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Everything posted by Locke

  1. What bastards, sorry that you have to deal with such people. I don't think it's worth any price to have them as your landlord and I would want to find somewhere else regardless. Do you have direct contact with the landlord? Perhaps he is not aware they have done his during this particularly difficult time.
  2. With leverage, all their non-AirBnb property is likely up for grabs as well.
  3. They have to give you at least 2 month's notice. If it becomes periodic, they also have to allow any months you have paid for (e.g. you pay on the 15th of every month, they serve on the 30th of April, they can only demand you move out on 15th July) If you don't terminate the contract, it automatically moves to a rolling AST. I would just string them along. I believe the situation will be different in the next couple of moths anyway.
  4. Quite. Not sure there will be much to loot soon though. That's interesting. Could it be that having come out of WWI and the Spanish flu epidemic had an impact?
  5. Do you think there is a human life years cost associated with destroying an economy?
  6. You must have a strong stomach. I would have pulled out at the beginning of March.
  7. Wow, is Hideo Kojima on the Dev team? Same place Bernanke, Yellen, Powell, Draghi, and Lagarde get it.
  8. When I was reading through the Shelter website, the biggest consequence of not issuing one seems to be being unable to issue a valid section 21, which is irrelevant in this case. If it is inspected and found to be unsafe, I expect there would be some major consequences.
  9. There's some fun reading in here https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=178284241&page=1
  10. Wasn't the main point of the film that even though he was right, he almost lost everything because the whole system was rigged?
  11. If I were an IO BTL, the second S24 became official, I would be out of there like a shot. So it makes sense that the only LL left in the game were the ones too stupid or arrogant to get out once this all had the signs of going South on them, which is why they are displaying the behaviour they currently are.
  12. All the themes point to it being an unprotected deposit- Romanian tenant, no photos, demanding extra on top of the deposit. He probably doesn't even have a rental agreement. The landlord also had a duty to give him a gas safety certificate, a "how to rent" guide and an EPC for the property. Sounds like it's quite possible he won't have declared the rental income to HMRC. Very worth following up and reporting if your mate wants to make the guy's life difficult.
  13. Houses depreciate and especially so when unoccupied. They may get a margin call from their lender. How many landlords do you think have no mortgage? I think this idea that mortgage and property holders can hold on through collapses is false, but has been supported by the money cannons in 2000, 2008 and 2012.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/sep/23/empty-homes-in-england-up-by-11000-last-year-study-shows On top of this, families are far more spread out far more than they used to be, so everyone is taking up more home on average. Therefore, people could be taking up less home per person if need be. The reason is ZIRP and HTB. This problem being the existence of planning permission. A government led housing programme (which we ALREADY HAVE, IDIOT) will simply lead to fewer, lower quality houses being built. That is the bottom line and if you disagree, you absolutely despise poor people.
  15. 1. The UK has no housing shortage 2. The new builds are the shitty dumpy shitholes and the older buildings make up the nice stock. This is evidence that there is more than enough housing in this country.
  16. The problem is systemic to democracy and Statism generally. What fundamentally defines a State is its claim to the exclusive moral right to initiate violence against innocent people. A democracy simply means that the largest voting interest group in a population is the one to wield that cudgel against everyone else. It does not affect whether it is Right to do so. For example, even within the "net taxpayer" group, there are people who would benefit more from government intervention and these would have the incentive to vote for changes at the other "net taxpayers'" expense. The only equitable solution is to apply the same rules of morality across the board. No one has the right to assault innocent people, including thugs in sexy blue uniforms.
  17. To whom? Debt has a price and granted it is a very low price at the moment, but that situation is not guaranteed to last. At some point, people will decide they just want to live their lives and will take the haircut on their capital. At that point, even people with supposedly bottomless pockets such as pension funds will have to cash out too. Spyguy would probably be able to shed light on why.
  18. If they don't have a job and don't foresee getting one (perfectly reasonable), then they are simply pushing back their day of reckoning - except they will be in a worse position then with less savings or more debt. References are meaningless now. Most renters will not be able to continue to pay their rent and so "I didn't pay rent" won't really be a black mark. Same as after 2008, having defaulted on a mortgage wasn't such a bad thing as before.
  19. https://archive.is/lhQI7 What I don't understand is why the tenants are bothering to pay rent at all. If there are no jobs and they expect there to be no jobs in 3 months, what have they lost getting evicted 6 months down the line, if that is even possible?
  20. Do you think the banks and HMRC are just going to forget about their share?
  21. Data protection would be a massive problem here and I don't think it is moral to sell private citizens' data via the government.
  22. What is the law regarding the tenants' responsibilities? I know of someone who is reporting their landlord for not having an HMO licence in place on their property and obviously not paying taxes. They reckon they will get 6 months' rent back, but I would be concerned about legal blowback on them. Wasn't there some rumbling about tenants having a legal duty to ensure their landlord pays taxes?
  23. Lol apparently all it takes for people to surrender their liberty is are NHS
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