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  1. Anecdotal: mate in a zone 2 terrace with the missus, LL increased from £2k to £3k this year. Both 6 figure earners, so despie being able to afford it, moved out, and out of London. Could afford it but it's the feeling of being mugged off that made their decision for them.
  2. Anecdotal, last year when a mate managed to buy a 1 bed flat in a shitty part of London for over x10 his salary (BOMAD, pension freeze, loads of overtime and HTB) I shorted Barratt Dev. as it just seemed so unsustainable. Low and behold my small investment is up 39%! Thanks inflatable housing market!
  3. Bought Aug 19 - £175,000 Less than a year later, it's aiming to be the most expensive house on the street ever...£270,000 (sstc) https://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/55382002?search_identifier=a3181d8df6442d7f4576a62790971b7d yikes
  4. Anecdotal: Went to a Fulham pub around midday on opening day. Gave name and number and shown to a terrace table. Masks on when going through the pub to the toilet. Not really that different from normal if you're going for lunchtime food/drinks. Then the bill came...£45 each! Both agreed beers in the park next time. Interesting thing was, out of all my mates (we are a heavy drinking football team too), I was the only one who actually went to a pub on opening day. I didn't drink much either as have strated running in lockdown and need to keep fitness up. Interesting to see if some of my views are echoed throughout the larger population or we'll just fall back into our old habits when the colder months come.
  5. I don't think I could morally justify outbidding a family looking to make a home to turn a tidy profit.
  6. Shame on the EDP for promoting such a poorly thoughout moneygrab.
  7. With everything that's happened in the last few months, if all this doesn't cause house prices to tumble, then I don't know what possibly could.
  8. Just had a quick glance online and there's a few sub-£100k flats around now and one particular property I quite liked has gone from £198k to £185K in just over a month. Maybe the tides are turning at last...
  9. That's so true, everything's so homogeneous now. I remember at my sixth-form there were the goths, townies, punks, geeks, surfer dudes (my uniform was quiksilver and mambo and I listened to Reef non-stop!). Interestingly, the hipster subculture is the only one where it's members don't self-identify ('I'm not a hipster!') and it has no basis of it's own, it just borrows each element from other subcultures.
  10. I'm consistently surprised that the economy isn't suffering more. I'm being kicked out in January - landlord selling up, local slumlord buying. One interesting anecdote I have is the decision for my staff christmas party to go from the traditional tuxedo's last year to christmas jumpers in a ex-serviceman's club this year. And we're not even in an official recession. But most of the work force are under 40 and are spanking large amounts of cash on rent and those who aren't live so far out that it's not worth coming back near work for a night out or their mortgage payments are pushing them to the hilt. And the kicker is that the majority of us got rebanded higher about 6 months ago, with a nice wad of backpay too.
  11. So true. I live and work out west and there is literally zero difference between here and everytown, uk. In fact, because everything is spread out and transport links are still crap, it's more of a pain in the ass than when I lived in Norwich and could walk everywhere. And yet, half a mil for a 3-bed terrace and £6 a pint. Three people leaving work next month and heading out of London. All state the same reason, you can guess why.
  12. Paper Mill Yard again. Nicely placed pillar! But just look at the Last Sale price in Oct 2007. That can't be right?!
  13. WOW. This is one of the most ridiculous prices I've ever seen! I can imagine the high earners who could afford such a place popping into the local Hollywood Bowl or maybe a glass of 1974 Chateaux Lafite in The Queen of Iceni
  14. So true. Norwich is great like that. Living in west London, I really miss being able to walk everywhere.
  15. Had someone reply to my comment saying there wasn't a rent ceiling as rents have been going up for 15 years and will continue to do so.
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