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Everything posted by chichi

  1. Massive ramping on today's homes under the hammer and now a new program Buy It, Sell It, Bank It? Season 1 Episode 1 of 25 The Bacons New series. Two couples compete at auction to buy a house in dire need of renovation. The losers then get the chance to inspect the renovations. Presented by Kristian Digby
  2. I love the supermarket ad that says something about "looking after your family" and then goes onto to only list bargain booze deals
  3. Should it be money porn? Or recession porn? Or poverty porn? Or how the banks screw us over porn?
  4. The last man on earth would still arm himself. I did smile at the bit when they said "the prime minister died a few minutes ago"
  5. How disloyal are you to the UK to not be spending all your credit card surplus on cheap imported tat?
  6. The word ripe doesn't get a mention in that report you know. Pretty food. As long as it looks right, doesn't have to be edible.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7741859.stm More than £28m of tax money owed by struggling football clubs in English divisions has been written off by HM Revenue and Customs, the BBC has found. The debt was incurred by 18 clubs which have gone into administration with unpaid tax bills in recent seasons. When a football club goes into administration, the "football creditors rule" requires all football-related debts - to players, coaching staff and other clubs - to be paid first and normally in full. HMRC is not deemed a preferential creditor and has to line up with other non-football creditors to share what is left in the pot. That means the taxman is typically paid 5-10% of what is actually owed.
  8. efficiency cuts = job losses. Each and every time. And that's not what he wants to do right now.
  9. Perhaps a shoot to kill policy should be applied to pirates who ask for bonuses this year.
  10. And it's easy to convince people who think they're innocent of all crimes. It'll cut benefit fraud. It won't. It's going to be using the same dirty data that allows people to do it now. It'll stop terrorism. Unless you're building a bunker out of millions of them it won't make a jot of different to your personal safety. It won't be compulsory. Unless you want to bank, travel or breath.
  11. Indeed. One geezer is being made to repay some of the millions.
  12. The fact they plan on going ahead with the insane id card chills me.
  13. No receipt? I'd have stamped my foot til I got one. You should report it to the bank.
  14. Don't worry about being tipped out of your home and made homeless. Mr Govt says you can still have an id card. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/no...rds-home-office • Homeless people and others who live "transient lifestyles" will also be able to register under the scheme. The Home Office expects to be able to agree with homeless people a suitable place to be registered as their residence - presumably even if it is only a railway arch. Those who move around frequently for work will be able to register their principal residence without notifying each move.
  15. Isn't it going to be a tax credits boost? That way it'll reach the poorest people brave enough to fight their way through the insane system of claim forms AND it has to be repaid if they earn more money later in the year.
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_mi...try/7741881.stm Will it be on rightmove? Oo it's got a wiki entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medford_Hall
  17. She claimed to be an "activist" and did lots of "campaiging" - so she's probably leaving the kids at home alone more than someone with a job.
  18. Was this breakfast news on ITV? I@m afraid I was too capitated by the Dubai luxury lifestyle news on the bbc this morning...
  19. The investment in Manchester's public transport will be part funded by revenue from the congestion charge and from public transport. How do they extract money from private companies to pay for the improvements? I can only see bus fares rising massively and more people deciding they may as well use the car.
  20. Another couple of SSTC on my rightmove this morning. Madness. Must be BTL loonies.
  21. Have they got their letter in at number 10 yet for some cash?
  22. At present around 43 firms, from one-man bands to giants employing thousands of workers, are collapsing every day. So should the banks be lending to them?
  23. Job seekers allowance. Unemployment benefit.
  24. You didn't have to fill in any forms to go teach in China? Cool.
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