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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by wighty

  1. Can you finance buying a second without selling first?. Apart from extra costs it's a big risk. Most sell high first, rent, then buy low second Getting it past your partner will be your biggest problem.
  2. If you use the solicitor recommend by EA he'll have big kick back. Was less than half price using on-line conveyancer and was more flexible and prompt. Ask the EA what commision they get from added services.
  3. Desperate Tory ploy for election kudos?. For them it is the darkest of times before the coming political new dawn
  4. What was the capital gain?. Also take off buying & selling costs. Then there's an allowance.
  5. I thought you could. As long as you actually lived there.
  6. It's from a politician in an electioneering mode. You are old and wise enough to know what is said bears no relation to the reality.
  7. Call in on the way to Borth, Stewy.
  8. How can someone let a house get like this?. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146565881#/?channel=RES_BUY
  9. Unreliable Internet cock crowing at 5am. And farmers working at unsociable times
  10. It seems, generally, the more expensive houses have lower rents in % terms compared to market value. I like your style the way you're set up, but I can't get it past my wife to do something similar.
  11. What have you done to get right up his nose?. Giving his Mrs one on the side?.
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/inflation-could-hit-zero-within-months-defying-bank-of-england-forecasts-city-economists-say/ar-BB1l774u?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=f5722887aa98423a8ebf31fceaab6d62&ei=60
  13. Let them worry and lose sleep over whether they did the right thing. In their market there' only one house (theirs) whereas there's many in yours and more coming on every week.
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/nationwide-s-dominic-west-adverts-banned-for-misleading-consumers/ar-BB1kY8s7?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=b49d69c4ee7540819547db7b0ad48d2d&ei=29#comments I actually switched to NW because of this advert. Can I claim compensation for being mis-sold?. (the £200 switch bonus had nothing to do with it, honest guv). Pity as it was a funny advert.
  15. He clears gross £65,000 (350-85-200). Lower interest rate on his repayments over 27 years. Better than renting for that time. Did he not manage to pay off the £20, 000 mortgage over that time?. Is the payment to bank based on when the mortgage is cleared or the house sold, whichever the later?.
  16. That's because you've surrounded yourself with losers.
  17. HE DIDNT DUPE ME ...🤡🤡💩💩😂😂🤣🤣 Because you didn't know who he was till now.
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