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  1. I heard, can't quite remember where probably the radio, that car sales are suffering. The garage owner was saying that people are now buying cars out of "need" ... rather than "want". So not just changing cars because you fancy something different....
  2. surely, a witness is telling lies to a court = perjury. or have I missed something ?
  3. we desperately need defence procurement reform. lots of waste and failed projects,
  4. True, but at what point do the Tories just consign themselves to electoral oblivion by doing this stuff.
  5. TLDR. basically Gove promised Laura K earlier this year that it (no fault evictions would be banned) in this parliament. now that will officially no longer be the case. It seems that the Conservative party is embarked on a bizarre social experiment to ensure that no young person (the majority of whom can no longer afford to get on the housing ladder) will ever vote for them.
  6. Gove ? ... hmm. I have some dim recollection that he may be less than straightforward in his dealings.
  7. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/property/no-fault-evictions-ban-not-go-ahead-full-court-review/
  8. he really has no clue. his core vote... retirees ...will sit on their hands. (personally I am getting some Champagne in for election night... it will be hilarious).
  9. Good of you to admit it. Quite a few people that I know who did vote for Brexit (or claimed to at the time)... are now reluctant to acknowledge that fact.
  10. Aside from the fact that the UK is now an economic basket case... it has distributed its wealth quite unevenly (rich London, poor provinces esp North). Brexit was a disaster... the Tories are a disaster... things can only get better from here. Not long now.
  11. Isn't NI contributions linked to the state pension ? Maybe that is part of the bigger plan for NI...
  12. No, it is about the worlds 2nd biggest biggest trading block.
  13. At some stage... rejoining a market with our largest trading partners will become irresistible. Sure, not under the Tories, but they are now walking dead as a political force. Economics will win out.
  14. I think they will try to put Labour into a predicament. e.g. IHT to be abolished from Jan 2025 (or similar policy) ... basically to make it an election issue / motivate their voters to turn-out and force Labour to pledge against it. It is an opportunity to announce something that they know will never be enacted, for political gain.
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