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Everything posted by micawber

  1. I do. That's why UK and US governments are financed at such low rates. People know where they stand with them. I have no idea what the debt settlement would be but I'm pretty sure that even the mad Nutters wouldn't really try pulling the stunt being proposed. Sorry, Natters
  2. No more than Labour and the Lib Dems, surely? Perhaps it's about respecting the wishes of the 70% of UK Scots who have not indicated a strong desire for indepedence. I can't imagine a UK govt abandoning its subjects to a marauding minority.
  3. Same message all over. From latest RICS survey https://www.rics.org/globalassets/rics-website/media/knowledge/research/market-surveys/final---april_2021_rics_uk_residential_market_survey_tp.pdf
  4. It's all hypothetical. We'll just have to guess at what the markets will make of a country walking away from it's obvious obligations. I suspect that the EU would also take a dim view of a country that finds it so easy to stiff a neighbour. They'll wonder whether they should let in a country which considers itself so exceptional. Lastly, the UK might just exact revenge through monetary strategy and border controls on Scottish exports. So not a wise move.
  5. At first glance that's a good suggestion. However, the more complicated a tax system becomes, the easier it is to game it with all sorts of legal devices. I'd much prefer a simple flat rate that got applied universally with no allowances. Everyone would have skin in the game and would be incentivised to vote. Every extra pound earned would return the same net amount thus reducing the absurd case where increasing rates act as a disincentive to effort.
  6. Over 100,000 state pensions have prematurely ended. I'd be (insensitively, I'll admit) curious as to know the value of these and the avoided future health care costs.
  7. You could sell that list to the Treasury. 😉
  8. Typically we're really talking about Gilts (Government Bonds) and they can just print the returns necessary so are unlikely to default (UK/US Gilts/treasuries).
  9. The Tartan Tory entitlement is strong in this one! Any 'surplus' in your imagination was spent by a UK government in the UK and elected by Scots
  10. I wouldn't fancy your chances of international funding in this instance.
  11. For anyone interested, DH refers to David Hunter - a macro economist / strategist. There are lots of interviews on YT to check out. Previously referred to as a contrarian, but it really just means that he was making the right calls when most people were wrong. Unfortunately I have been sworn to secrecy regarding DB!
  12. That's why I went down the ASA route. If the ASA find against them then they will not be able to ignore that. I think that it was probably incompetence (at RM) rather than fraud that allowed that to happen (price increase marked as reduction), but they will be a lot more careful in future.
  13. You are right. I listen to the "cash is trash" brigade and they are right - but only over a long period of time. Inflation is not going to take massive chunks out of your money in just a 12 month period. The "cost" could be considered an insurance premium to avoid the possible 50%+ losses coming in a market crash.
  14. "lose, lose, lose, lose, Blair, Blair, Blair, lose lose lose" lose you missed a lose at the end
  15. I sold 50% of my non-UK shares a couple of weeks ago. I'll do the same with my UK shares if the FTSE100 hits 7700 before a crash. My UK holdings are largely in Oil&Gas, Telecoms, Tobacco and General Mining. These are all well placed to do well as the cost of raw commodities, services and energy rocket with inflation. As a clue, just look at the small print of the BT and Vod adverts advising that they will (have been allowed to by the government) increase prices by CPI+3.9%. Not advice. DYOR.
  16. Yep, I'd agree with that. You have to be more subtle, sly and clever. The other thing that loses them votes are the juevenille name changes - like Tony Bliar. I stop reading as soon as I see one of those. But it must tickle them pink everytime they use one.
  17. Keep applying the pressure on RM. I am. Still waiting for ASA ruling. I expect that RM will claim it's just systems error. Those prices are a joke. I had a look at some local Wimpey new builds. Essentially they are like rabbit hutches for 10* local salaries. I gave them some feedback (in one ear and out the other!).
  18. I love reading the comments section in the Guardian. This one amused me: "Another female MP? So even though they're stupid, racist and xenophobic, they arent misogynistic."
  19. This probably sums things up quite well https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/may/04/labour-tories-voters-keir-starmer Labour keeps pushing the ‘same old Tories’ line – but voters have moved on
  20. We're hunkering down (2nd downsizing) to see what happens over the next 5 years then hope to buy something a little more substantial and comfortable, after a HPC, for the remainder of our terms. But if that doesn't pan out then we're still ok where we are.
  21. I don't know if it's most. I made some really stupid spending decisions in my life (buying new cars instead of second hand, new settees instead of charity shops/auctions, etc) so I'm hoping that people can learn from my errors. But I also made some great decisions such as downsizing my house early to pay off the mortgage and saving bonuses and salary increases into my pension. And working really hard while I was able (and keen!).
  22. Yes if circumstances have forced you to work to state pension age. No if the retirement is early 50's and then gives you the option or luxury of working for fun.
  23. Agree. Get used to spending little (and saving the rest in a pension and/or ISA) and then you need a smaller pension to generate the income which you have become accustomed to. Retire as soon as you like and are able to. You then have a comfortable choice about how much longer to work to pay for luxuries you didn't have before.
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