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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by endgame

  1. What size bars did you get? What refiner? Are they new bars? Should you have bought sovereigns?
  2. The last sentence in the article is particularly interesting. "James Sinclair, who heads his own New York trading firm, predicts that gold could go as low as $250 before buyers begin to return to it." At what price did Gordon sell UK gold? At what price did the current gold bull start? $250! JS calls it spot on once again. Glad he is still here to share his experience with us during these times. http://www.jsmineset.com/
  3. Hello, here I am..... I'm not the messiah, just a naughty boy....
  4. LOL. A house is advertised at £300k. Three or four years ago identical houses were going for £200k. You think it foolish to offer £200k now? The fools are those who paid £300k (the banks) and those enslaved to pay it back over a life time. That wouldn't be you would it?
  5. How much progress have you made in your efforts to get 1kg? What did you start with, have you made some losses etc?
  6. Excellent! Email it to Robert Peston to explain on the news. Better still Rory Bremner
  7. cgnao said this would happen. Why don't you give him the credit now that it seems more likely?
  8. Its not the "main discussion board" its the"main discussion forum on house prices". I think it would be better if it was changed to include all related subjects. Suggestions for title "main discussion forum on house prices and related subjects" which could include gold as it is arguably money. "House prices" refers to houses and their prices in money. Gold is money!
  9. Nicely called Financial Planner, you said it will go up and it did. Went down first though and had me worried!
  10. Thats why we need a union of the people. If enough people joined then we could exercise great power in just this sort of manner.
  11. Does anyone else think that the bomb crater outside the Marriott hotel, Islamabad, looks more like an air dropped bomb rather than a lorry bomb? The difference-an air dropped weapon penetrates the ground somewhat before detonating resulting in large amounts of material being ejected which forms a deep crater. A lorry bomb detonates above ground and depresses the ground from the pressure of the blast.
  12. You can pay through your online bank account.
  13. LOL damn funny!! Almost as funny as Lehman....
  14. You know where to find him. I think that those who abused him will come to regret it as he is being proved right.
  15. You thinking of revising your prediction? Halfway through the week and golds plummeting. Currently at $760.
  16. FP, you have pretty much stuck your neck on the line by predicting gold, starting this week, will rally. We shall see.
  17. I'm surprised gold hasn't used the Freddie and Fannie news as a springboard if it is going to the "sun", as you think FP. Interesting term, going to the sun. Usually its going to the moon, via the center of the earth!
  18. What does ">2 std devs from the mean" actually mean? Has the Fannie and Freddie news prompted you to say this?
  19. Cgnao posts on this site now http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?act=idx
  20. Oh come on. Steve Wright is about the only good thing presenter left on BBC radio. A light hearted entertaining show without any particular axe to grind. Its interesting that Jeremy Vine never speaks to Wrighty between shows, like Ken Bruce does with Vine. I don't think Vine likes Wrighty. weekdays 2pm-5pm. Things I don't like. Birthday crap & astrology Things I do like. Ask Elvis, the non stop (apart from the 3 o'clock news) oldies. Factoids. Wheres "the big quiz" gone? They recommended gold, silver and platinum on factoids. I don't think its appropriate for the BBC to be doing that although I'm not complaining.
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