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Everything posted by chichi

  1. They don't do that one for little girls. They do imagine gymnast and imagine fashion designer though.
  2. But if HMRC can find a new revenue stream to chase then some jobs may be safer than others. If you know starting this sort of investigative line can save your department what would you do?
  3. Oh indeed. And when two years later they tell you their fixed rate interest only mortgage is about to end on their shared ownership unsuitable flat then you can be utterly horrified all over again.
  4. They will be known as the families who have worked hard. As opposed to the families who have hardly worked.
  5. Not if you don't want to put it all in one type of asset.
  6. How many people are now looking to turn their BTL mortgage back to a residential one?
  7. http://www.leftycartoons.com/ You should have a look at these - some are quite funny. But you're not a hard working family until you're receiving 3 types of benefit from the government, at least one of them being repayable.
  8. https://lha-direct.therentservice.gov.uk/Se...chType=PostCode Where to find out how much rent you'd get under LHA
  9. But they have nothing to put on a cv. This is exactly the sort of person who should be allocated a job in a factory doing something mindnumbingly dull. With penalties when they turn up late etc.
  10. But that's Debnehams fault for having another 3 day sale. M&S having a sale. john Lewis lowering prices to match competititors prices and argos vouchers extended til sunday. People are getting frustrated though when they see one day specials on stuff they've already gone and paid for - especially some preorder games which have been reduced in price now prior to release but they're not allowing existing orders to be cancelled so people can take advantage.
  11. Apart from the fact you can easily make fake fingerprints from sweeties, you can work with bricks and get rid of your prints easily enough.
  12. LHA for that area G33 4ES £126.92 Council flat will be about 60 a week.
  13. As someone has said elsewhere, don't let them find a job - give them one. If after 6 months of looking you've not found a job you want to take then you should be allocated a job. Anyone who doesn't turn up, is late or not good gets their money stopped for a period of time. A second instance gets you put down sent away to live on a farm.
  14. Absolutely. And sterilsation for the people who are on the dole who refuse to look for work and have two kids already? Ah sod it. Put something in the water to stop the whole planet breeding. reproduction by licence only.
  15. LOL exactly. I had a drawer full of cracker gifts that we've never used. I mean apart from 11 yr old girls who actually would want a love heart shaped padlock?
  16. Says who? The validity of the election may be questioned if there is an unusually high proportion of spoilt votes, however, in countries such as the UK where a spoilt ballot paper counts towards the voter turnout, some voters will deliberately spoil their ballot paper to show disapproval of the candidates available whilst still taking part in the electoral process. In theory, a UK election could have a 100% turnout with no votes cast for any of the candidates if every registered voter were to spoil their paper, although this is highly improbable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoilt_vote
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