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Not saying it was radically right, saying it influenced the 1970s radical right. The people behind the 1978-79 Thatcher revolution were immersed in it. The 1970s radical right are what got us into our current mess, when they pulled Labour with them.

Anyway as you say I have to go and get an education. Nighty night.

Ah, of course. It wasn't Labour that messed everything up over the last eleven years with their gross incompetence - it was someone else :rolleyes:

I'd rather live under a Thatcher regime than under a socialist regime that's for sure. At least I wouldn't have nasty envious little control freaks spying on me, trying to control my life, fining me for farting and then taking the rest off me via the tax system to give to their feckless favourites. That's what you get with socialism and there are plenty of socialistic tendencies alive and kicking in this Goverment.

People such as yourself who think this Goverment is right wing are confused. They are first and foremost socialists, as they always have been. Unfortunately, or fortunately - depends on how you look at it, they are astonishingly stupid and self-serving so they couldn't even get that right. In the process they have managed to look right wing to some and left to others. Probably, the most f*cked up Goverment of all time.

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I'm an employer and I didn't think I was allowed to say such things. Are these jobs where there is some form of positive discrimination quota such as the police? Even then, I don't think they are allowed to advertise specifically for "black people".


And you definitely don't ever have to state your race on your application. I have to fill lots of forms with daft equality questions and I make a point of refusing to do so (which you are allowed to do).

Additionally, these changes were happening pre-labour. As per my comments elsewhere today, both main parties seem as bad as each other which is bloody depressing, but no excuse to vote for extremists who have no sensible, feasible policies.

Take a look in the jobs section of the London Evening Standard sometime , last time i saw job stating actively looking for woman of ethnic minorities it was the London Ambulance service.

You refuse to answer these questions when you fill out daft equality forms ; good for you , however when I fill out an application for a job I don't think it would go down well if I refused to fill out that part of the form.

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If that is so then he has a case to take to an industrial tribunal.

Not if Harriot Harman get's her equality bill pushed through , part of that is that the only people who wont be able to go to a tribunal are white men .

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Not if Harriot Harman get's her equality bill pushed through , part of that is that the only people who wont be able to go to a tribunal are white men .

The Bill is detestable but it doesn't say that. If it did, it would be in conflict with EU law, which takes precedence over domestic law.

My point about the case which I said could go to an industrial tribunal is that it all has the friend-of-a-friend feel to it. Has anyone seen a ghost? Well no, but A FOAF said . . .

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- The (alleged) killing of 11 year old Rhys Jones by Sean Mercer who was shooting at the rival gang, the 'Nogga Dogz'. Do we really want this idiotic gang warfare on our streets where someone gets upset because they had their trainers 'disrespected' by some other person. How about if these gangs, mostly feral black teenagers, showed themselves some 'respec' and got a job and behaved like normal members of civilized society instead of thinking the are fiddy cent?

Nice comment. Not racist at all.

I think you'll find that this very same gang culture exists in all races, colours and religons. You just pick out the one you differ from the most. Additionally, gang culture effect the poorest areas the worst.

- Hospitals where there are huge non-shows for appointments by ethnic minorities even though it means that an interpreters time is booked and then wasted

- Hospitals where ethnic minorities are given priority treatment before English speaking patients because interpreter have been booked or that morning

Evidence? You may be right about this, I'd like to know how significant it is.

As opposed to tax payers money being wasted on interpreters who sit around you mean. Ands how much priority is really given? A difference of a morning/afternoon on a pre-booked appointment?

- Areas in north and east London where you can walk for miles without hearing someone speaking English. Areas coincidently where the streets are filthy and the people, especially the Somalis, swagger around spitting openly in public

re: language You get this in any major capital and what's the problem.

As for your other comment, I'm willing to bet you're talking about a very small minority of people. There definitely is a cultural difference between many Africans and Europeans/Asians and this is where I think successive govts mess up. We may all be equal as human beings, but we're all brought up differently. I've had issues with an African neighbour myself and it nearly drove me insane. Lovely guy, but no respect whatsoever for noise, smell, tidyness etc. This guy was really intelligent - a high quality Phd student - but his way of living was different.

I understand that this type of thing is a problem, but it also reflects badly on the vast majority of immigrants who are here to live quietly and work.

- Areas of Leeds where hooded gangs of blacks and Asians spend all day sitting around street corners, marking out 'their' territory and intimidating young and old alike

And whites too. I know this from bitter experience in Leeds.

- Events like the 'Notting Hill Carnival' where drugs are openly taken and the whole area becomes a no-go area for white people after dark. Drug taking is rife and is done openly in front of the police who stand by anxious not to upset the 'ethnic wonderland'. 128 people arrested this year, a full scale riot and yet not a peep in the main news. Why is that then?

Oh there are definitely some bad people who go to the carnival, but why let a few bad people ruin it for everyone else? As for drugs - go to any music festival or most clubs anywhere in the country. I won't argue the rights or wrongs of drugs here, but drug taking is rife in society as a whole. Also, Notting Hill Carnival is certainly not a no-go area for whites!

- We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.

Positive discrimination was set up to oppose blatant negative discrimination. I'm not a fan myself, but I understand why it has been used. I'd dispute that white Britons are second class citizens. If that were true, there would be a lot of well qualified whites on the dole and few non-whites. This isn't the case - actually quite the opposite - and this is when allowing for relative proportions of people.

Also, WTF is it with white/black? That concept is so outdated it's untrue.

I especially liked the idea of asylum seekers all being bogus or who can find refuge closer to home. We're an island - anyone can find somewhere closer to home than here!

- We are opposed to the Single European Currency, and support the overwhelming majority of the British people in their desire to keep the Pound and our traditional weights and measures. At the same time, we are for the best possible relationship with our European neighbours and believe that the nations of Europe should be free to trade and cooperate whenever it is mutually beneficial, though without being forced into a political and economic straitjacket.

No major party currently wants to take us into the Euro. As a business, I can tell you that the Euro makes life much easier though, I have to say that in its favour. As for the weights and measures argument - simple point scoring but hardly life changing is it. Besides, my generation and below were taught in metric!

- The BNP will crack down on crime and restore public safety and confidence. We will free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket that is stopping them from doing their job properly. The liberal fixation with the ‘rights’ of criminals must be replaced by concern for the rights of victims, and the right of innocent people not to become victims. We support the re-introduction of corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals, and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute, as by DNA evidence or being caught red-handed.

Hysterical. Crime figures - violent apart - are generally well down. It's the media that hype it up (scare stories sell papers), and then someone will accuse the govt of faking all the figures. Now I'm not saying the system is perfect - far from it, but life is not hell here.

The rest of the above paragraph could be torn to shreds. In the courts, you're proven guilty or you aren't. There is no additional notion of "guilt is proven beyond dispute". DNA evidence certainly does not make something beyond dispute and to have a policy claiming that it does it shocking.

As for corporal punishment - details please? What are they actually going to do that'll make a difference? Chop hands off like in Saudi? I'm sure it would make a difference but is that the society you want to live in?

- Globalisation, with its export of jobs to the Third World, is bringing ruin and unemployment to British industries and the communities that depend on them. Accordingly, the BNP calls for the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports. We will ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in British factories, employing British workers.

Current issues apart, globalisation is what's allowed UK citizens to consider the lack of Sky as poverty. We've become a service based economy because it pays better. We have low unemployment, so (again, current issues not withstanding) "ruin and unemployment" is just plain wrong.

Two much more serious problems. Requiring manufactured goods to be produced here would be very expensive - major inflation - and guess where the raw materials come from? ABROAD!

Worse, the more trade barriers you put up, the more others will put up against you. Those of us who export very successfully would no longer be able to do so.

- We are against the ‘trendy’ teaching methods that have made Britain one of the most poorly educated nations in Europe. We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers and put far greater emphasis on training young people in the industrial and technological skills necessary in the modern world.

In theory I can't disagree with that other than dispute the word 'trendy' which is totally there to wind people up. Ask them what that actually means and they usually won't be able to tell you.

I do feel that successive govts have screwed up our education system very badly, however. The emphasis on training young people, however, is exactly something the govt has been trying to do. I dislike most of their education policies, but in this respect that are doing exactly what the BNP are saying they want.

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- We reject the idea that Britain must forever be obliged to subsidise the incompetence and corruption of Third World states by supplying them with financial aid.

- The conditions in which many of Britain’s old people are forced to live are a national disgrace. We are pledged to ensure that all our old folk are able to live in comfortable homes, and will restore the earnings link with pensions. Elderly people who have paid a lifetime of taxes and reared families should not have to sell their homes to pay for care.

Except guess who often put them in power and guess who sells them weapons. Oh yes, us. And guess who makes loads of money from interest payments? Us again. So when you say subsidise, actually you mean "charge them less".

The flip side is that corruption of third world states is a major problem - do the BNP just want to ignore them and simply use them as per the Chinese? If you do, you get more illegal immigrants.

re: old people

Good sentiment. So, how will it all be paid for, especially in an aging population?

And is it fair that someone with a £500k house gets the state to pay for their care as well as someone with no house at all?

All sensible policies that most people on here seem to be screaming for. They have similar excellent policies on defence, foreign affairs and agriculture. So here is the challenge, anyone who is opposed to the BNP take one of the policies from above and explain why it would be bad for the country? And perhaps explain why Lab/Con/Lib dems policy is better? I'm not expecting any takers.

No, not sensible policies at all. What they have done is take common concerns and offer either little solution or something so simplistic as to not be feasible. This is all just rhetoric.

Having said all of the above, it's very sad that the tories/labour won't wake up and understand that some of these concerns can be handled properly by themselves and we're sick of all their ********. To that extent, I understand why some would turn to the BNP, I just have to give the rationale on why they aren't the answer. Protest votes are very dangerous things.

re: vote them in and what's the worst that can happen - oh my god, it would divide and destroy the country for many years. Their policies are extremely devisive and poorly thought out for a start!

Sorry for being wordy and using 2 posts (hit the quote limit!) but the dumbing down of politics is what has lead us here. Let's not make it worse.

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Current issues apart, globalisation is what's allowed UK citizens to consider the lack of Sky as poverty. We've become a service based economy because it pays better. We have low unemployment, so (again, current issues not withstanding) "ruin and unemployment" is just plain wrong.

Just like we have low inflation?

The real unemployment/underemployment figures in this country are massively higher than Goverment figures, just like inflation.

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The Bill is detestable but it doesn't say that. If it did, it would be in conflict with EU law, which takes precedence over domestic law.

My point about the case which I said could go to an industrial tribunal is that it all has the friend-of-a-friend feel to it. Has anyone seen a ghost? Well no, but A FOAF said . . .

Well most things in life are either a FOAF or own experience , however the BBC news last week where the black police federation and the met police spokeswoman both gave their views were defiantly not FOAF . Maybe when people speak out about things they disagree with it is very easy to accuse them of using the FOAF card.

As for the detestable bill , I know it is in conflict with EU law , and wrote to my m.p. asking if he could get that part stopped , and if he could not would he back me in taking a case to the EU parliament on my behalf , two months have passed still no reply from him.

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No your reply is utter rubbish , go back and read the post's through the threads , don't just pick out the bits that suit you .

1 on one post I stated I did not apply for jobs advertised as they stated they were looking for candidates from ethnic minorities.

2 how did they know I was white , because yes you do have to provided that information on the application form.

I haven't done so!

1) That does not mean you wouldn't be better qualified for the job, nor that you wouldn't get it. If you think you weren't getting interviews because you're white, you have every right to take the matter forward legally. That said, I don't agree with ethnic minority targets in most jobs, but I can understand it with regard to e.g. the police. Local race relations can be very tricky otherwise - it's not good pretending that this isn't the case. However, no sub-standard applicants should be hired just to hit any kind of targets.

2) To the best of my knowledge - as an employer - you're simply wrong about this. You can put "Other", you can lie, you can put "white Jewish", you can put "Jedi", you can do WTF you want. They can't make hiring decisions based on this.

Guy i used to work with had son who applied to police and was told they were not recruiting right now , at the same time a black guy I know got an interview for the police , that's evidence.

Right, so if that's true he has a legal case then.

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Well most things in life are either a FOAF or own experience , however the BBC news last week where the black police federation and the met police spokeswoman both gave their views were defiantly not FOAF . Maybe when people speak out about things they disagree with it is very easy to accuse them of using the FOAF card.

As for the detestable bill , I know it is in conflict with EU law , and wrote to my m.p. asking if he could get that part stopped , and if he could not would he back me in taking a case to the EU parliament on my behalf , two months have passed still no reply from him.

But my FOAF point was about the case that was said to have actually happened. Nothing untoward happened with the black police officers, except that they asked for a change in the law.

Who is your MP? Do you live in a marginal seat?

You wouldn't need to take a case to the European Parliament, just to the UK courts. If Parliament passes a law that contravenes the equal treatment provisions of the Treaty of Rome, then it can be dealt with in this country, and through a lawyer.

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Just like we have low inflation?

The real unemployment/underemployment figures in this country are massively higher than Goverment figures, just like inflation.

Actually the truth is much more complicated, particularly regionally. However, going by the BNP's description we were falling apart - fear mongering again. Compare now to the late 70s for example. The BNP's policy is to tell people the sky is falling in, and then some of the people who really are struggling - whether their fault or not - will believe them. There are and always will be unemployed people, unless you fancy communism, but in recent years unemployment & inflation have really not been an issue.

Either way - because we won't agree on the above - tell me how the BNP will deal with unemployment and inflation. The policies are an ill thought out mess. In fact, they are extremely inflationary, will screw up international trade, and they manage to mix communist policies with extreme right wing ones. It's madness.

Mind you, perhaps it'll get much worse! This'll be nothing to do with not having BNP policies though.

This is my point. Protest vote with the BNP if you wish, but don't for a second believe they are anyone you want to give any power to. I'd say exactly the same about the Green Party.

EDIT: For a forum full of wanabee economists it should be trivial for any number of more informed people than me to tear apart their economic policies. All policies from all parties should be critically examined, and that doesn't happen with BNP voters because they wouldn't get the answer they want.

We all want less crime, low unemployment, low inflation, a healthy NHS, but simply saying so does not make it happen.

Edited by miggy
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I haven't done so!

1) That does not mean you wouldn't be better qualified for the job, nor that you wouldn't get it. If you think you weren't getting interviews because you're white, you have every right to take the matter forward legally. That said, I don't agree with ethnic minority targets in most jobs, but I can understand it with regard to e.g. the police. Local race relations can be very tricky otherwise - it's not good pretending that this isn't the case. However, no sub-standard applicants should be hired just to hit any kind of targets.

2) To the best of my knowledge - as an employer - you're simply wrong about this. You can put "Other", you can lie, you can put "white Jewish", you can put "Jedi", you can do WTF you want. They can't make hiring decisions based on this.

Right, so if that's true he has a legal case then.

If I apply for a job and it asks me what ethnic background I am from why should I lie ? , by you stating I can put white jewish ect. I can put WTF I like it kind of proves my point that being white and having to try and hide it is an issue . You say im simply wrong about this wrong about what ? every form I have ever receved from public sector has these questions in them why not apply for a job with one of these bodies and see for yourself?

If i did lie get the interview surely they would find out who and what race I am from? If we have equality these questions should not be on application forms but they are

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No major party currently wants to take us into the Euro. As a business, I can tell you that the Euro makes life much easier though, I have to say that in its favour.

I'm self-employed and now based in the UK. Most of my income is in euros and most of my outgoings are in sterling, meaning that the bank gets a take of my earnings through currency exchange costs, and putting me at a disadvantage compared with my competitors based in the Eurozone. I'm sure I'm not the only one paying the bill for the UK not adopting the euro. Why is it that only the costs of joining the euro are highlighted, and never the costs of remaining outside it (borne by people like me)?

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But my FOAF point was about the case that was said to have actually happened. Nothing untoward happened with the black police officers, except that they asked for a change in the law.

Who is your MP? Do you live in a marginal seat?

You wouldn't need to take a case to the European Parliament, just to the UK courts. If Parliament passes a law that contravenes the equal treatment provisions of the Treaty of Rome, then it can be dealt with in this country, and through a lawyer.

I live in Newham East London 51% ethnic minority 49% white so they say the evening standard. No I know I would not need to take my case to European Parliament , however I wrote to my M.P. just to get his opinion on the issue and see how he would reply . As I said no reply .

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I live in Newham East London 51% ethnic minority 49% white so they say the evening standard. No I know I would not need to take my case to European Parliament , however I wrote to my M.P. just to get his opinion on the issue and see how he would reply . As I said no reply .

Is that Stephen Timms? Feel sorry for you.

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If I apply for a job and it asks me what ethnic background I am from why should I lie ? , by you stating I can put white jewish ect. I can put WTF I like it kind of proves my point that being white and having to try and hide it is an issue . You say im simply wrong about this wrong about what ? every form I have ever receved from public sector has these questions in them why not apply for a job with one of these bodies and see for yourself?

If i did lie get the interview surely they would find out who and what race I am from? If we have equality these questions should not be on application forms but they are

Erm, but you don't have to fill this bit in. It's public sector forms I fill in too. You're ignoring my point here.

There is - or should be - a box for "Other". Why don't you use it? This covers pretty much anything.

As for filling in whatever you want, it was only a suggestion since you feel that you're being discriminated against. You can claim to be whatever you want. In fact, it'd be interesting to send two similar CVs but with different ethnic data - could be a way of proving that some illegal hiring is going on and then you have a legal case.

As it happens, the people in the public sector that I know pay no attention to these boxes when considering job applicants and aren't a fan of them even being on there. This won't always be true of course, I can only speak for my area.

I can't say that you aren't being discriminated against and you can't say that you are, but a lawyer can earn his/her keep if the winning applicant was less well qualified than yourself and you never even got an interview.

Sorry, but it just strikes me as an excuse because you can fight things like this. The law is on your side. You may be right, in which case you damn well should have a go at them and I'd totally support you in doing so.

re: police & ethnic minorities. Serious question - and I don't have an answer myself - given that policing of some ethnic minorities is made harder if the officers are very much of white european origin, is it justifiable in trying to hire more police of ethnic origin?

Would you accept that they may be initially less qualified then others if the overall benefit was justified, i.e. better policing of certain areas? What about if they had to be equally qualified but were preferred for the above reasons?

Should the police force be made to reflect the ethnic area in any way - even slightly - in order to improve community relations?

(are there any police on here???)

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No worse than that Jim( can not write a letter) Fitzpatric , have written to him on a number of occasions and have yet to get a reply.

That's the trouble with safe Labour seats. It is a safe Labour seat, isn't it? Most of the Newham seats are, I think.

That kind of why-bother attitude is one reason why Labour got hammered in Glasgow East.

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That's the trouble with safe Labour seats. It is a safe Labour seat, isn't it? Most of the Newham seats are, I think.

That kind of why-bother attitude is one reason why Labour got hammered in Glasgow East.

yes , however as you said they got hammered in Glasgow and I can tell you that the stock in trade Labour voter here are now getting very Pi-ed off like in Glasgow.

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No worse than that Jim( can not write a letter) Fitzpatric , have written to him on a number of occasions and have yet to get a reply.

If you sent a sensible letter than you have every right to a sensible answer. While my faith in MPs is very low, this is the least they can bloody do.

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Erm, but you don't have to fill this bit in. It's public sector forms I fill in too. You're ignoring my point here.

There is - or should be - a box for "Other". Why don't you use it? This covers pretty much anything.

As for filling in whatever you want, it was only a suggestion since you feel that you're being discriminated against. You can claim to be whatever you want. In fact, it'd be interesting to send two similar CVs but with different ethnic data - could be a way of proving that some illegal hiring is going on and then you have a legal case.

As it happens, the people in the public sector that I know pay no attention to these boxes when considering job applicants and aren't a fan of them even being on there. This won't always be true of course, I can only speak for my area.

I can't say that you aren't being discriminated against and you can't say that you are, but a lawyer can earn his/her keep if the winning applicant was less well qualified than yourself and you never even got an interview.

Sorry, but it just strikes me as an excuse because you can fight things like this. The law is on your side. You may be right, in which case you damn well should have a go at them and I'd totally support you in doing so.

re: police & ethnic minorities. Serious question - and I don't have an answer myself - given that policing of some ethnic minorities is made harder if the officers are very much of white european origin, is it justifiable in trying to hire more police of ethnic origin?

Would you accept that they may be initially less qualified then others if the overall benefit was justified, i.e. better policing of certain areas? What about if they had to be equally qualified but were preferred for the above reasons?

Should the police force be made to reflect the ethnic area in any way - even slightly - in order to improve community relations?

(are there any police on here???)

No,sorry your ignoring mine ,If I apply for a job it will not go down well if I don't fill that bit in will it ; you say people in the public sector pay no attention to these part's of the form how do I know that the person appraising my application will not be bothered.

Why should I put a cross in the box that says other , Im white why should I be asked and why should I have to deny it.?

It would be interesting to fill in two similar C.V.s with different ethnic backgrounds and see what happens ; This was done recently for the manchester police and it was proved that the white guy did not stand a chance. It was on the news recently. Yes I could also do this myself but to be honest I apply for a job because I want a job , to pay for my life really have not got the time to do this .

Yes you can say people in public sector do not agree with all this but and I have to take your word on this , however I know people who say different , so who is right and who is wrong?

Yes we can bring the lawyers in on all this . But as I said on one post , I applied so many times for advertised post's in the civil service , I took my time to fill out the application form , but not once did I get to interview. My brother could not believe this , because as I said in that post often he phones civil service bodies and has had to put the phone down and ring back as the first person who answered the phone could not even speak English properly . He had put it down to civil service paying poor salary's and could not get staff. He could not believe I did not get the chance of interview.

Sorry it strikes you as an excuse? explain what strikes you as an excuse?

Don't know the answer about the police myself , however I feel , and this is my opinion of which im entitled , from what I see on the news in the papers and FOAF stories I hear the police can not bloo-- win.

Would ethnic minority police in ethnic minority areas be better . Again dont know , however there was a program a few years back fly-on -the wall about customs at heathrow and when a black customs official stopped a black traveler the traveler went mad and told the office he should not stop one of his own. So if there was more black police officers stopping black people would that kind of thing occur don't know.

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In my past experience mp's have been good at responding.

And if there was a vote tomorrow i'd vote lib dem as usual - not because i expect them to do any better but because i want to encourage more diverse voices to have to be heard in parliament.

The reality is both the UK and US are in a political oligarchy...

the same kinds of people,

who say the same things,

in the same way,

from the same schools,

with the same friends,

funded by the same companies,

with the same campaigns,

year after year,

the only differences are,

quite minor social elements,

never economics,

never really ideology,

never huge social programmes.

never inventive,

the only difference is blue or red,

yet these are the only choices,


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One of my great critisisms of PatPrimer74 is that he is an arrogant twit and who would vote for a pack of arrogant twats. But you as clearly a signed up member of the opposing team are an arrogant and thugishly offensive twit. Its a hard call but I am leaning toward arrogantPat rather than insultingandslightlythugishClown. Particularly since arrogantPat's mob brought my money back home whereas thugish Clown just complained that Brown complained that Brown was being a thug for doings so, which seems a little hypocritical when he would have carped if he hadn't. That was a bit of a tide turn there. I could feel that popular change of tide feeling... I reckon Gordo is on the make for a while. Lets see if he can CAPITALISE (boom boom :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry recession puns are not good)


Although this appears to be addressed to me, you are making statements that do not seem to refer to any of my posts. I admit I hate Labour and what they have done to this country and me personally, but I am not aware of especially promoting another particular “team” as you put it.

But you as clearly a signed up member of the opposing team

Clown just complained that Brown complained that Brown was being a thug for doings so,

I wonder if you can quote me where I said these things please ? I have been unable to find them so far and I would be grateful if you could point them out to me.

I suspect it must be a bad time for you just now, so I will leave it here.

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You said far more than this f-dog. You can't spin your way out. I recall you asked me what the worst I could imagine if the BNP got into power. I referred to shopkeepers being beaten up, among other things, and you said that if this was the worst I could imagine, then there were no worries.
Today, 06:51 AM

Post #158

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Bull or Bear? Bear

QUOTE (1929crash @ Oct 11 2008, 06:35 AM) *

I did not say that you were a hate crazed, demented thug. I said the BNP are.

Many ordinary decent folk voted for Hitler.

What's the worst that could happen? Not sure, but I can imagine some sort of organised violence against ethnic minorites. You know, boycotting Asian shops, smashing their windows, beating them up. Just the kind of workaday sort of things that happened in the Third Reich.

Well I did say they were not perfect and the one policy they have that I think is unworkable is the forced repatriation one. I think once their following grows (and there is evidence to suggest that their support goes far beyond the working class) then we can see that policy being dropped. However, I do agree that the recent influx in the past five years of migrants has caused trouble and that encouraging them to go back home and tightening up our lax immigration policies are necessary.

Anyway, in the grand scheme of things if the worst you can imagine happening is the boycotting of Asian corner shops then cant see the problem with that. I just think this country has got something wrong with it and we need a radical change to sort it out, one that the big 3 wont deal with. How come you go down any street in the UK and ask 'Do you want capital punishment brought back', 'Do you want us to pull out of the EU', 'Do you want immigration stopped', 'Do you want the army pulled out of Iraq' people will answer yes to all and yet none of the big 3 parties want any of that. Why is that? Its because they think they know better than the common man, they are so arrogant in their beliefs that they think the people dont know what is right and wrong. Well we do and we need a party that will stand up for the majority.

You have misquoted me and obviously have the memory of a goldfish. There is no need for me to 'spin' my way out of this as I stand by everything I said. Now if you want to think boycotting means smashing windows and beating people up then so be it. Dont take me out of context though. I actually think you are quite sick in the head.

Boycott Tropic Thunder

No doubt by your understanding we can expect to hear any day now that Ben Stiller has been beaten up by an angry disabled mob who went on to smash the windows of his Hollywood home

That does appear to be the post in question as I remember it, is that a copy you made at the time fossildog ?

I read the thread at the time and I even posted in it. I was busy that day so I missed much of what happened afterwards. Shame really as it must have been a good one since it got deleted !

I have read 1929crash’s attacks on fossildog in the “What happened to” thread and here on this thread. I am no fan of 1929crash as it is but I think we have had an opportunity to see how he works on this forum.

If the bold text quote is the original, 1929crash has been lying and so should apologise to fossildog. Although I admit 1929crash is not my favourite person here in his defence he had been posting for over 24 hours Friday / Saturday so his memory and reasoning may not have been at there best.

fossildog I am looking forward to reading more of your posts here and I wish you would post more.

I actually think you are quite sick in the head.

Believe me you are not the only one to have contemplated this about 1929crash ! :lol:

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