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Everything posted by hpc-craig

  1. Cheers, I'll have a look in there after tea. There seems to be a lot of bearish news in the media just recently. I really hope the momentum continues. Looking forward to a Radio 5 Live Phone in in a years time after 12 months of 'negative' house price data
  2. Is that because people up North don't go on holiday then? Honestly, I can't believe the cr*p they come out with sometimes to justify a fall. I reckon this year we have had snow,, more snow, ash cloud, sun and holidays. Anyway, it's all good for the cause even though I have a slight feeling of deja vu.
  3. An index based on what deluded sellers think their 'pwoperdee' is worth? Can only be a 'positive' movement and I'm guessing +1%. I think it It will be a few months before we start to see some negative falls in asking prices.
  4. Is this not what was happening in the pre planning days? I love some of our town centres that have built up over 100's of years, with different styles of buildings lining the streets. Most of these areas are now conservation areas and are far more attractive than the identical urban estates you see around towns and cities up and down the country. I would quite like to see a 'zoning' style policy laid out like you mention.
  5. Looking forward to listening to the whole of this - just listened to timebandit, well done - you didn't sound 'a quivering wreck' to me. Nolan definately cut you off though. Loving the Text about the guy with a new build bought at £350k and now on the market at £275k. Only 3 viewings and he thinks its a joke? The buyers probably think his asking price is a joke.
  6. Gloucestershire Market Town, Population ~ 4,500 - 3 estate agents, all 3 open until 5 on a Saturday and one opens most of the day on a Sunday. I didn't even imagine such a business would close on weekends as this is when most people will be free for viewings (not me, I have to slave away on a Saturday.)
  7. Please do it. I'll give you monies if you do. About 3.2 million Ugandan Dollars should cover it.
  8. One thing that has struck me about the Item Club throughout this whole debacle (since 2007) is how off the mark they consistantly are. 'House prices will not falter' and 'UK banks are 100% safe' spring immediately to mind. They seem to be utterly clueless.
  9. We will hit peak oil one day - I know that much is inevitable from my GCSE Science lessons, but I won't be surprised if in 20 years time, people are still saying 'we only have 20 years of oil left'.
  10. About as much as the people who moan that their new iPhone 4 can't get a signal when its held a certain way. Never mind the 12 workers in the factory that have topped themselves this year so Apple can churn them out 'cheap' to the brain dead sheeple in the UK. All people aspire to in this country is a Pwoperdee portfolio, a brand new car and an iPhone. And they don't care what it costs as long as it doesn't cost them.
  11. How much did they pay for the appartment? I miseed that bit.
  12. De Nile Is not just a river in Egypt - it's pretty prevalent in Dubai as well.
  13. I have to ask this: When Kim Jong Balls is referring to a 'progressive government' is he meaning a state where the people become increasingly reliant on the Government for services/jobs etc. This sounds like the least progressive thing I've ever heard of. I apologise if I'm barking up completely the wrong tree, but I've heard this phrase a lot recently especially in the run up to the election and assumed it was just 'party talk' or an election slogan, but the penny dropped in my mind as to what Ed 'so what?' Balls is harping on about and I can't believe people buy it.
  14. £215,000 for a 2 bed flat in an ugly building in Coventry?? Even at the more recent £100k asking price it looks decidedly over priced.
  15. No sorry. it was on BBC news 24. Laura K was reeling off what she has been told was compromised between the 2 parties. HUGE list. She said about CGT increase. She then clarified that this would only affect second homes and shares and NOT business.
  16. It seems that in order to fund the £10,000 Tax free threshold there will be an increase in CGT fro second home owners. I know this has been suggested a few times by members on this forum, myself included. It will probably only be a small % increase, but could this deter people from buying second homes? Could be good news for peoples in Cornwall/Devon. (GF has just pointed out that if they can afford a 2nd home they probably won't worry about a few extra £'s on their CGT bill when collecting there 'earnings' from HPI).
  17. So lets assume that LD/Tory talks fail and a LD/Labour Coalition is formed (which would involve paying off the welsh and scottish nationalists). Will we see ANOTHER unelected prime minister in David Miliband (don't think Ed will contest) or Ed Balls?
  18. My thoughts on LVT would be an a small % of what the land would be worth if it were to be sold, paid annually. Similar to stamp duty but having to pay it every single year, regardless of whether you sell it or not. I have seen proposals for a higher % of rental value, which is fine. I imagine that either method would produce similar amounts of revenue from the land owners. The only reason I would choose sales value is because sheeple can better understand it: Man with land: How much would you pay to own this land? Mr Sheeple: about £150,000 Man with land: And how much would you pay to rent it from me? Mr Sheeple: Obviously I wouldn't. It's dead money
  19. Sorry that was what I meant, but I didn't word it very well.
  20. £142,000 for a STUDIO rabbit hutch up a few flights of stairs in a bl00dy ugly building (based solely on that one picture though). Even with a 50% drop (let alone 25%), it would still be overpriced I hope this was a purchase as a weekly crash pad rather than a batchelor pad, as nothing impresses the ladies less than pulling your bed out of your sofa (i would imagine).
  21. That is exactly what I would like to see. The land with the most value in my opinion is previously unused sites now sitting undeveloped. In our local town we had a Garage sitting empty smack bang in the middle of the town with plenty of space behind it. I have been told it was like this for 15 years at least. With a Land Value based tax, this would be prime land and subject to high taxation in order to encourage the owner to develop into commercial/residential. This is good in 2 ways: It takes away an eyesore in the middle of town and houses are built on Brownfield land before Greenbelt. I would Imagine LVT could replace Council Tax, Income Tax, National Insurance and Corporation tax, which would create more jobs. I would imagine other taxes may be able to be reduced. That's how I would approach a Land value tax.
  22. It was, but it picked the lock and escaped. No one has seen it since, and no one knows where to find it.
  23. People bought up holiday homes, because of rampant HPI. Buy a house have a holiday for 2 weeks every year and watch it double at least) in value over 10 years. Pocket the difference and you have ten years of free holidays and a wodge of cash in your pocket. Second homes need to be discouraged though. A large stamp duty (20% ish) and a 200% council tax bill would be a good start.
  24. I'm actually quite surprised you haven't already Eric. Those posts with bright red big letters scream 'man on the edge' to me.
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