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Why Nufascist Is Here To Stay

Guest UK Debt Slave

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Guest UK Debt Slave

Despite the rantings of malcontents and libertarians, there's still a possibility Nufascist will win the GE next year, even though they are the most hated and reviled government for many many people. And what do the tories have to offer? It's a bit of a blank manifesto isn't it? I don't have a clue what a Cameron government will look like but I'm fairly sure it will be pretty toothless in the face o what is going on right now.

But even Cameron gets elected, what's the world going to look lik in a couple years time?

Well, it looks like the G20 is coming of age. It is quickly developing into a one world government. I'm convinced the economic crisis was deliberately planned as a precursor to this. Governments love crises and they engineered this one.

A lot of these ghastly NuFascist traitors, liars, parasites and scumbags are going to end up working either in the European Parliament or for the G20. There are already rumours that the sociopath Broon is lining himself up as a 'statesman' for the G20, hence the ludicrous award he received last week and it looks as though $hitty Shriti Vadera is heading over to the G20 early to feather Broon's new nest.

The Lisbon Treaty will almost certainly be ratified. If Ireland votes NO again, the full monty of economic weapons will be brought to bear and they will vote again and again until they say yes (or until Ireland is a smoking ruin)

As well as hundreds of hundereds of deselected Nufascist MPs getting cushy jobs in Europe, it's very possible the satanist reptile Bliar will be elected as 'your new president'

How nice! ;)

Looks like the UK parliament is to be reduced to a sideshow but the NuFascist scum who have destroyed our country will still be in power via the EU Soviet or the adolescent G20

Your thoughts folks?

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Labour will not win the next election. Really. I'm in the happy camp of not giving a toss who wins the next election - they're all shyte. Consequently, I am not pray to paranoid delusions...

+1. the economy is going to kill the next lot too.

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Haveing a world government probably would be a good thing.............in theory

However in practice it would be run by politicians who have constantly throughout the world and constantly throughout history, have proved they ar'nt up to the job, and pretty much just in it for personal gain.

The smaller the goverment the better. Then at least that way, the f*ck ups will be smaller.

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One World Government...impossible....look at anywhere where two religions meet...there is always conflict....one side thinks its better or deserves more than the other, or one side feels put down and needs to stand up.

we already have World Government...just not ONE World Government...as there are many many worlds.

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One World Government...impossible....look at anywhere where two religions meet...there is always conflict....one side thinks its better or deserves more than the other, or one side feels put down and needs to stand up.

we already have World Government...just not ONE World Government...as there are many many worlds.

Yes, but Britain has unilaterally revoked its own nationhood by subservience to the EU lawmakers and through multiculturalism- which sees Britain as merely an area of land on which many disparate unallied groups vie for power, position and riches. Anyone opposing multiculturalism or the EU superstate is labelled a "nationalist" by the Guardianistas; "nationalist" is then equated to Fascist SS Nazi far-right BNP blah blah blah. For Britain to get out of this nose-dive, Guardianista political correctness must be consigned to history, and patriotism and nationalism allowed to flourish once again. Welsh and Scots nationalism is perfectly acceptable; policies are in place to protect the jobs and homes of indigenous celts, why is it then unacceptable in England? Because of multicult brainwashing and PC.

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Yes, but Britain has unilaterally revoked its own nationhood by subservience to the EU lawmakers and through multiculturalism- which sees Britain as merely an area of land on which many disparate unallied groups vie for power, position and riches. Anyone opposing multiculturalism or the EU superstate is labelled a "nationalist" by the Guardianistas; "nationalist" is then equated to Fascist SS Nazi far-right BNP blah blah blah. For Britain to get out of this nose-dive, Guardianista political correctness must be consigned to history, and patriotism and nationalism allowed to flourish once again. Welsh and Scots nationalism is perfectly acceptable; policies are in place to protect the jobs and homes of indigenous celts, why is it then unacceptable in England? Because of multicult brainwashing and PC.

well, nulab may have done whatever it is you say....the people havent. and you cant rule people without consent for very long.

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One World Government...impossible....look at anywhere where two religions meet...there is always conflict....one side thinks its better or deserves more than the other, or one side feels put down and needs to stand up.

we already have World Government...just not ONE World Government...as there are many many worlds.

I was expaling this to two muslim scholars a bit back, they fly around the world teaching Islam.

I said because there is more than one faith and that atheists and agnostics have the same rights to their opinion then laws must disscount religion and be above it.

They can still live their lives religiously, but when a religious rule conflits with a higher law (forced marriage for instance) then the law must take precidence becuase they are in place to serve everyone.

They begrudgingly agreed................. which was nice :)

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My predictions:

Labour will not win the next election.

The Conservatives will win but there will hardly any noticeable changes.

Why? You can pretty much throw a blanket over the centre ground these days. Going back to the beginning of "New Labour" I speculated that you could swap John Major and Tony Blair as leaders of the two parties and no one would notice the difference in policies.

The only difference is that the Conservatives have been out of power so have not been to blame while Labour comprehensively cocked it up... but I don't think there would have been any real differences on Iraq / Afganistan / Bank Regulation / House Price Inflation / MP's expenses / EEC / Immigration / Taxation over the last 11 years.

Noting important is going to change. It's just like the Premiership - either Man U or Chelsea will win it - is that supposed to be exciting?

(I put that picture of GB up to remind me what a prat he is. It's starting to annoy me so much I think I'll have to change it. I'm sure that's why I mainly lurk rather than post these days!)

Edited by pepsi
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Labour will not win the next election. Really. I'm in the happy camp of not giving a toss who wins the next election - they're all shyte. Consequently, I am not pray to paranoid delusions...

yes but I think the point that UKDS is trying to make is that even if you flush them out of Westminter, there will still be plenty of Nu Labour Turds controlling your life from the EU, the UN and other international gov't organisations.

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well, nulab may have done whatever it is you say....the people havent. and you cant rule people without consent for very long.
… iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses.
- Juvenal (the original, not ours)

or to paraphrase -

"The people who have sold their suffrage to nobody have given up their duties. They used to hand out all political power and high office, but now they just sit on their hands waiting anxiously for just two things, handouts and entertainment."

You can rule the people without consent for as long as you like without much difficulty. What is harder to do is to rule against the will of the people, but for that to happen the people must have a will.

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Despite the rantings of malcontents and libertarians, there's still a possibility Nufascist will win the GE next year, even though they are the most hated and reviled government for many many people. And what do the tories have to offer?

They aren't "the most hated and reviled government for many many people".

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The Tory wing of the Nufascist party will probably win. On all the major issues the Tory positions are the same as Labour. Mass immigration, justice, education, political correctness, free trade, industrial policy, global warming, Afghanistan, health care, outsourcing, property, EU etc..

I guess it is usual for nations to have sort of a national consensus on political direction.. but it seems like the path the UK is coming to a dead end.

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- Juvenal (the original, not ours)

or to paraphrase -

"The people who have sold their suffrage to nobody have given up their duties. They used to hand out all political power and high office, but now they just sit on their hands waiting anxiously for just two things, handouts and entertainment."

You can rule the people without consent for as long as you like without much difficulty. What is harder to do is to rule against the will of the people, but for that to happen the people must have a will.

very good, and our governments get this glorious state of indifference by giving things to the voter, like jobs for life index linked pensions and a growing economy with massive wealth in the houses they bought.

this is all coming to an abrupt end.

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Blair is not a satanist, but a mere catholic i think - don't give him anymore credit than he's already had.

If only we could be governed by a true Satanist - life would be a lot better.

No more pussyfooting around pretending to be "good".

And the parties would be better with Satanism.

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To the question of what is the conservatives policies. I think they are too scared to actually anounce them as the Liebour scum will steal them.

As to whether it will make much difference. I will give them a chance for one term, if things arent going in the right direction then I will be voting for and campaiging for BNP.

Edited by Johnny Storm
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Caught a bit of the ireland lisbon thingy on Pravda the other night. The Beeb described those who are against it in Ireland as 'dissidents', presumably for daring to have a different opinion. Also saw the exec of Ryanair blabbing on about it. The argument for joining seems to be one of blackmail - vote no and we'll take away your jobs. (although we might do that anyway)

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Yes, but Britain has unilaterally revoked its own nationhood by subservience to the EU lawmakers and through multiculturalism- which sees Britain as merely an area of land on which many disparate unallied groups vie for power, position and riches. Anyone opposing multiculturalism or the EU superstate is labelled a....

Well isn't it?

I have never deluded myself that this is "my" country in any real sense. My bit is approximately 2o yards x 30 yards.

I guess my "vieing" has not been particularly efective.

The EU. Some group has lost it's private feifdom and wants it back. I hope they don't get it, I would rather be ruled from abroad.

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