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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by ex-MEWer

  1. Many think a cut is likely in October. 2005 all over again? :angry:
  2. Barclays have upped their stake from 19.1m to 21.1m - an interesting little move
  3. Oooooh thought a $720 spike was nailed on, but THEY piled in to knock it back :angry:
  4. The GBP surely won't be so thick as not to realise Brown has slimed out just in time? Hmmm then again, maybe they will
  5. Sarcasm and irony never translate well onto forums, do they? There's always someone out there who doesn't get it
  6. An alternative spin on this is it's shocking just how much money is sloshing around in the UK! HPC? Hmmmm
  7. be very careful, goldfinger. many miners are exposed by ridiculous hedge positions they bought sometimes ages ago and which could bite them big time. interesting to see the friday afternoon selloff in ny happening again. useful way to ramp your holdings if you have the balls.
  8. don't forget the made up quotes attributed to people who never said any such thing
  9. i'm sure he did. methinks he makes up an awful lot of the stuff he posts, sad bugger. but shouldn't be allowed imo. some people might actually believe him.
  10. errr please show me where this quote is from.
  11. That's not a bad question, actually. But I can't see GBP/USD moving that much as to cancel out the long-term bull market that gold is going to be in (imvho of course!)
  12. Funny that - Bmouth is where I was referring to in my earlier post about lack of desirable rental properties!
  13. If more and more people rent then there will be more competition for desirable rental properties I'm coming up to the end of my 12 month lease and had a poke around to see what may be out there and good ones are thin on the ground. One I went to see was snapped up the same day. Landlords and agents won't be slow to notice this and I can see rents going up :angry: edit: Should add this is in stark contrast to 12 months ago when there were many more desirableproperties on offer
  14. Agreed. The alleged seasonal summer doldrums may be about to end .... The big supplementary question though is what will GBP/USD be?
  15. Who is Nadeem Walayat? A superficially seductive article as it probably reinforces a lot of people's own views on here, but I have no idea who the author is so I'm not going overboard about it.
  16. In my experience this sort of stuff happens all the time. It lets them correct recruitment errors.
  17. STILL no mention of this on the Beeb website Beginning to think the conspiracy theorists about the Beeb and VI's might actually have a point
  18. Loved this reply! "You worked as a temporary worker for 18 years, then blame the poles (who work harder) for taking your excuse of a Job. Why are you such an ignorant peasant? As for going to their country you can. Its within the EU afterall. However being essential sub working class and therefore educationally challenged you probably don't realise this. Carry on stuffing yourself with junk food, booze ans smoking cigerattes, whilst reading a copy of the Sun. God forbid you get off your backside and better yourself."
  19. Funny that, eh? Must still be a few Beeb editorial staff still trying to sell before the crash.
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