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Everything posted by AffordableHousing

  1. The Icelandic prime minister, is whipping all their snow munchers up into a 'lava'. Blaming Britain for all it's current woes. Nothing like having a nice scapegoat at hand to blame. After GB has got all our cash back, we'd be better off having nothing to do with them. They are soon going to run out of goods in their supermarkets, except fish and snow. That'll be a laugh, we'll have more food over here in a few branches of Iceland supermarkets than all the supermarkets in Iceland. I won't go to Iceland till they have decended into canibalism and have all eaten themselves to death. It would be a nice place then. They are NOT going to like us for at least a generation, so SOD them. Let them starve like they did in Ireland.
  2. Oh, the KUDOS. The KUDOS of having posting on House Price Crash in 20 years time with KUDOS interest will be absolutely astronomical. Especially those who invested their 'one line drivel' pre 2007, a better rate of KUDOS interest. AS IF in 20 years time, anyone but some self important **sser will care less. Pumping up the KUDOS points, while Rome burnt. With the over valuation some here place upon themselves, you won't get through what's coming up soon. Many of you will be dead in 20 years. You just won't survive, no matter how much cash and youth you have on your side, not with the current mentality I've seen on this site. Shape up people, you'll be taring the soles of your trainers off and poping them in the microwave for a meal sooner than you think.
  3. Football, isn't worth a toss. I'd sooner see the entire football league slide down the pan. Then of cause you would have hundreds of thousands of blokes who like hanging around other blokes with nothing to do on a sat afternoon. Pubs with large widescreen TV's would put on some Euro football type program and these homosexuals would again feel at ease surrounded by their fellow man. Making sure when they staggered out to the toilet they didn't make the biggest mistake of all, that of washing their hands infront of their mates, incase they thought they were "nonces". Good riddance West Ham, good riddance football, traditional outlet for male homosexuality. Time they all got to grips with it, and overcome it. Rather than WALLOW in it in self deluded ignorance.
  4. Quote: "I just invested £20,000 in a 6 month bond with them on Thursday". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The name of this Chelsea BS product being???????????. THEY DON'T DO A 6 MONTH BOND. I went in on Wednesday myself, and asked them for a 6 month bond. The least they do is a 1 year bond called a "1 Year Autumn Fixed Rate Bond" paying 6.6%. Where on the Chelsea BS site is there any mention of a 6 month bond. or even a 180 day notice account. http://www.thechelsea.co.uk/index.html It doesn't exist.
  5. Quote; "If the UK were to join the EURO it would be the most highly traded and reserved currency by 2020...... that's opinion from the Fed not me". Which is why William Jefferson Clinton and subsequently bush, told bliar he could NOT join up to the Euro currency. The USA didn't want britain to join up back when the rest of the EU did. It would have made the EURO too strong a currency, too much of a rival to the US dollar. We would have got between 1.60 to 1.64 Euros to the pound back when it came out. Now, due to bliar and brown and every stupid liebour voter we'll end up getting 1 Euro to 1 Pound within 12 months when the Pound Sterling slides down the pan.. Brown has with his "rescue" plan effectively devalued the Pound by 20%. Nobody will want the Pound. We'll end up with the Euro.
  6. Quote: "Isnt it more likely that such rumours are started by people trying to influence gold prices." yea, exactly right, the original post is more useless twaddle about gold, misinformation and scaremongering from Jim Willie CB, aka "The Golden Jackass" or whatever he calls himself on HPC. Don't you HPC people ever learn. Gold is rubbish, there is 160,000 tons of the cr@p around the World. It costs on average less than $300 to process one try ounce and currently sells to MUGS at $900 an ounce. A bit like at the moment, buying up a new build flat in the UK for £300,000 when it only costs £100,000 to build. No-one is daft enough to do that now, why even think about it with this yellow metal pyramid scam. Oh cause shysters on HPC say so!
  7. The rate cut??? What, the Bank Of England (BOE) Monetary Policy Commission (MPC) , that is... the INDEPENDENT BOE MPC have cut the base rate!!!. They did this on Thursday 9th October 2008 did they????. When they all sat down for this INDEPENDENT BOE MPC meeting to decide the UK base rate. STOP THE PRESS, just come in. Apparently, The prime minister of britain, the president of the united states and the EU toerag all got together and set a 1/2 % base cut drop in Britain the USA and the EU and other such places on Wednesday 8th Oct 2008. And EVERBODY since has GLOSSED over the complete LACK of INDEPENDENCE that the bank Of England was supposed to have. Brown tells darling, It's all been fixed up, bush has told me we are having a 1/2 base cut allong with the USA and EU. Tell mervyn King to "Announce a base rate cut" and everyone will stick their heads in the sand to the TOTAL LIE of the BOE's independence. An "Emergency" rate cut. That EVERYONE under the sun, still says the Bank of England came out with. Yea, bush tells brown, brown tells darling, darling tells king, and king releases the 1/2% USELESS, inflationary base rate cut. All in aid to "Avoid" a "Possible" recession. Talk about denial. We're in a DEPRESSION. Iceland is bankrupt. The UK won't be far behind and will take up the Euro currency as our own. Quite soon. Who else but a complete moron would have expected the banking shysters to pass on the rate cut, only a few cap in hand HM gov suck ups have. The UK is finished.
  8. Quote. "Avoid the Euro above all--IMO its going back to parity with the US$." C*ck and utter C*ck. The only parity around here soon will be the Pound against the Euro. The Pound has slipped to a five year low against the $. and is slipping against the Euro. Even by X-mas we could have parity with the Euro. When it gets below 1.10 Euro to the Pound, the sheeple will PANIC.
  9. Quote: "None will leave. Noone will be ALLOWED to leave. The UK will be forced into the euro in the next 10 years". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's the UK that is going down the pan. All the Billions of Pounds that will get printed up, is going to be DEFLATIONARY, it WILL devalue the Pound. So much so, against the Euro, it will be at parity within 12 months, even sooner than that, you see, And you can be certain in our hour of need, the yanks will sit on the fence as they did in WWII and our old friends Germany will put the BOOT in.. Nothing will halt the slide of the Pound Sterling especially when it gets bellow 1.10 Euro's to the Pound. Then people WILL panic and buy into the EURO. Even though the liebour Gov have made it really hard to open a Euro account down the high st, It's all postal and internet crap. many people will cash in their pounds before it gets to 1.00 to 1.00. Which won't be very long. It's slid from a high st rate of 1.25 a few days ago, down to 1.21 today. It will keep slipping. The rest of the EU lot know we are buggered. Rising inflation and higher unemployment will do us. It'll be like the stabbing to death of Julius Caesar when the the rest of the EU turn on us.. From an initial rate of 1.60 to 1.64 Euro's to the Pound WHICH WE WOULD HAVE GOT right at the start with the rest of the cronies when they took up the Euro currency. Now we'll go cap in hand on our knees, to take up the EURO. Getting 1 Euro to the Pound, an utter, utter **** up by liebour. In answer to the original question. no-ones going to leave, you'll find Iceland may join up to stay afloat in the short term, And the UK most certainly will take up the Euro currency by default. If only to stop the pound being worth less than a Euro.
  10. "If You Were A Mafia Boss And Investors/bankers Lost Your Money, What would you do to them"? If anyone here doesn't realise that the Mafia DIVERSIFIED well over 75 years ago INTO banking then they are a bit thick. They brought up LAS VAGAS, Newspapers, TV companies, Film companies, Political parties. Senetors, Governors, Mayors, Police chiefs, Fast food empires, Hospitals, Cigarette manufacturers, Unions, The docks. Whatever made a nice decent profit, they invested their dirty money.. Plowing their DRUG, RACKETEERING, GAMBLING, PROSTITUTION money over the years into 'legit' companies. It's why some companies do better than others. Why some get taken over by others. Gome on people, this romantic image of the Mafia, cultivated by the film studio's and TV companies they brought into, really has watered down the mentality of some folk around here. What they do is for themselves, not you or I. They are the evil of our World, our ENEMY. Time to rip down that poster of scarface off your walls, wise up, and see them for what they are.
  11. "I'd love the Express to go bust....and the Scum". I would too. The Express is absolutely vile. The 'greatest newspaper in the world' are they on drugs or something!. They are the biggest scaremongering shysters of the lot. I'd sooner see the entire fascist lot of them go, one by one. All those journo's being laid off. Scuttling round all the regional evening newspapers far and wide, having to relocate if they are lucky enough to find a job. Have no sympathy for these people, they are our ENEMY. As are ESTATE AGENTS, BANKS, POLITICIANS, the POLICE, the list is many. In answer to the question The most likely Newspaper About To Go 'Bust' could well be the Daily Sport followed by the Sun.
  12. A general response to main topic heading. I just can't see why the banks and Building Socs can't allow the house buyer to pay them the going RENTAL value for the time being instead of what in many cases around twice the amount in mortgage payments or even more. The monthly amount would be taken off the outstanding capital and would at least be something flowing back into their coffers. Even some kind of state aid would have been preferable for the time being. Pumping the money in at the end where it is most beneficial to Joe Blow than at the top end. It's the hard @rsed cold hearted approach that the american banks have shown to their citizens that is mainly the cause of the whole global mess. And the UK ones are not much better. Throwing their @rses out on the street wasn't the best thing to do. Keeping the home repossesions down to a minimum is the best senario, EVEN NOW after 1 million US home repossessions and at least an estimated 2 million more in the pipework. Since the only senario is either to A)Sell the property, which nobody wants unless it is dirt cheap, driving the house values down, causing more negative equity and more people just handing their keys in. B)Rent the bloody thing out, which isn't all that common, they might have well allowed the current occupant to carry on paying the going rate for the time being. C) Leave the place empty and unoccupied. Which isn't bringing in any money at all, and there would be an ongoing expence in doing that. Kicking them out on their face and floging it off really hasn't worked. Or does anyone really think it has?? yea it's worked a treat hasn't it. No 2nd World Depression is sight is there. But there is though isn't there. Being TOO hard, can end up causing HARDSHIP all around What's happening in the US in WD2 by the US Gov isn't much different to what the Nazi's did to the Jews and unfortunates in WW2. Piles of personal posessions, this time being thrown into the back of dump truck containers, (Can't you see the piles of round rimmed specticles) as seen on the recent post 'Foreclosure Alley' clip at http://corgiguy.gohds.net/?ch= People being left to starve, rot by the roadside and freeze to death in the back of cramped motor vehicles, guess they can't affort a wooden hut. Whilst the properties may be made of bricks and mortor the people inside them (or used to be!) are of flesh and blood. Now there will be plenty of blood on the streets, things are going to get really NASTY, later on, you see. The upcoming 'Rivers of blood'... may end up containing YOUR 8 pints and all the other pintage in YOUR household. Then I'll laugh at all the hard heartedness. . .
  13. Gold is sh**e. You've got well over 160,000 tonnes of the crap around the World. With about 2500 more tonnes of the rubbish being dug up and processed every year. At an average production cost of less than $300 bucks a troy ounce. Have we got that. NOT $850 an ounce but less than $300 an ounce. SO IT ISN'T WORTH $850 an ounce unless you are a SUCKER. And daft enough to pay over the odds for yellow metal bricks as silly sods did for house bricks. Don't people ever learn!!!!. All they are doing is shifting the $300 buck gold from where they make it, over to your local gold bullion dealer and they flog it on to you for it's current PUMPED UP price. All the way along, greasy toe rags making their cut out of it. Especially the gold bullion dealer. nice little earner for them. especially if they take it back off you when you get into a bit of a wobble, You can always buy some more back off them, paying them a nice premium. They PUMP the prices up, then DRIVE it down. The people who lose out arn't the dealers they profit every time it is brought or sold by them. It's some mug punter. HELLO.... Gold is a CON. but newspaper articles are saying people are buying up gold, so RUSH RUSH RUSH and buy up all the gold you can Quick, before the price goes up. Once a sucker always a sucker.
  14. "Must be something wrong with a country where dogs are illegal though?" A certain 'Undir' on yahoo comments. It is NOT illegal to have a pet dog in Iceland! If you live in a town/city in Iceland you need to register your dog, pay for a permission for having a dog and have your dog go through a health check once per year. (THAT is a good idea). If you live in an apartment building where you share parts of the building (commonly entrance, stairs, corridors) you need your neighbours' concent for having a dog, since the dog will be going through that common property daily. So there you have it. The Icelandics DO have dogs, with what is happening to them now they'll come in handy, boiled meat of dog on their geothermal cookers with a nice slab of snow on a plate for afters. They may well have geothermal energy BUT it isn't as though they are going to export it anywhere!. Their MAIN business is BANKING. Not such a good place to have most of your eggs in at the moment, and the forseable future. Therefore they are buggered. They won't have so much cockiness in them soon, they're going down, and hard.
  15. Yes. They do like acronyms and abbreviations on this forum. The more they can cram into a post the more KUDOS they think they have. With their flunky pals. Moreso that the kudos of having posted hundreds and hundreds of posts, (most of which if looked at are but a few words at most, a line or two of micky mouse chit chat). Nothing of any great Originality or worth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indeed, looks like we are heading into a World wide depression which may end up being refered to as WDII or more likely World Depression 2 (WD2). People are lazy! even that extra 'I' may well be too much for them. WD2 looks more snazzy for these young Playstation (PS2) types. WD2 on a PS2 just $39.99. It's all that hardship & suffering we are going to go through and/or witness with our own eyes, cause of our useless governments. I'd say for a good long Ten years. It's only just beginning for us in the UK. Just as what is regarded as WWII started at different times for different countries, 2 extra years for some until they heard the BUGAL CALL!!. This time it looks as though it's the other way around. Looking at the youtube video clips of american house foreclosures and the poor sods living in the backs of their cars, I'd say for those people, they are already in the second depression.
  16. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP. Scaremongering crap. You're spending too much time on those cranky yank web sites sucking in the crap of Jim Willie CB, aka "The Golden Jackass" and his BS, and spouting it out...I wonder why? "This from a friend in Atlanta with strong banking connections: "Reliable word that Bank of America branch managers just received a letter or memo from the USFed instructing them blah, blah". This from the trash collector of the the mail man of the guy who once sat down in a bar somewhere next to this other guy with big feet who listened to a Jim Morrison record or a letter or memo brought from a garage sale down the block to the little old lady on Jackson St East 32nd St in downtown Atlanta. I know her so well. There are shed loads of cranks and nuts all over america who would shoot themselves in the @rse for $100 bucks. "A great many commentators have speculated that a bank freeze is imminent". WHO?. WHO? Jim Willie CB aka "The Golden Jackass". Never trust a yank, they are and have always been 'the traitor'. Errol = Jim Willie CB ....... sussed!!. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. This advert is only displayed to non-members. To turn off this advert, become a member and login. Membership is free and you won't find a better informed property forum anywhere on the web. You can be sure that there will be a base rate cut in Dec 2008, as their was in Dec 2007. Then all the bosses turn round to their workers and say, "It's ok, the interest rates are coming down, you won't need such a pay rise for next year". Some newspaper will swear blind they have been told it'll be down another 1/2 % within months of the new year. Workers and unions will get conned into excepting peanuts. Between now and then they should leave the 5% base rate where it is, anyways if it gets too close to the ECB's 4.25% base rate the cash will flow out of the UK by the billions. With even more going over to Ireland and all the utility companies putting up costs. It's mainly all the house buying @rs*holes who have mortgages that want a rate cut, keeping their silly fingers crossed that their masters, the banks, will throw them a few crumbs under the table. It's all these poxy house buyers that have ballsed up the economy in the first place, wanting to leave their offspring some property...... *@stards. Leave them Syphlis instead, it's a whole lot cheeper!
  18. Yea, these american types must really be hurting. Getting hit in the wallet like this. That's what hurts them the most. Losing money. Throwing peoples lives into the back of a dump truck container. And we're still on the outside of the next World depression, it's hardly just started. All those ZOMBIE movies they like to make, 'that's them that is', next year sometime. Scavaging around for flesh to eat on landfill sites.
  19. The original piece, well written if a bit too long has the BALLS to talk about all the riff raff who were allowed to buy some of these places. liebour riff raff, specially imported and bred for their liebour vote, to live in and cultivate poverty. The homebred northern type riff raff, council estate riff raff, all over the place riff raff have been equally brought into the World for this purpose. Just that they are too lazy arsed to move onto spreading even more of their decay elsewhere when and where it is required by the disease of liebour. Ken Livingstone, he's to blame here as well, don't forget that weazel. To create an IMPOVERISHED society engulfed by criminality and filth. The best breeding ground for the evil of liebour and their corrupt lot. Thats where the tories slipped up in the 90's... sucking in far too much wealth for their money grabbing cronies, leaving a breeding ground for liebour. What do liebour care about the mess they are responsible for, in 2010 they will be gone for a long, long time, which is why they gave up on us ages ago. Like the **itty **sed criminal gangs and sub tennents of some of these Thamesmead properties, liebour have made their money, had a free ride at our expence, left a **it load of mess on the carpet, moved on and left it for others to clean up. To have to live in Thamesmead for ten years is a terrible prospect. That woman has been betrayed by those entrusted with our wellbeing, we all have been betrayed by the biggest lie of all...the lie of liebour. It isn't just about the ill's that befall us, it is about those that are responsible for it as well. Bring on the 2008 WINTER OF DISCONTENT, then we can really sock it to them, right straight in their teeth.
  20. Quote: Professor James D. Cox, an expert on securities law and accounting at Duke School of Law said “Letting the firms police themselves made sense to me because I didn’t think the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) had the staff and wherewithal to impose its own standards and I foolishly thought the market would impose its own self-discipline. We’ve all learned a terrible lesson,” he added. Self-discipline and the american http://www.dack.com/images/weblog/fat-pig-porn.jpg Especially when it comes to money, really Professor, have you lived in america for very long or have you just got off the boat!!. Looks like this Securities and Exchange Commission is very similar to our own Financial Services Authority (FSA) here in the UK. In that they are both guilty of GROSS NEGLECT, you only have to look at Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley to see that. What useless utter idiots. experts = overpaid idiots. Just drag an idiot off the street for nothing, you'll save packets of money all round. Subsequently, both the US and UK governments are to blame for the mess we're in. Other than the weather and the cricket scores the goverment of the day is to blame for the failings. I blame the bush government and the american people for the current global meltdown. They are to blame.
  21. I'm glad the Icelantic banks are in trouble. I've wanted to travel and spend a few months there for ages and see the sights but even at todays 3rd Oct 2008 rates of 198 Icelandic Krona (ISK) to the Pound up from the mid 120's in Oct 2007 the accommodation and everything else is STILL FAR too expensive. They value themselves, their wares and their economy far too much. Now we're not only getting a correction in the value of property in the housing markets around the World, this is scaling itself up to a correction in the value of entire Countries. What will happen to the people of the Republic of Iceland..... after all these years of over valuing themselves.... to be honest they will come face to face with their true value in the World. (ie, not much up from a Greenlandic, with their domain being just that bit closer to get to). 600 Icelandic Krona to the Pound, that's about just nice. At 1/3rd their current overblown overvaluation I'll pay them a visit... roll out the red carpet! If only to see the landscape and see how impoverished so many of them will have become,(which I wouldn't particularly revel in...too much). Icelandic people, START clearing out your spare room now ready for the Christmas holiday period. Even if you don't need the money your counrty DOES. Do it for your country. Oh and don't charge much either, cause like the cost of your fish, it really isn't worth it in todays economy, however nice it is!! we can do without it. You know what your age old tradition was for dealing with the unwanted, feeble minded, decrepit and old folk..... you lot en-mass are just right on the edge of that. You all Wandered off all those many years ago, made a go of it, but right now things are really turning out for the worse. You might not get through this one.
  22. This advert is only displayed to non-members. To turn off this advert, become a member and login. Membership is free and you won't find a better informed property forum anywhere on the web. That's typical of germany... they have absolutely NO sense of right and wrong. None at all. I bet many of their 'money men' under the carefull eye and helping hand of their goverment have a hit list of all the European commerce that they want to get their greedy immoral hands on, if only these foreign business's wither away and demise. They won't help out unless they end up with an even bigger slice of the EU pie.
  23. Putting a bit of meat on the bone, to a National story that has been overlooked quite a bit. Deliberately downplayed. Cheshire BS facts: taken from http://www.thecheshire.co.uk/about-us/ches...hires-facts.htm + wikipedia. The 11th largest Society in the UK. with Asset share to Apr 2008 at.. £4,976m 42 branches and 13 Cheshire Estate Agencies. the latter being a a real money earner! Oh and this bit made me laugh. "Committed to remaining mutual and continuing to serve customers nationwide from its regional base" Shouldnt that NOW be continuing to serve Nationwide customers from its regional base" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derbyshire Building Society... 9th largest Society in the UK. with Asset share to Apr 2008 at.. £7,094m 50 branches. So there you have it. Total ecenomic meltdown. All the componant atoms melding into one. Talk about the 'crunch'. This is proof of it.
  24. The National Grid and the utility cronies will put the prices up ESPECIALLY if the UK's base rate is lowered. If our lot are daft enough to drop our base rate All that extra couple of quid in mortgage payers pockets, (if the rate drop was passed on!) would soon be sucked in by these Shysters. Leaving non mortgage payers, even more out of pocket. A long term let in South of Spain over the Winter looks even more attractive for those with no ties and the cash to do it. It's been very cold just this week alone. Mind you, then you'd miss out on our 2008 WINTER OF DISCONTENT. Oh yes, it's a coming!!!. We've had enough.
  25. Quote: "I saw a house that I was genuinely interested in. In fact, it was as good as I could possibly have wanted. The price was still reasonably high, but was 30% lower than similar ones in the area. It would have been a 60% deposit, and a mortgage of <1.5 times our joint income. Very manageable all around. I asked for a viewing and got no reply, so I followed it up with an email, then a telephone call, then another email, all politely asking them for a viewing. They did get back to me with details of some other properties, so they clearly did get my emails. Now the house is not longer listed, and presumable sold STC. Bastards Why am I telling you this? Don't know, but I just like slagging off EAs" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What these nasty Estate Agent types do, is convince old folk and other simple minded people to sell their property at a bargain price. The Estate Agent ****ards then get their cronie business cronies to snap the deal up ASAP. Deliberately putting off genuine buyers in the meen time by not returning calls, e-mails etc. Some Estate Agents especially, PREY upon single, old folks with no dependents. Ones wanting to sell up and move into care homes. The Estate Agents laugh their socks off when some old biddy comes round one rainy morning in a taxi. Rubbing their hands together. It does happen, and happen quite a lot when these Estate Agent ****ards think they can get away with it. I asked some ex estate agent bloke at work, and he said other estate agents in the locality would soon spot this and kick up fuss. Yea, right, like they all sit around going through every transaction other Estate Agent shysters make. Unless they had previously gone round, had a look inside and valued the place, they wouldn't know, what the place was like. Oh, it needed a complete refit and rewired and everything they spread around. Other local Estate shysters wouldn't spill the beans cause now and again THEY are up to the same bloody thing. Taking advantage of the public to line their greedy s*****y pockets. Like top Athelets taking STEROIDS just to stay competative. Plenty of Shyster Estate Agents get up to criminality and justify it to themselves by saying "If we don't we'll go out of business". Some of the ones who do go out of business, a small amount, were infact decent honest ones. In times like these We may end up with the Scum of the Scum. Though we may well of started off with the Scum of the Scum in the first place. I don't pity them going bust. I like it, sod them!.
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