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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by IDN

  1. agreed - it may seem logical to increase IR - but it would be suicidal as the personal debt is so high - it wont happen for a long time
  2. aye - i couldnee believe ma eyes when i saw this one - shocking - theyre taking the piss big time
  3. great post - its quite a ridiculous situation regarding HPI- any other purchase low prices are good - yet for houses - high prices are viewed as a good thing! i believe the sheeple have been brainwashed into this idea and dont stop to question it - if they did then surely they would see HPI as bad thing.
  4. they know the score -theyre just not telling everyone what it is - they know if the truth came out - brown and co would really be in the brown stuff - up sHits creek without a paddle
  5. Stephanie Flanders -back on form
  6. why would hotel and catering jobs increase? i would have thought they would suffer as much as any sector in a downturn also transportation jobs decreasing? i dont get that one either
  7. unVuckinbelievable!!! the crooks are cooking the books - a few years later there'll be another economic crisis- these cnts are still fkin around - who the hell is going to stop them? theyre' claiming night is day by switching on the floodlights - shocking :angry: :angry:
  8. everyday is groundhog day round 'ere up the arsenal!!!!
  9. theres a rumor that GS has been loading its losses to AIG
  10. yep - thats really funny to the op - give me the 650k - ill look after it till you need it - pm me
  11. don't waste yer time mate - there's a load of ol'foegies in ere
  12. yep theyve got it wrong every step of the way so far - are we supposed to believe him when he says the worst is over now? of course not - the next leg of the downturn could be worse than the previous one
  13. spot on- arsene wenger - refuses to take part in the player transfer bubble
  14. and i bet we're talking silly prices here as well - ie 200k for a maissionette(sp)
  15. this is great!!! a footie thread on HPC - can it get any better than this*? *yes if house prices drop to my affordable range and arsenal do FA cup and Champs league double - in the back of the net!
  16. i cant believe jack bauer hasn't got a mention: he'd kick some serious **** (with an english accent)
  17. 15k income 195k debt 13x wage!!!! fooken ell - the debt will never get paid back unless the buyer gets a massive wage increase - the repayments must be eye watering too -
  18. yep and you could get a situation where banks claim they are ok just to try and get back in to equities <doh>
  19. EA's and sellers are trying to make the most of thei opportunity - hopefully it wont last long - i bet there'll be a sucker who buys in this spring bounce - they'll pay more for a house than they would have done a few months ago for the simple reason tht they can get a mortgage right now and couldnt a few months back
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