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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by JustAnotherProle

  1. Want to survive the coming financial and social armageddon?...look no further than Capt Dave: http://www.survival-center.com/
  2. Its gets worse...even GMTV this morning during the news said words to the effect of " now we are headed for a recession blah blah" It's a done deal!
  3. PIcture #13 - It has to the local crack house/knocking shop.
  4. Havent you heard? informing the authorities regarding other citizens financial irregularities is the new frisbee or hula-hoop....have you shopped someone today?
  5. What I find really hard to grasp is that Annies boss doesn't look at her articles and promptly sack her, it's nothing but absolute dross, this is the Times for darwins sake! This article can be summed up as a long boring monument to ill informed drivel with a large proportion of the article seemingly dedicated to ramping the "Sandbanks house", why doesn't Annie just become an Estate Agent and save us from her waffle? 1/10 Annie ..yet again.
  6. Isnt it just cheaper to pay the £200 fine for not using HIPS?
  7. "Here Randal, come on now just one more BTL investment..."
  8. 3 bedroom house £775,000 £650,000 DOWN 16% 252 days on the market!
  9. Ahh Kirsty...lets see her throw a strop like the madam she is: http://www.thedailygoss.com/gossip/ooooh...t!/0002022/ I wonder why she is under so much stress?..must be hard being hate figure for a generation of the priced out eh Krusty?
  10. "Vorderman urged to stop adverts for loan company" http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2006/may/0...ebt.advertising At least some people have had enough of Vordy and her disgusting debt ramping agenda! I think im going to order about 2,000 of those packs! Let them eat cake eh Carol? greedy + souless. oh and there is more: http://www.skeptics.org.uk/commentary_disp...05-06#vorderman
  11. I think we should encourage as many people as possible to ask for these packs..at £3 a go we could make them spend a huge amount of money for no return!
  12. Hello and welcome to the UK! Unfortunately the natives are understandably upset about the unregulated influx of migrant workers, so you will have to forgive us as it is rather hard to be tolerant when multiculturism has been forced upon us. Enjoy the benefits by the way, you may as well make the most of it as they wont be around for anyone much longer!
  13. As Shakespeare put it...or would have Im sure: "This day is called the feast of bearfood: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of house price crash. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is HPC day:' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars. And say 'These wounds I had on HPC day.' Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember with advantages What feats he did that day: then shall our names. Familiar in his mouth as household words Eric Pebbles, Paddles and FP, Cgnao and Goldfinger, Ponzi and Injin, Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd. This story shall the good man teach his son; And HPC day shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his equity with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon HPC day"
  14. Free SUV with house: http://www.thedailygreen.com/green-homes/e...centives-460214 Expect to see this in the UK more often Oh Dear...
  15. There has never been a better time to invest in undertaking and funeral service companies , but now, buy now etc
  16. In order to perpetuate abuse against the populus through erosion of civil liberties and other acts of obvious treason you must invent a undetermined enemy or a perpetual warfare as a vehicle for this, in this case the "terrorist" is the scapegoat and will allow those in a goverment position to justify any law they see fit to force upon you, after all, if you start to question the erosion of your freedoms then you surely must side with the terrorists, the phrase " If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is a good example of this mindset. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_war
  17. I think its more likely to be due to the financial climate rather than the average FTB suddenly realising what a rip off houses have become. If the 100-125% loans were out there...they would still be buying in droves.
  18. My favourite had to be " A fistful of travellers cheques"...
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