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House Price Crash Forum

Former postman

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Everything posted by Former postman

  1. Were zero houses built since the millennium? The point I'm making about social housing re. The depletion of stock is such that an increasingly small number of homes are available to an increasing amount of people who need them. Many of those sold off get rented out back to the same people who would have otherwise rented a social home, except they are now renting it twice the cost. It's also wise to remember, social homes were supposed to be for everybody, not just chavs and immigrants. Successive governments have failed to build enough/make available social homes for those who want them. There are plenty of houses to go around... Just not very many of them are affordable any more.
  2. Well, non EU/EU residents in the UK and asylum seekers are all down. We are no longer letting more and more people into the country. Of course immigration was never the problem, the problem was decades long depletion of social housing stock. Selling em cheap to the proles and in the process buying life long Tory voters. Win win for the Torys. More votes and more stuff in private hands.
  3. We have not progressed much in 1000 years. As then, the general populace serves as a resource from which to extract food, labour and, most importantly, rent.
  4. Hmm, The UK government and IT projects. Not something that traditionally goes well...
  5. Htb stands for 'help the builders.
  6. That's true. Well, as a postman I get a rolling rest day, so can go on a weekday sometime too.
  7. The only thing I'm buying when lockdown ends is a nice cold pint to drink in a beer garden.
  8. All of the houses that have sold in my immediate area have had teams of Indian builders swoop in within days of the for sale sign switching to sold. I don't believe many have sold to actual families, or none that I have noticed have. Purely anecdotal, but it seems to me houses are selling quickly, but to this particular type of 'property developer'. I have counted 7 of these sales to 'property developers' in the past 6 months within a few roads of where I live. Most end up with grey framed double glazing, white/beige rendered outer walls, a printed driveway, grey carpets and white walls throughout.
  9. Fancy bunging your life savings into a fantasy football ponzi scheme. Facepalm
  10. I really wonder sometimes, have these people considered, perhaps, working for a living and saving into pension?
  11. Millions paid out to companies owned by the Saudi Royal family, the ruler of Dubai, the Qatari state, the BNP, amongst various others. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/mar/19/uk-furlough-scheme-pays-out-millions-to-foreign-states-and-tax-exiles
  12. I'd rather Rob a bank and get the same for free in prison.
  13. Leave. EU, not satisfied with just winning the brexit, have morphed into a barrel scraping, racist account who target black and brown people in power, daily, with far right smears. I follow them on twitter for the sole purpose of reporting all of their tweets.
  14. Biggest economic retraction in G7 and largest death toll in Europe. Wow such a mystery.
  15. And rape convictions are at a record low under the Tories. But I'm glad they're cracking down on the important heinous crimes such as vandalism of inanimate objects and protesting noisely.
  16. Dracanion policing bill passes second reading. Soon vandalising a statue will carry a greater sentence than raping a woman. God save The Queen.
  17. Ah yes. Reading previous comments you're right. I wonder what phantom investor thinks of our current ruling party who are *actually* funded by billionaires like George Soros...
  18. The current government have been found by courts multiple times to have acted unlawfully. Why aren't the police bundling Boris to the ground and arresting him?
  19. Which is exactly why cannabis should be Legalised and promoted as a friendlier alternative to getting absolutely hammered every Fri/Saturday night. If alcohol were discovered in 2021, it would absolutely be a class A drug.
  20. When they say something along those lines, I ask them how much they paid for their house. It usually turns out that I have a deposit larger than the price they paid for their entire house, yet I can't afford to buy a similar or smaller home in 2021. I ask them again how easy the young have it. They soon shut up.
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