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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Patfig

  1. Well done Kate, I reckon you have just made everyone feel so much better. So if you have a 100% mortgage ( or worse) and are sh iitng yourself just sit tight and it will all go away!
  2. What was the name of that song again by Jilted John?
  3. Flme to the moon, let me play among the stars.....................
  4. I have 2 or 3 cubic metres of wood down the side of my house( ok I am in New Zealand), where almost everyone burns wood. It is a very clean low pollution fuel and coupled wit a modern woodburning fire gives out lots and lots of heat if it is fully seasoned. It is a renewable energy source too.
  5. Never in the field of human conflict has so much been f_cked for so many by so few!
  6. 24 hours and about 20 years away, far from the troubles of the world and a nice stone to hide under.
  7. I can't believe all of this madness. I was very unhappy with rising house prices and having to pay so many multiples of my wage for a mortgage so we buggered off to new Zealand in 2004. The recession is also hitting here too. We have been trying to sell up for 6 months as I have a job offer in Australia but not a dickie bird. Look what you get for your moneu over here http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=155848709 Makes the UK look pricey even at 1998 levels
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