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Rothschilds Under The Radar.


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Guest portwinestain
Yeah amazing. Tell you what, try and write 2012 without ending up with boggle ZION. If you can, l'll let you into a 12th tier inner sanctum secret.

Back on topic, wasn't it the Rothschildes that owned more than half the worlds entire wealth at one point. They have tapestries illustrating all the various mega castles/mansions/manors they have dotted around the western world. To go from that to £500m is either over egging the modesty by a few orders of magnitude or they are completely shite at speculation now they can't get their information any faster than the next insider trader.

Here's another one. What 2012 or Zion has to do with 2008 beats me.


Edited by Bear-lite
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Guest portwinestain
Yeah amazing. Tell you what, try and write 2012 without ending up with boggle ZION. If you can, l'll let you into a 12th tier inner sanctum secret.

Back on topic, wasn't it the Rothschildes that owned more than half the worlds entire wealth at one point. They have tapestries illustrating all the various mega castles/mansions/manors they have dotted around the western world. To go from that to £500m is either over egging the modesty by a few orders of magnitude or they are completely shite at speculation now they can't get their information any faster than the next insider trader.

Here's another one. What 2012 or Zion has to do with 2008 beats me.


@ dredgeworker lol. Hah! I knew it.

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Wonder about closer to home. Who owns the BoE, and why do they do what they do?

That's no great mystery; the Bank of England is owned by the British government. It was nationalised in 1946 and all the private clients were told to get lost (supposedly!)

The Fed on the other hand is NOT owned by Federal Government of the USA despite the deliberately deceptive name. Article I section 10 of the US constitution says "No state shall ...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts..." which means it would be illegal for the US government to print banknotes as money, so they have contracted it out to a private organisation called the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. (There are Feds in many cities but the important one is in New York.)

But who owns the Fed?

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The fed is owned by:

1. The Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seif of Italy

4. Kuhn Loeb and Warburg of Germany

5. Goldman Sachs

6. The Rothschild-controlled Rockefeller interests of New York (eg Chase Manhattan)

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Guest portwinestain

And America is owned by the Crown (UK)



"Americans were fooled into believing that the legal Crown Colonies

comprising New England were independent nation states, but they never were

nor are today. They were and still are Colonies of the Crown Temple, through

letters patent and charters, who have no legal authority to be independent

from the Rule and Order of the Crown Temple. A legal State is a Crown Temple


"Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The Crown

Temple owns America through the deception of those who have worn their

allegiance by oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers and their

Middle Templar Attorneys rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful

taxes, and ,contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all

strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but 'legal', Orders, Rules

and Codes of the Crown Temple Courts Our so-called 'judiciary' in America.

This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to

all of North America."

Seven Middle Inn Templars who had pledged an oath of allegiance to the Crown

Temple (including Alexander Hamilton) were among the members of the

Constitutional Convention who signed the completed 'American Constitution'.

How symbolic it is that copies of the American Constitution and the

Declaration of Independence hang on the wall of the library of the Middle

Temple in London. After all, they were the force behind both of them.

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Hi Oracle : )....er no, lol, never heard of it.


David Icke and his license to print money?

Aliens coming out of tunnels? deary me

Here's something for free:




R.I.P Rik Clay


Nah, I go with the "Lisa Simpson giving head" theory myself :lol:

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Guest vicmac64
The fed is owned by:

1. The Rothschilds of London and Berlin

2. Lazard Brothers of Paris

3. Israel Moses Seif of Italy

4. Kuhn Loeb and Warburg of Germany

5. Goldman Sachs

6. The Rothschild-controlled Rockefeller interests of New York (eg Chase Manhattan)

And Tony Blair is a servant of 'Goldman Sachs'

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Rothschild bought the Bank of England in 1815, he got news early of the victory at Waterloo by carrier pigeon - spead a rumour that the battle was lost - the share price collapsed and he bought it up at 1p on the pound.

The Rothschilds then owned it throughout the glory days of the British Empire up to 1945.

The govenor Josiah Stamp was supposedly the second richest man in England in the 1920's - the Rothschild's the owners were as always invisible.

It would seem that owning the central Bank of the world power for a century or more would put one in an untouchable financial position more powerful than nations.

Rothschild is quoted as saying " I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

In 1945 the government supposedly nationalised it.

I suspect it was too pricey and the Rothschilds too powerful and a deal was done - but who really knows?

I have read somewhere I have no link there are 1200 shares held by private anonymous individuals.

There are quite a few consipacy vids on the Bankers and the huge power the hold.

1. they decide who they will lend to which is an enormous power when nearly all enterprises need credit and they thus control the direction of society.

2. Politicians are bought - is it a coinicidence that Tony Blair has a multi million pound a year job with Goldman Sachs?

3. Some of the people in the most powerful positions in the USA are former Goldman Sachs employees, including Hank Paulson a former chairman.

4. The federal reserve is a private bank - who owns it? supposedly a few American banks have shares interestly those are the banks that seem to be immune to this ongoing financial debacle again Goldmans springs to mind.

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Rothschild bought the Bank of England in 1815, he got news early of the victory at Waterloo by carrier pigeon - spead a rumour that the battle was lost - the share price collapsed and he bought it up at 1p on the pound.

The Rothschilds then owned it throughout the glory days of the British Empire up to 1945.

The govenor Josiah Stamp was supposedly the second richest man in England in the 1920's - the Rothschild's the owners were as always invisible.

It would seem that owning the central Bank of the world power for a century or more would put one in an untouchable financial position more powerful than nations.

Rothschild is quoted as saying " I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

In 1945 the government supposedly nationalised it.

I suspect it was too pricey and the Rothschilds too powerful and a deal was done - but who really knows?

I have read somewhere I have no link there are 1200 shares held by private anonymous individuals.

There are quite a few consipacy vids on the Bankers and the huge power the hold.

1. they decide who they will lend to which is an enormous power when nearly all enterprises need credit and they thus control the direction of society.

2. Politicians are bought - is it a coinicidence that Tony Blair has a multi million pound a year job with Goldman Sachs?

3. Some of the people in the most powerful positions in the USA are former Goldman Sachs employees, including Hank Paulson a former chairman.

4. The federal reserve is a private bank - who owns it? supposedly a few American banks have shares interestly those are the banks that seem to be immune to this ongoing financial debacle again Goldmans springs to mind.

"In 1945 the government supposedly nationalised it."

"I have read somewhere..."

"There are quite a few consipacy vids..."

can you please at least get your facts right?

Tony Blair works for JP Morgan NOT Goldman Sachs.

I looked into the Waterloo thing and as far as I can tell it is a myth - there are various variations of it. Your one is one I've not heard before. The canonical version is that he made a lot of money by buying up shares on the cheap when everyone else thought Napoleon had won.

Edited by JimmyMac
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"In 1945 the government supposedly nationalised it."

"I have read somewhere..."

"There are quite a few consipacy vids..."

can you please at least get your facts right?

Tony Blair works for JP Morgan NOT Goldman Sachs.

I looked into the Waterloo thing and as far as I can tell it is a myth - there are various variations of it. Your one is one I've not heard before. The canonical version is that he made a lot of money by buying up shares on the cheap when everyone else thought Napoleon had won.

Is JP Morgan a Fed shareholder?

Yes - the inaccuracy does not alter the point.

As you say it may all be rubbish.

I dont think we can really know.

Fractional Reserve Banking does put too much power in the hands of bankers and it is well known that power corrupts.

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The Rothschild family are worth a bit more than 500million. Try £500 billion as a lower end estimate. Although of course with people like that its not really how much they have, wealth is merely a distasteful bauble. It's what they own that counts - and they own everything that counts.

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I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

Thomas Jefferson

He seems he agrees with Rothschild in that the power to issue money is a power of such force it is potencially tyranical and exceeds the powers of Kings and governments.

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How can they be so under the radar and have so much control, how can they be involved in a sector that is failing and totally unscathed unless of course they knew what was going on from the start.

No need for conspiracy theories here. Maybe they just had more sense than to pile in to the bubble. Or got out in time.

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I have a friend who works for rothschild and says they are totally unaffected by any of this in there investment banking division.

I also read the following.

Since her marriage, de Rothschild, 48, has been based in London. Her 71-year-old husband is head of the merchant bank NM Rothschild and his family has a fortune of £500m. (It's probably far more than £500m, the Rothschilds like to play down their wealth and so minimise the extent of their political power. Ed)

£500 million fortune for a banking family over 200 years old this cannot be real?

The greatest trick the devil ever played is convincing people he doesnt exist.

There entire family fortune is stated less than that paulson got in GS shares.

I do believe it is a sinister world, controled by the elite.

How can they be so under the radar and have so much control, how can they be involved in a sector that is failing and totally unscathed unless of course they knew what was going on from the start.

Next thing you'll be telling me Project MKULTRA was real. Or Operation Snow White, The Tuskegee Experiment, or even Operation Ajax actually happened, or that WMD actually exist! Nutjob!

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