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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by micawber

  1. It's pretty rigorously calculated. I had to do a whole OU math unit on it!
  2. ONS says 5.4% https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours
  3. The fact that the IT industry has failed to produce or leverage simple tests to quickly differentiate the good from the bad speaks volumes to the quality of the IT industry. Agreed, STEM subjects should be fully subsidised.
  4. Minor detail in the scheme of things. Take this snapshot from Brighton. Two things are clear. Transaction volumes never recovered after the 2008 crash. Covid SD Holiday just brought forward transactions.
  5. BBC refuse to report RPI again today, despite being a key factor in the calculation of many costs and benefits.
  6. I'd be more optimistic. It's a right faff having to pay council tax on it, insure it, check it over, pay utility daily standing charges and now, with summer approaching, maintain the garden.
  7. Might be worth paying the small fee necessary to check the land registry.
  8. See how that panned after the IMF loan. "In 1976 Healey adopted a policy of limiting the money supply which came to be seen by some historians and commentators as a move towards the economic policies of Thatcherism."
  9. Can't say I disagree. Certainly add in main house floor size, outbuilding floor size separately, plot size, EPC, last 3 years energy and water bills, lease details, last 3 years service charges, ground rent, etc.
  10. Walk away. Wait until supply returns to normal and prices reduce. The house will probably sell at 500K to some marginal buying idiot, it just doesn't have to be you. Buy the smallest cheapest comfortable house that suits for now and wait the madness out.
  11. They will plunge but it's the "about to" bit I'd disagree with. Like the talking-head saying that March will mark the peak. They are not accounting for the constrained supply. Prices will keep on shooting up as fewer properties come to market. I just see it all as false data in that the "average price" is not really a reflection of what everyone could achieve once the supply returns to normal.
  12. Good luck trying to buy Potassium Iodide tablets.
  13. But. but, but ..... "The property has been INDEPENDENTLY VALUED at £50,000 by a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) qualified surveyor. "
  14. You have to post more information for that stat to have any relevance whatsoever. For starters, what is the average French bill? How much of that is due to the unusually large amount of nuclear generation? What is the German and Italian equivalent? Is it France who is the outlier or UK?
  15. "Hello, Thank you for your email. We gain all of our information on sold house prices from the Land Registry. We can only advertise what they send through to us in the updates. I would suggest making contact with them if you need further help with this. Thanks, Annabelle Mabbott Customer Care Specialist" I think that means "piss off. I cannot or will not fix this"
  16. I've fired off an email to them. I'll let you know if they reply
  17. It's either incompetence or deliberate. Can't tell which, but probably just incompetence. Someone probably did something using Agile, broke it and will fix it soon. LOL. I recognised this one from last year: But then clicked on nearby sold prices and found it!
  18. I've noticed recently that RM seem to have stopped publishing previous sold prices. Any corroboration?
  19. Has to be seen to be believed! Dawlish 'aint Exmouth. There's a river in between!
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