at Camerons credential to understand that he is at best a muppet and at worst a puppet.

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Guest mattsta1964
they picked Cameron well - he has since proven he is no Tory he is a stooge inplace to ensure Gordo's ret to power.

you only have to look at Camerons credential to understand that he is at best a muppet and at worst a puppet.

Cameron has been a disaster.

Old fashioned conservatism has been thrown out with the bathwater and replaced with the new wallpaper paste flavoured version. Sort of Bliar but with an Eton education and a more bouiffant hairdo. Just another shill for the global neo-conservative movement (national socialism without the gas chambers)

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Guest vicmac64
Cameron has been a disaster.

Old fashioned conservatism has been thrown out with the bathwater and replaced with the new wallpaper paste flavoured version. Sort of Bliar but with an Eton education and a more bouiffant hairdo. Just another shill for the global neo-conservative movement (national socialism without the gas chambers)

yeah - in reply to your last statement I can only say 'YET' - it will come given time such is their tyrannical nature.

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Yes the HPI juggernaut is appalling, but to lay this at the door of one man radically misunderstands the nature of global capitalism as it is today.

The architects of the the current housing bubble can be traced back to 2 policy decisions:

1 - The relaxation of tennants protection rights and:-

2 - The deregulation of the financial markets, including mortgage lending controls creating the exponential rise in BTL

Both of these were Tory policy decisions which seemed reasonable at the time but have backfired on the country in a big way. Labour could have reversed either of these at any time in the last 10 years if they really wanted to control this boom but they failed to act so in effect both parties are complicit.

Before these so called reforms, the housing market had a natural inbuilt braking mechanism which was FTB affordability. As soon as prices rose to the limit of FTB affordability, then the whole market slowed until their affordabilty was restored and then prices would rise again. This was because, prior to BTL, everyone, no matter how grand a house they were selling, needed a FTB to support the bottom of their chain. Reflecting on this point, I looked up some old statistics for when I started as an EA in 1992. In that year, 66% of our sales were to genuine owner occupier FTBs. Last year it was 7%. Everyone still needs someone to buy the house at the bottom of their chain. Draw your own conclusions.

Edited by HonestEA
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I'll vote for Brown, better bet than Cameron.

....the theory is let Brown win to face his financial Armageddon which he created...it will also allow the Tories to think again and bring in someone who will take this Nulabour lot out .....however they need to get their image right for the 'chip on the shoulder' brigade.....David Davis should help but he needs to punch harder....... <_<<_<<_<

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....the theory is let Brown win to face his financial Armageddon which he created...it will also allow the Tories to think again and bring in someone who will take this Nulabour lot out .....however they need to get their image right for the 'chip on the shoulder' brigade.....David Davis should help but he needs to punch harder....... <_<<_<<_<

The last thing this country needs is a right wing party, we already have one and it's labour. What we need is a left wing / green party that will put a stop to wars, pollution, greed etc

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The last thing this country needs is a right wing party, we already have one and it's labour. What we need is a left wing / green party that will put a stop to wars, pollution, greed etc

... the right wing leader of the Tories, Neville Chamberlain, tried this in '38.....it did not do him much good....wars are not defined by being right wing.....what you want is a return to something that has never existed....humans are messy and greedy and not very nice to their own kind..... :o:o:o

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Here's a reminder of the kind of leader we used to have:

A lot of people did not like what she did but she got this country back off its backside and onto its feet again, she was a bloody great PM.

We need another one like her I'm afraid to get it back off its backside again after yet another disaster of a labour govt.

She like Blair should have gone a lot sooner than 10 years but christ was she a brilliant politician.

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A lot of people did not like what she did but she got this country back off its backside and onto its feet again, she was a bloody great PM.

We need another one like her I'm afraid to get it back off its backside again after yet another disaster of a labour govt.

She like Blair should have gone a lot sooner than 10 years but christ was she a brilliant politician.

You're welcome to her

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Guest barebear
A lot of people did not like what she did but she got this country back off its backside and onto its feet again, she was a bloody great PM.

We need another one like her I'm afraid to get it back off its backside again after yet another disaster of a labour govt.

She like Blair should have gone a lot sooner than 10 years but christ was she a brilliant politician.

Oh yeah bloody fantastic,she was the one who started this greed thing and **** everyone else in the first place. Remember the miners remember her unneccessary war (|Falklands) remember the ending of double miras and the resulting boom bust.Then years of millions unemployed !

Yeah bloody marvellous.

Thatch the milk snatcher !!

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Guest AuntJess
I would vote for El Gordo.

10 years growth, 10 years full employment, vastly improved schools and hospitals. His record speaks for itself.

Versus that Eton educated Black Wednesday oick David Cameron. Experience? Leadership? Party firmly behind him and together?! Well, none of those things! Haaaar!

It's not even a contest and most people will see it that way. This forum does not represent the general population. If it did I fear we'd be run by the BNP..

No politician in power for 10 years can avoid problems. Thatcher had Black Monday and a subsequent deep recession. All previous PM's had similar or worse problems during their tenures. Gordo's done well. We should be supporting him at this diffcult time!

What a delightfully selective memory you have.

'Full employment' - This makes me laugh. How many people do you think are unemployed at the moment? Under Maggie it was 3m. You think it's any lower now? There has been a marked increase in the number of passengers we are carrying. 2.5m on incapacity versus 700,000 in 1997. Why are there so many more people unable to work???

'Vastly improved schools and hospitals' - Are these the schools where the grades improve year on year but mysteriously we have more kids than ever leaving school who are deficient in English and Maths. If you are in any doubt, ask the employers.

'This forum does not represent the general population' - no it doesn't on the whole but you do. Wake up and see through the bull.

Edited by AuntJess
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Oh yeah bloody fantastic,she was the one who started this greed thing and **** everyone else in the first place. Remember the miners remember her unneccessary war (|Falklands) remember the ending of double miras and the resulting boom bust.Then years of millions unemployed !

Yeah bloody marvellous.

Thatch the milk snatcher !!

Some people seem to forgot the bloody mess Labour left the UK in the 70's when Maggie took over, i never agreed with everything she did but she hauled the country back on its feet. I hate to think what state it would have been in if she had not made the tough decisions she did, at least she stood up to people like Scargill and stood up to the EU. Unlike Blair and Brown whose tough decisions took greed to a whole new level and handed everything over to the EU.

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Some people seem to forgot the bloody mess Labour left the UK in the 70's when Maggie took over, i never agreed with everything she did but she hauled the country back on its feet. I hate to think what state it would have been in if she had not made the tough decisions she did, at least she stood up to people like Scargill and stood up to the EU. Unlike Blair and Brown whose tough decisions took greed to a whole new level and handed everything over to the EU.

If you think paying up to the power workers union so thy would'nt do to her as they did to Ted Heath is standing up to the unions

then you have a very selective memory. People voted for her but were also ashamed to admit it. They did a St Peter and denyed her. You aught to have heard the cocks crowing

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Actually, I saw where Cameron was coming from with his vision. It was an attempt to get back to the one nation cuddly conservatism that got lost somewhere when the party decided to become autistic ultra-liberals in the 80s. Getting Ecologist Editor Zac Goldsmith as a candidate was a masterstroke (the Ecologist is a green magazine that often displays a small-c conservative streak). 'Ecologist Conservatism' pro small business, pro the small supplier, pro the traditional community versus big business combined with calls for lower taxation on the little guy could have been a winner.

Sadly, Cameron has proven utterly inarticulate when outlining this vision and it's come across as a load of blather.

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'Ecologist Conservatism' pro small business, pro the small supplier, pro the traditional community versus big business combined with calls for lower taxation on the little guy could have been a winner.

I think the creepy Malthusian streak that surfaces occasionally makes the skin of paupers like me crawl a bit. The "vision" seems to be "Save the Planet for Our Children", and means exactly that. Their children. Not mine, who they seem to discount as part of the overpopulation problem which they claim will be the death of us all. Especially those hordes of ravening third-worlders, who matter less than polar bears and dolphins, it would seem.

And in my own case the "traditional community" stinks a bit. I couldn't retrofit my family into being my Rt. Noble Neebor The Duke of Earl's serfs.

Mind you, quite fancy having a crack at carving out a modest bit of his fiefdom, maybe half a county or so. Me and my mates' families vs. his. I'd sell tickets to watch.... :lol:

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Oh yeah bloody fantastic,she was the one who started this greed thing and **** everyone else in the first place. Remember the miners remember her unneccessary war (|Falklands) remember the ending of double miras and the resulting boom bust.Then years of millions unemployed !

Yeah bloody marvellous.

Thatch the milk snatcher !!

...that's a bit "chip on the shoulder" stuff stating she started the 'greed' thing....humans have always been greedy.....have you not noticed.....?......the Falkands as recently hinted is sitting on a large off-shore oilfield..... and did as many as one in five survive on benefits then..........?

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Oh yeah bloody fantastic,she was the one who started this greed thing and **** everyone else in the first place. Remember the miners remember her unneccessary war (|Falklands) remember the ending of double miras and the resulting boom bust.Then years of millions unemployed !

Yeah bloody marvellous.

Thatch the milk snatcher !!

I think it was Reagan started the whole greed is good thang! Thatcher was just well on board with it.

And as for the Falklands being unneccessary??? Granted she could easily have prevented it by listening to well placed advice but are seriously saying YOU would have abandoned British Citizens to the mercy of a hostile foreign power? How despicable would that be?

Personally I think the blame lies with the 1966 defense white paper that cancelled a new series of fleet carriers. The signal there to the world was clear - without fleet carriers Britian could not hope to project airpower overseas and so could, and would not, be able to defend her colonies.

That white paper was indeed the work of a LABOUR government.

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Tripled the debt burden, sold gold at lows, raided pensions, lying about inflation etc

That sentence sums up the last ten years under Labour. People are not bothered about the debt burden tripling as long as they can continue to keep borrowing and living beyond their means. Hardly anyone is aware that Gordon Brown sold the gold reserves at the lowest possible price.

Most people don't really care about pensions because they will only take effect in the distant future. Try telling them that their 'Pension Decision' is one of the most important financial decisions of their life and they just laugh or shrug their shoulders. Try telling them about the gravity of the current global economic situation and you will get a reply such as "I'm trying not to think about such things".

Most people think that that inflation is around 3% - unbelievable.

The thing that beggars belief is that Gordon Brown has a reputation for being a 'prudent chancellor'. Are people really that thick?

Why do they keep so quiet on the matter?

I think that it's because the Tories would do the same, or very similar, things. A true opposition would be on the lines of the Mrs Thatcher Conservatives of the late 70's and early 80's. She knew exactly how to expose and deal with a debt/inflation crises before she turned to the 'inflationary dark side' in the mid 1980's.

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A true opposition would be on the lines of the Mrs Thatcher Conservatives of the late 70's and early 80's. She knew exactly how to expose and deal with a debt/inflation crises before she turned to the 'inflationary dark side' in the mid 1980's.

Exactly we need someone who will grip this by the balls and handle it. They don't make leaders like they used to.

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Cameron has been a disaster.

Old fashioned conservatism has been thrown out with the bathwater and replaced with the new wallpaper paste flavoured version. Sort of Bliar but with an Eton education and a more bouiffant hairdo. Just another shill for the global neo-conservative movement (national socialism without the gas chambers)

That's an insult to national socialism. At least they built autobahns - no PPI malarky there. And no fannying about in their occupation policies either! :o

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