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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by ticket2ride

  1. Could you ask Blofeld Papadopoulos what affect he thinks his property hoarding has on housing expenditure? Does anyone know how many properties this NIMBY rentier owns? Sounds like he's in a similar league to HPC favourite Fergus Fatman.
  2. Given Housing Spokesman Andrew Charalambous's own comments above, do you think UKIP are likely to do anything to stop/reverse HPI? Because he sounds like a failed Tory, troughing, nimby, rentier benefit farmer to me. I wouldn't be hoping he's hiding his HPC credentials under a bushell.
  3. Is anyone really going to vote for these shysters? Because "they're not LibLabCon." Seriously?
  4. Or 100% of the losses presumably? (Old article, comments closed.)
  5. I'm going to stick my head in the sand and pretend this isn't happening.
  6. 8.05pm NATO meeting NATO will now meet at the behest of Latvia and Lithuania. Latvia's population is almost 30% Russian, rising to more than 40 per cent in the capital Riga. Lithuania's Russian minority is around 6%.
  7. Bank of England identifies need to shelter homeowners from interest spike Ever get the feeling that your interests are not aligned with TPTB? Cake and eat it.
  8. we buy any home* dot com. cash offer within 24 hours. problem solved. money to enjoy. *maybe not leasehold over 55 only
  9. Exactly. On lower value properties such as these the combination of council tax and service charges is making it uneconomical to "hold" them and wait for an upturn in value. The obvious implication is that more punitive measures for empty properties would be an effective way to "get the market moving" again. This is the message the BBC wanted to convey, right?
  10. Scandal of Europe's 11m empty homes As ever, interesting reading comments. Someone managed to get in first with an attempt to obfuscate: Back on track: Guardian building up a head of steam on housing?
  11. An overpriced one bed flat opposite a pub in Peckham. Flat 2, 62 Choumert Road sold for £197,000 in 2011. Same place? Zoopla estimates value at £244k. Estate agent values at £100k more. Nice bit of kite flying.
  12. 'Housing has become the defining economic issue of our times'
  13. Has Kirsty Allsopp tweeted about it? She's a good moral bellwether at times like this. Are the people of Somerset demostrating the spirit of the Blitz?
  14. I think that's true of most people. To borrow from your maths terminology, the set of people concerned with how their house buying (or not) impacts on others is, I would guess, miniscule compared to the set of people who are buying based on what they perceive is best for them. Bruce Banner makes his case based on the fact that he calculates that he is better off renting, not that he is making a moral stand against ownership. I suppose in one sense if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. The cruel irony, of course, is that tenants are keeping the house hoarders afloat by renting from them. The Miles report that you referenced earlier says that mortgage "risk issues are subtle and complex". Anyone buying on a 2 year deal is really on a wing and a prayer but in the absence of a crystal ball, that is the option made available by the banks. Banks are not offering 25 year fixes and are not encouraging stability. Miles points out the unfairness of these deals being subsidised by other borrowers and we know this has got much worse since 2004, with savers being sacrificed, then tax payers. So I agree with tomandlu that it's slightly unfair to chastise people who, when faced with a rock and a hard place, have made a decision which is least unappealing to them. I see this as lending rather than borrowing problem. And government's refusal to let banks to accept the risk when they failed.. Otherwise, as 7 year itch points out, you're really making a moral judgement about what is too much debt. I think most people want to buy the best house they can afford, which inevitably means borrowing the most amount of money they can. (For the same reason I'm suspicious of those claiming, "I was looking at houses worth £300k which are now £450k." If you had £450k to spend to begin with you'd be looking at £450k properties!) Mr market should've sorted this out but was prevented from doing so. So impo owner occupiers are the wrong target here. The obvious exception being anyone who took out a LIAR LOAN. And anyone with more than one property is rentier parasite and will be consigned their own ring of hell after they've collected their last rent cheque.
  15. Four mortgages. 19 years 9 months. Interest only. Extend and Pretend.
  16. My landlord has a boiler service contract with British Gas. They cancelled their scheduled service and said the next available appointment was 3 months away. This meant there was no service in the 12 month period. For this level of service my landlord pays over £500 per year.
  17. You're behind the curve. Aren't you worried that if you buy now you're going to get your face ripped off?
  18. Friends of ours own a 2 bed place around that area that's worth the best part of one million English pounds. They let it out and live in a commuter town north of London. Mr Hackney rent arbitrage works in an investment bank, but is not a banker. Apparently he took up his employer's kind offer of free financial advice with regards to buying a second property. Mrs & Mrs rent arbitrage are now planning to buy another place, this one worth half a million English pounds, in the commuter town. He was told that there was a "small window of opportunity" to be able to do this given their finances. Make of that what you will. I tell this story because although there's doubtless a lot of foreign money sloshing around, it seems to me that the speculation mania is also a local disease. I find it amusing that they don't consider it somewhere they would raise children but love being London property owners.
  19. I wonder if the "prospective buyer" of the spaniel sh*t flat was a Guardian scribbler? It would be a delicious irony of they were a financial journo. Still, if these people are now priced out, at least they writing about HPI with a negative spin.
  20. How many of those who "borrowed" money from their parents have any intention of paying it back. Were contracts involved? Isn't it just a way of fudging the etiquette/pride problem of asking for a handout?
  21. If Kirtsy flashes a bit of t*t, they might get it for the asking price?
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