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House Price Crash Forum

dances with sheeple

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Everything posted by dances with sheeple

  1. I suppose forces, RAF and Army anyway have always provided "married quarters" and suchlike, I know RAF with wife/family on long postings got basically a free house on an estate that you would be mortgaged up for 25 years to buy now.
  2. Yes, she thought the Y.O.P scheme, and later the (slightly) enhanced Y.T.S scheme would cover it, LOL, no wonder people hated her with a passion!
  3. They are joining up willingly, that is different to conscription, maybe they are against conscription even if they personally want to join?
  4. Or somehow link it to a "discount" on property when borrowing mortgage debt, that would probably get numbers up?
  5. Is there a Chines version of HPC, or do the PTB not like things like that?
  6. The FED is going to hold as long as possible, and the markets are going to poop the bed IMO, there is more potential inflation coming from the geo-political situation now. LOL to see people saying "Get in, buy now" as even councils start going pop!
  7. You mean downward pressure? Another rate rise would certainly focus minds though, LOL.
  8. So the bubble could burst if the market gets it "wrong"?
  9. That`s it, recent London buyers are basically f*ucked, buyers from years ago will just have their bottom lip sticking out for a while as prices correct back to some form of reality.
  10. Less London bubble Money (Equity) floating about, so more Londoners are realising that they won`t be cashing in and buying three properties in "The North". Good news IMO, stats like these are worth watching (obviously there might be other ways to interpret this) because people milking the mega London bubble caused mini-bubbles up and down the country.
  11. That is suits on financial media, not "The World", someone on Bloomberg tonight was babbling about "getting down to 3.5%" and "12% returns from the stock market", or something like that, they are addicted to milking the sheeple and don`t want their money donkey to walk out of the stable.
  12. Yes, and targeting shipping routes could be seen as an easy way to make a statement about certain military actions that are going on just now, as well as disrupting the supply chains of those seen to be supporting it, but where this might escalate is if military escorts are put in place to protect shipping, that could open a real pandora`s box of geopolitical stress?
  13. Yes, very troubling... "This impacts every link in the supply chain... and will only increase the chances of critical products not making their destinations in time for Christmas," he added."
  14. https://www.wsj.com/economy/housing/uk-house-prices-fell-sharply-in-december-b52588e1 All these renting till you die clutching a candle in a bare room stories are just mortgage ads, borrowing is way down and will go down more, sit back grab a cold one and watch the show.
  15. Both did it because it was something they loved, the money is a by product of a process they enjoyed with people they enjoyed being with, that is what they say in interviews anyway, I see it the same as why is a very rich writer with multiple millions still writing, why is a rock star with multiple millions still performing? They must just enjoy doing the thing that also made them rich/famous?
  16. I think a lot of people will be coming off fixes starting next year? If rates stay at 5% or thereabouts through next year a sense of doom and panic will set in, the BOE will just follow the FED, the FED doesn`t want to drop rates and get caught in another inflation surge, that would make them look incredibly stupid. It might be better for HPC if they did drop rates and get caught out, having to hike again, but I don`t think they will cut unless the wheels are really coming off the economy, we are nowhere near that yet, people are still spending and they will go for it over Christmas with whatever they have left on the plastic IMO. For a lot of the UK public the hangover is something you worry about later, that is why rate rises have not had the effect they would have had 30 years ago, where the effect would probably have been more immediate. People have far too much access to different lines of credit now to just put the brakes on the economy overnight.
  17. People are buying into the rate cuts narrative, and everyone likes to think that their house is special somehow.
  18. Lift off could be any time really. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/repo-market-spikes-conjure-memories-122304897.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXVtc25ldC5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ4oKl831E5Srk23zPjgFsAaPKgD8rUR6js-Di9_TXVZ0yBM_pS3jcGVIMQA-t31GXHM00IzBk03XCdZdmqnKX_WjnJjKksX-
  19. Asking prices are just a measure of how bonkers the public are at any given moment. https://www.plumplot.co.uk/South-East-property-transactions.html
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