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Shrink Proof

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Everything posted by Shrink Proof

  1. The Prime Minister caught in his workplace in flagrante delicto might just be the final straw. But don't hold your breath; one swallow doesn't make a summer.
  2. If you are right about Scotland's finances, then, after Scotland leaves the Union, you'll be able to routinely feed the poorest children in England rather than having to be shamed into it by a footballer. But, as you say, more likely Westminster will give a tax cut to higher earners instead.
  3. The often forgotten side of this debate is that, with accidents, folk focus on the immediate situation, quite understandably. But a significant number of RTAs result in long term problems. Maybe a point can be made that if you get some cuts and lose a couple of teeth through not wearing a crash helmet/seatbelt/whatever that's your look out, and your responsibility to deal with (emotionally, physically, financially). It's different if the RTA leaves you disabled and/or unable to work and provide for your dependents and/or needing long term care.
  4. Yes, all it would need is a database for this. With annual audits to see if people had died, changed their minds, etc. And a checking system to confirm their status on arrival at A&E. And a billing and payment system for those who need to pay. Plus a system for chasing up those who can't/won't pay. Plus extra systems to cover minors and those without the capacity to give valid consent. And extra systems for NHS Trusts to deal practically and legally with those folk claiming that either treatment was denied incorrectly or complications arose from being untreated (that they were never warned of when they signed) or that their consent record was lost in the system, etc., necessitating extra record keeping and paperwork by NHS staff. All seamlessly compliant across 4 health services (health care is devolved) run by 4 administrations with different political priorities. Sounds simple enough...
  5. The only remotely acceptable version of this would be for every ballot paper to include a "None of the Above" option. Which LibLabConKIP would never support.
  6. Rather like somehow the other EU nations didn't get a vote on whether UK should Leave or Remain.
  7. As if he didn't have enough on his plate at the moment, now Zelensky is having to find an extra large fridge for the guest room.
  8. Of course they are. "Lessons will be learned" is simply one of those platitudinous phrases that are wheeled out after the gross derogation of basic professional duty has been exposed. See sewage dumping water companies for details.
  9. It's difficult to know what's satire and what isn't these days...
  10. The Pound will now be heading for parity with the Matabele Gumbo Bean.
  11. As reported here... However - "A spokesperson for Scarborough borough council said: “The outcome of the poll is no more and no less than an expression of the views of the electorate of the parish who have voted in the poll and is not binding on any organisation.”" Which translates as "spin on this, Council Tax payers". But then, that bit is hardly news - SBC is the council that gave the Freedom of the Borough to Jimmy Savile (and basically run the place like a banana republic).
  12. Next week they'll be bleating about how the left are forever engaging in gesture politics.
  13. This is the approach that worked so well for the Tories over that Owen Paterson business.
  14. Or maybe a Latin quote. Something like "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
  15. More from the self-appointed party of family values and law & order...
  16. What is the state of the country's mental health? Lousy and getting worse. Quite possibly beyond the tipping point.
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