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Watching Boomers In Turmoil Is Worth A Recession


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1929crash, please get you own quotes right. Mrs Thatcher was quite clear:

"I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation."

Prime minister Margaret Thatcher, talking to Women's Own magazine, October 31 1987

That, (my) generation put her into power with a modest majority in 1979 is clear.I seem to remember a decade later her staunchest supporters being those a people who had grown up ten years later and were motivated by the greed ethic.Personally I never voted for any of her governments and have only voted Tory in local elections on the basis of candidate not party.

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I have lived through three recessions, had negative equity, worked 14 hours seven days a week at three different jobs....didnt buy anything I couldnt afford...no credit cards/overdrafts or loans....makes me puke when you hear the whingebags on this website........I could give you example after example of the attitude of the kind of people that moan....basically just wanting everything handed on a plate.....

I find it hilarious that this generation slags off those who they parented! wow.

Idiots come in all sexes, shapes, sizes and ages.

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Guest pioneer31

well, I enjoyed it.



For the children of the Baby Boomers, there is a special delight in watching the world economy shake itself to pieces like a two-dollar pram at this particular moment. Our elders, who bought prosperity and nice pensions at our expense and pulled the ripcords on their “Freedom 55” parachutes without leaving any behind in the passenger cabin, are getting it in the neck just when they thought a secure old age, with money for travel and expensive pastimes, was a safe bet. I’m willing to watch my meagre savings suffer from market turmoil in exchange for contemplating the dilemma of those who are now between 55 and 65.

These are people who started their working lives at a time when labour unions were strong, taxpayers outnumbered retirees nearly 10 to one, housing was as cheap as borscht and the basic personal exemption covered most of a living wage. They congratulated themselves on building an elaborate “social safety net” at the expense of their children. Their great numbers have allowed their preferences and superstitions to dominate culture and media. They’re the ones who burned through tonnes of pot and then launched a War on Drugs when they grew bored with it; they drove mighty-bowelled Mustangs and Thunderbirds in their youth, and only started worrying about the environment when they no longer needed a capacious backseat to fornicate in; they espoused and took full advantage of sexual liberation, but were safely hors de combat by the time AIDS reared its head. The first time I see one shopping for dog food, I doubt I’ll be able to suppress a laugh.


What ********

Dry rot worked it's way into your head?

Vote labour you whinging, useless, green-with-envy ****!

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Guest AuntJess
This is the stupidest argument I have seen on here for a while.

The immorality of the boomer generation is shown up not just by the behaviour of the boomers over the last 12 years, bit over the past 4 decades. And it's been encouraged by Tory governments - you know, "There's no such thing as society."

Come on Aunt Jess, at least let's have some honesty and integrity in your arguments.

I wonder you can utter those words without them burning your mouth. Let's have a little less vitriole towards a part of society you obviously only know very little of. Led by the nose by a 'hack' who coined this stupid label, and all the feeble-minded, envious inadequates jumped on the bandwagon. <_<

And you call others "sheeple" :lol::lol:

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For the children of the Baby Boomers, there is a special delight in watching the world economy shake itself to pieces like a two-dollar pram at this particular moment. Our elders, who bought prosperity and nice pensions at our expense and pulled the ripcords on their “Freedom 55” parachutes without leaving any behind in the passenger cabin, are getting it in the neck just when they thought a secure old age, with money for travel and expensive pastimes, was a safe bet. I’m willing to watch my meagre savings suffer from market turmoil in exchange for contemplating the dilemma of those who are now between 55 and 65.

These are people who started their working lives at a time when labour unions were strong, taxpayers outnumbered retirees nearly 10 to one, housing was as cheap as borscht and the basic personal exemption covered most of a living wage. They congratulated themselves on building an elaborate “social safety net” at the expense of their children. Their great numbers have allowed their preferences and superstitions to dominate culture and media. They’re the ones who burned through tonnes of pot and then launched a War on Drugs when they grew bored with it; they drove mighty-bowelled Mustangs and Thunderbirds in their youth, and only started worrying about the environment when they no longer needed a capacious backseat to fornicate in; they espoused and took full advantage of sexual liberation, but were safely hors de combat by the time AIDS reared its head. The first time I see one shopping for dog food, I doubt I’ll be able to suppress a laugh.


Be careful - the green eyed monster is devouring you. Look to your own problem before relishing those of others, nasty man.

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Lets face it, younger people tend to hate their parents generation the most. Most people of any age hate those who have more than them. People of most age groups tend to see their target 'hate' objects wherever they go, therefore a young person who hates their parents generation will easily spot an older person with a flash car who appears to have lots of money and it will stick and grow in their minds. Following the average d*ckwads pattern of thought behaviour, this will progress to blaming thier object of hate for everything that is wrong in their lives.

When I was younger, all landlords were greedy fat old farts over the age of 50 and we hated them with a passion. These were the people who ran businesses and refused to give us jobs that we were well qualified for. However the reality was, that these people were only a minority of their age group. \

The question is, do your parents have a lot of BTL, big pensions lined up, live in large houses and have lots of loot to spare? If so you are in line for one hell of an inherritence and probably already had a good life with good education, foreign holidays and your own bedroom even. If not then, if all so-called boomers had a free ride then why aren't your parents rich by default.

All I remember for the first 20 years of working life was one recession after the other with unemployment always a shadow over every decision whereas those now around the age of 40 had the very best of everything and the most opportunity to get well paid work very early in life, followed by cheap property in the early-mid 90's, and to top it off this was the age group with the most BTL, not the so-called boomers, which in fact is a US manifestation, not UK centric on account of the austerity of the 50's and early 60's

As the so called boomer generation is consdered to be about 20 years wide it must be so easy to cherrypick the very best bits and put together an identikit picture of what you hate, adding together the entire possible opportunities over that 20 year span, each with the best possible outcome, then perhaps exagerated a bit. I could easily put together a 'Mr Potato head' of the 20 - 40 year age group and make the assumption that they are all the same anyway with the exact same life opportunities, all bought up with wads of cash, foreign holidays, excellent education and the best well paid jobs ever. But not being STUPID or ARROGANT I wouldn't do that.

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Guest AuntJess
Lets face it, younger people tend to hate their parents generation the most. Most people of any age hate those who have more than them. People of most age groups tend to see their target 'hate' objects wherever they go, therefore a young person who hates their parents generation will easily spot an older person with a flash car who appears to have lots of money and it will stick and grow in their minds. Following the average d*ckwads pattern of thought behaviour, this will progress to blaming thier object of hate for everything that is wrong in their lives.

When I was younger, all landlords were greedy fat old farts over the age of 50 and we hated them with a passion. These were the people who ran businesses and refused to give us jobs that we were well qualified for. However the reality was, that these people were only a minority of their age group. \

The question is, do your parents have a lot of BTL, big pensions lined up, live in large houses and have lots of loot to spare? If so you are in line for one hell of an inherritence and probably already had a good life with good education, foreign holidays and your own bedroom even. If not then, if all so-called boomers had a free ride then why aren't your parents rich by default.

All I remember for the first 20 years of working life was one recession after the other with unemployment always a shadow over every decision whereas those now around the age of 40 had the very best of everything and the most opportunity to get well paid work very early in life, followed by cheap property in the early-mid 90's, and to top it off this was the age group with the most BTL, not the so-called boomers, which in fact is a US manifestation, not UK centric on account of the austerity of the 50's and early 60's

As the so called boomer generation is consdered to be about 20 years wide it must be so easy to cherrypick the very best bits and put together an identikit picture of what you hate, adding together the entire possible opportunities over that 20 year span, each with the best possible outcome, then perhaps exagerated a bit. I could easily put together a 'Mr Potato head' of the 20 - 40 year age group and make the assumption that they are all the same anyway with the exact same life opportunities, all bought up with wads of cash, foreign holidays, excellent education and the best well paid jobs ever. But not being STUPID or ARROGANT I wouldn't do that.


Well said!

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I wonder you can utter those words without them burning your mouth. Let's have a little less vitriole towards a part of society you obviously only know very little of. Led by the nose by a 'hack' who coined this stupid label, and all the feeble-minded, envious inadequates jumped on the bandwagon. <_<

And you call others "sheeple" :lol::lol:

Are you stupid? I am 51 this year! :lol:

And it's spelled vitriol, without an "e." Boy, standards are slipping.

Edited by 1929crash
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Guest DissipatedYouthIsValuable
This is already being actively debated on the off-topic forum. Do keep up, old chap. :lol:

For the purposes of this thread, please refer to me as 'young chap'

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One point - I'm not sure AJ IS one of the UK boomers, give or take, 40 to 55ish age, older than this they dealt with more austerity etc. Consequently when AJ is upset about younger generations who she has seen over the years who seem to have it all - that may be the very boomer generations that us younger people have had a problem with, looking up from the other side. So perhaps horns are clashed when actually people may be in more agreement than they think. Maybe not, I'm not sure.

Secondly, frankly, I'm over my grief except for the public sector middle-management elite who continue to ruin the country, an awful lot of whom happen to be boomers - but so what, I suspect public sector pensions are going to be cut severely such is the state of the economy. That will be a shock.

I suspect whatever complaints the current under-40s had about the boomers 5 yrs ago are being corrected by the sheer ruthlessness of the market. I know some who are dignified and saying 'oh well I'll have to work longer before retirement then'. And others who are not.

So what, as the tidle wave rises and looks like swamping everyone, the time for schad is behind us. In fact the more schad you have the more you are like those you are despising, so speaking for myself, I'm trying to put it to bed and look forward to trying to build a better world for my future kids and grand-kids. What we really need to discuss is how on earth did we allow the labour party to stay in power for so long. It's not them per se, I thought they were a necessary social correction for the first 4 years, but we really have to look to ourselves and say 'how on earth' for giving GB so much power as an electorate.

Edited by Si1
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The richest, most prosperous bunch of humans in all of history has pissed the lot up the wall and now want to tax their own children in order to carry on their lavish lifestyles.

What more need be said?

Yes, there are a very few good apples that fell out and are on the ground, but the barrel is rotten and stinks.

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The richest, most prosperous bunch of humans in all of history has pissed the lot up the wall and now want to tax their own children in order to carry on their lavish lifestyles.

What more need be said?

Yes, there are a very few good apples that fell out and are on the ground, but the barrel is rotten and stinks.

Exactly Injin. The problem is now that the Ponzi Scheme is collapsing, the younger generation realise that they will be unable to pass the problem on to their kids. They have been left with the big pile of poo, and they don't like it much.

If you really want to look after future generations then you will have to downsize your life. This means a smaller house, no car, less energy usage, responsible usage of resources, less spending, less meat eating, more exercise, less government, getting to know your neighbours and community, no foreign holidays, education education education (and I don't mean the pointless kind you get in modern schools), get rid of the TV, get an allotment, learn some skills, have less kids, die younger but have a healthier life.

If you cannot contemplate any of this then you are simply adding to our problems.

And before you ask, I have no intention of trying to save the planet. It's fooked, I am partying on the Titanic and intend to enjoy the finest cognac and enjoy the band as the waves lap around my ankles.

We could save ourselves, but that would require collective organisation and effort, something modern humans aren't terribly good at.

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Exactly Injin. The problem is now that the Ponzi Scheme is collapsing, the younger generation realise that they will be unable to pass the problem on to their kids. They have been left with the big pile of poo, and they don't like it much.

If you really want to look after future generations then you will have to downsize your life. This means a smaller house, no car, less energy usage, responsible usage of resources, less spending, less meat eating, more exercise, less government, getting to know your neighbours and community, no foreign holidays, education education education (and I don't mean the pointless kind you get in modern schools), get rid of the TV, get an allotment, learn some skills, have less kids, die younger but have a healthier life.

If you cannot contemplate any of this then you are simply adding to our problems.

And before you ask, I have no intention of trying to save the planet. It's fooked, I am partying on the Titanic and intend to enjoy the finest cognac and enjoy the band as the waves lap around my ankles.

We could save ourselves, but that would require collective organisation and effort, something modern humans aren't terribly good at.

In the late 70's to early 90's we were eating the shit of the older generations who had fked everything up, this was a matter of taking it up the ringpiece re unemployment and high interest rates, we thought 'how could they have got it so wrong' and to top it off, the Thatcher government actually enjoyed putting us in our place, telling us how lazy we were when we had 3 mill unemployed, telling us how stupid we were if we used public transport, imposing the poll tax disproportionatly onto the lower paid, while the offspring of the Prime Monster was complaining about having to use the same engine twice for his 'lost in dessert' saga. In the 60's the younger people thought they were eating the shit of the older generation that wanted to do one war after the other etc etc.

Without any shadow of any doubt and looking at it with a clear mind, those that got their first jobs in the early 90's and stayed employed ever since in the right industries/scams have been without any exception the richest generation of workers ever in history and also had some of the cheapest houseprices in any term you want to mention and still go on overseas holidays with their well pampered brats, own 2 cars and a place in the sun. And thats not cherrypicking the best bits of a 20 year time span as most are prone to do re boomer generation (which doesn't exist in the UK anyway)

As a so called boomer, I too have to make the best of things, have no company pension, not a huge amount of money and what I have got is being eaten with real inflation, there is no rosy path to a golden retirement. The only thing in my favour is the fact that I am used to things going wrong, jobs disapearing, careers evaporating with progress (so called) and the fact that there may be opportunity with the falling houseprices/failing economy that I dont yet see in detail. I bet there cant be many under 40's that have had to deal with so many life changes as many my age have done and mostly in the first 20 years of my working life, the last 15 years have been a dream run for many and that is why they believe this is the worst of all times that have been imposed on them by a an entire generation a bit older than them, this is wrong, it has been imposed on everyone that has to work for a living and provide for their old age and children and it has been imposed on us by an elite group of bankers and business f u ckers who have acted in collusion to take everything and leave us with the bill. The politicians of both sides have been so impressed with the workings of the 'City' as the 'engine of growth' that they have missed the sleight of hand going on behind the bankers (conjurers) back.

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Guest AuntJess

So that makes YOU one of the despised boomers, 1929. Older but not wiser, eh?

PS Thanks for pointing out my typos. :D Must add 'pedant' to your other flaws. It has oft been my experience on these forums, that those who pick up others on their slips, lack a decent education and get their feeling of importance from correcting others..

Mind you, you might be the exception...... :rolleyes:

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So that makes YOU one of the despised boomers, 1929. Older but not wiser, eh?

PS Thanks for pointing out my typos. :D Must add 'pedant' to your other flaws. It has oft been my experience on these forums, that those who pick up others on their slips, lack a decent education and get their feeling of importance from correcting others..

Mind you, you might be the exception...... :rolleyes:


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It has oft been my experience on these forums, that those who pick up others on their slips, lack a decent education and get their feeling of importance from correcting others..

Or maybe they work in Higher Education and get their feeling of importance from correcting others. :lol:

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To all the kids out there: the baby boomers had it really soft, and don't let them tell you otherwise. eg. If you went to university before about 1980 you got a grant that was about equal to average wage. Free. Think on that and weep. They also had the rolling stones and the beatles. If you lost one job, you could get another the next day. House prices were 3.5 x one person's salary; and the mortgage was quickly eaten away to nothing in the 1970's by the 15% inflation. They even got to knock their mortgage off their income tax partially. If you worked half hard, you got told off for making everyone else look bad. It was soft.

It was Thatcher that ended it in 1980. She divided the country into 2. Half got mass unemployment and a lifetime of threatened redundancy. (Mostly the North). And the Southern half got everything; all the jobs, all the money, they even got to buy their landlord's posh flat cut price. The southern half had a whale of a time in the 80's as well.

So when you hear them putting you down, just remember the Boomers got given it on a plate. And even the redundancy half had a damn good time until 1980.

They're just frightened you're going to take some of the assets off them, before they can spend it.

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