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Everything posted by CarbonBasedLifeform

  1. I agree 100% with the first part of the last sentance, but come on to say the uk aint worth a tin of beans that, just stupid I reckon it,s worth at least one of those tins of heinz beans with pork sausages And on a very good day when the sun is shining and its the weekend i may even raise you to a hp ALL DAY BREAKFAST in A tin thats got beans ,sausage mushrooms and meatballs with egg DEAL OR NO DEAL ?
  2. I had a car bodyshop things were going ok, then all kinds of legislation was passed, i had to change from solvent based paint to water based paint and it costs upto £190 per half litre for the new irralic colours. my paint costs more than doubled, i have to pay a company to remove and process all the solvents i use for my spraygun cleaners/degreasing etc and all my masking sheeting and filler dust as its imprgnated with solvents, i even have to pay for special disposal of old damaged bumpers, this is all relatively new legislation and costs are considerable, try passing these costs on to the insurance companies who give you the work and they just go elsewhere and joe public will not pay £300 for the same job he had done 2 years back for £200 he is just not interested to hear how paint spend etec etc is up so he goes to the back street shop that are still using illegal solvent basecoats imported from abroad.I didn,t use all this as an excuse to try to employ skilled staff for pennies to try and make up the difference, i just decided i didn,t want to play the game under the new rules, and i will never put a significant amount money into a new business that i believe may suffer from having the rules of the game significanly changed against my interests. You may be a brilliant businessman, more likeley you have just had more fortunate circumstances and suffer from delusions of grandeur anyway rant over off to the pub to do my bit for the hospitality industry
  4. I know, i have had a business failure here in the uk due to increased costs of materials/labour and complying with health and safety and environmental regulations, all issues beyond my control , but did i expect to be able to pay my staff peanuts so that i could become profitable again NO I DID NOT. Did i pontificate about the Nmw being too high and how it was costing jobs NO I DID NOT I closed the business took employment and am in the process of opening a new business in a different sector that is a viable business model. Bogbrush et al gust piss me off with this i,m a productive businessman, i provide employment so you should just be grateful for any job at any wage attitude. People need to earn enough to live independantly from the state ,and if your business cannot provide that for its staff you need to stop trading and accept that productive endevours are not viable in the uk, and wait for a change of circumstances that will be forced when the entire private sector collapses under the strain of paying for the bloated parasitic public sector/ state /bankstas. We are mostly pissing in the wind in the productive sector of the economy ,unfortunate but true, but the answer is not abolishion of NMW.
  5. Manufacturing is tough in the uk , and that is not the fault of the manufacturers, but you state that the NMW is putting people out of work, even at NMW rates your employees are subsidised by working tax credits etc. Housing/food/utilities/transport/clothes are expensive in the uk and yhat is not the fault of the workers. I would happily work for £6 an hour if houses cost £30k and food/clothes/bills etc were affordable on these wage rates,but they are not. Why do you think your workers should suffer, and the higher earners of the workforce should subsidise with thier taxes to pay for the tax credits etc needed to sustain your unviable business model? bogbrush you are a first class VI C-UNT and not so different to a banksta with your sense of entitlement attitude.
  6. agree and disagree, also believe that in america things will get worse in the short term, but they will emerge strongly from this mess due to an abundance of raw materials (invade canada if neccesary) and they have a stronger work ethic than the uk regarding productive endevours, also the population is ARMED and they have this dont take sh1t attitude, look at the french you have to admire the way they cause mayhem if the state fu-kks with them too much, but to say the british are dumb compared to the average us citizen is not right, and i have lived in the us for 3 1/2 years so i do feel qualified to talk on this subject, brits will take alot more abuse before they stir, but once they decide enough is enough they are not to be underestimated.
  7. UKDS is absolutley correct , imho is in the top 5 posters on here, YOU on the other hand by your above statement have proved beyond doubt that you dont even know who is in power, as believe me they are more than competent, and the fact that you dont even know who they are PROVES IT.
  8. EXACTLY, a short term advantage is gained by companies who say relocate manufacturing to china and sell in europe, but take this to its logical conclusion and all its competitors do the same they all end up on a level playing field regarding costs but without customers, the chinese can,t afford the products and the europeans are all on the dole so likewise,long term no one wins.
  9. KINDA PROVES MY EARLIER POST good luck i think you gonna need it
  10. EXACTLY, that sums it up perfectly, its amazing how many people actually still believe that its the state that,s in control of policy when that is clearly not the case. I have never voted and never will unless there is an alternative to the gravytrain merry-go-round that is the poloitical system in the uk. Even then the state is actually too small and insignificant to fix the evergrowing economic challenges that we face, it really is that bad, and yet joe public still expects everything to be ok and back to "normal" by the end of next year The plutocracy have just been stealing to much is all, and taken us over the tipping point, and guess who gets to pay the tab?
  11. Dont worry it will all go wrong, firslty the girlfriend (now wife) liked the profit from the buy to let (hence the wedding ) and has her eye on the main house. all she has to do is pop out a rug rat and she can keep it until the aforementioned rug rat finishes uni ,while you pay all the expenses and a large chunck of your salary in child support, meanwhile she will move in the "personal trainer/ tennis coach" as he is more exciting. You will drive past your old house on the way to your studio/one bed flat after working to maintain her new family, and you will chuckle to yourself about the folly of this post on HPC, its coming c,ant you FEEl it. ENJOY.
  12. if you actually watch that shit you have problems that you wont find the answers to here BAA BAA
  13. NOW THAT,S WHAT I CALL A PLAN seriously we are fast approaching the point where there is almost no incentive to engage in productive work, things need to change and fast. Personally i think its too late, the state is too small to fix this mess and are not currently showing the inclination to even try.The UK is FU.KKED beyond belief .
  14. GOING.........GOINIG................GONE! fixed.
  15. ARE YOU SURE? i would add many other requirements for " life to be great in the uk" most of wich are geographically impossible and also economically impossible for the foreseeable future, apart from the fact that the uk is just shit.
  16. i take it from your post that you have downloaded the free e book from "veronica of the chapman family as commonly known" an excellent read anyone who would like to educate themselves on the "illegal" legal system should read it. just type in "freedom is more than a seven letter word" in any decent search engine and download the free ebook. enjoy
  17. sorry if anyone else has posted anything similar cannot be bothered to read all the posts as the answer is so obvious STEAL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE SO THAT I COULD START A NEW LIFE SOMEWHERE DECENT AS THE UK IS FCU KED. WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY ARE DOING AT THIS VERY MOMENT YOU STUPID PLEBS? DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK THEY ARE WORKING IN YOUR/OUR/THE UK,S BEST INTERESTS? NEVER VOTED , NEVER WILL, A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. dont start all this people died so you could vote shit either. I know that and its a disgrace that its got to the point that voting is pointless, but pointless it is.
  18. built mainly on russian mafia cash as dubai does not ask questions about dirty cash , dubai property was just one big money laundering operation but thats all over now. whats exiting about this artificial plastic sh1 t hole city? with its false beaches, false people, false ski resort and oppressive laws, why would anyone want to go there apart for business motives? i,d even prefer to stay in the uk than move to dubai and thats fucn saying something.
  19. no when the insurance fund cash runs out its printy printy time ,end of problem
  20. LA , erm correct me if i,m wrong but thats in CALIFORNIA... RIGHT?, isn,t that the state thats been paying its public sector workers in IOU,S ? apparently there are enourmous amounts of suburban property that are so far from areas where employment is available that they are only viable in a cheap oil economy, they will become near worthless if oil prices increase significantly. DO YOU FEEL LUCK PUNK.......................... WELL DO YA?
  22. I LOVE YOU INJIN, You are my favourite hpcer,not many of us uber bears left after the recent price gains in financial ball and chains (oops!, i mean houses).If you looked liked your avvatar i,d like be suggesting sexytime , but i checked out your blogspot and unfortunatley the reality is a bit different, not to mention the wrong gender for my tastes. Will keep on enjoying your posts all the same, keep up the good work.
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