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Everything posted by ABN

  1. Perhaps he was taught by Realistbear or are they indeed related?
  2. http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/documents/dow...qanda290506.pdfFrom page 2 So that £200 PER DAY
  3. Tell that to the people of Rye who now live 2 miles inland.http://www.visitrye.co.uk/EN/rye_history.php
  4. Think it must be an age thing. When I started to buy my HOME 30 odd years ago it never even crossed my mind to worry about whether its value would increase, remain static or even fall. All I knew was that I wanted a place that I could call HOME safe in the knowledge, although the mortgage was more than I would have to pay in rent, that in 25 years time I would have no rent or mortgage money outlay each and every month. And that is the case, now have a HOME of an unknown and irrelevant value that is rent and mortgage free. The longer you leave starting the longer it will be before you can also be comfortable in FREE accommodation. I do wonder whether the bears are just to scared of commitment and incapable of thinking long term.
  5. Bad move ... very very bad move. To do something as important as that based on the ramblings of unknown random people on an internet site is total lunacy. Surely you must have realised just from reading {un}RealisticBears part/miss quoted threads attempting to VI spin things like a 1 point drop in the FTSE to be a major crash but ignoring any 100 point gains, that the majority on this site have got the heads so far up their own ar$e that they can no longer see he truth. You won't get a balanced outlook here ... but to late now ...
  6. I think it was a very good artical and summed up the average bear on this site very nicely. A load of WHINGERS. Like the artical sooo much going to read it again whilst thinking of you load of whinging spoilt brats
  7. Thanks for clearing that point up. Thought I had heard something along those lines but nice to see it in print. However how the hell can it work? Does it mean that ANYONE with savings still gets the 10% rate if they know to claim it. Or does it mean that only those with NO other income what so ever, so that includes pensions no matter how small, benefits for what ever, which rules out 99.99% of the population will not be able to get the 10% (a bit like the non existent zero carbon emission homes). Very very confusing.
  8. did I see a flying pig go past the window?Don't beleive everything your told ...
  9. me agrees.Best advice for the OP is go to a different pub me thinks. But come to think of it maybe he spends too much time driving to the pub in his BMW, drinking and listening to pop music on his iPod which is why he can't by a house in the first place. Bah the must have it all NOW generation really are a sad bunch of loosers. Bring back conscription that will sort them out.
  10. Where's all the old posts. Trying to do some searching to see the change of sentiment and other things and this is the oldest thread I could find. JUST TWO MONTHS All decent forums I know off keep their history. Why doesn't this forum ?????????????????
  11. To get the thread back off topic I admit I’m white and very old fashioned British and like the way of life I had when I was a youngster. I’m not against immigration per say and am in fact married to a Muslim lady (well she says she’s a lady) but what does annoy me about the immigrants is not so much the immigrants but the bloody do gooders and the over PC brigade. Which is why we get things like http://www.worldaffairsboard.com/showthread.php?p=290750 Guy Fawkes has been banned by council bosses in east London - and replaced with a Bengali folk tale. Councils banning the use of Christmas Trees in case it upsets non Christians The Lady who was not allowed to wear a crucifix These are the things that upset me, the taking away of our traditions and identity for fear of upsetting the minority groups. Take away the Pcers and live by the rule “when in Rome do as the Romans do” and things would be a lot better.
  12. yup one step ahead ... in fact one very very large step ahead since the members here have been calling the crash for some 4 yreas now. My what forsight we have
  13. For those who would like to see a spreadsheet with ALL the info, selling price, last sold price, %BMV etc then you can get it here SpreadSheet Its towards the end of the thread. You will need to be quick though as it links to another site which the mods don't like so the link, although given in the best interests of the members, may well be deleted. Such is the paranoia here
  14. http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...73&hl=cabin
  15. I see that each and every morning your still trying to convince Mrs Realistbear that STRing was the right thing to do and that your in control and the master of your destiny. Giving you a hard time is she? (or not as the case may be )
  16. What is the point of this pathetic thread. Lets face it every generation has had problems to face. The boomers parents had the war and rationing, we had 25% inflation and 15% interest rates. The current generation, on this site at least, are just a bunch of whiners who feel sorry for themselves cause they believe they can’t just jump onto the middle rung of the property ladder whilst still leading their oh so comfortable lives. But why oh why are you even trying to blame the likes of CO when we are just joe public which have little to no say in the way that the country is run which has brought about YOUR perceived injustice. Blame Blare and brown all you like but who voted them in? If you can spare the time to stop crying on your mothers shoulder to look you may notice that the majority of the voting population is below the boomers age. Hence your problems are of your own making. So if you spent as much time trying to do something constructive as you did moaning and feeling SOOOOOO hard done by, perhaps you would be in more control of your lives.
  17. yet yesterday yo postedhttp://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...showtopic=36777 and Your posts really are a waste of the electricity it takes to display them
  18. exactly and I wonder how many poor str's and waiters have lost a fortune or even missed the boat due to his ridiculous ott spinning of any and every little bit of bearish news.I wonder if he ever actually thinks about the consequence of his posts. Would keep me awake at night with pains of guilt
  19. Why oh why do you ALWAYS have to add those silly footnotes
  20. Yes butAoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe
  21. woot good to see at least one member talking sense/reason rather than just jumping on all and every tinsy winsy little stat that suits their purpose. Would have pressed the thanks button but there an't one here
  22. Had a dept of £150 on a Washing Machine brought with Hire Purchase back in 1971 but nothing since then
  23. 4 people renting off the HSBC on an IO mortgage ... does that not make it a HMO with all the regs that apply .... hmmz
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