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Everything posted by burk

  1. Ah the old non-reply, reply. Since you're replaying all the old hits how about in your next reply to me using your tried tested cliches like 'throbbing temple', 'daily wail' 'gammon' etc as you do across every thread on this forum........... #justathought
  2. Everything to do with Nu Labour. These are well known facts, books have been written about this subject many with detailed references to the backgrounds of nu labour personnel, see the two I mentioned above. That you contest this is naieve. Also that Labour, the architects of this housing crisis from 25 years back are going to solve it is for the birds. Same donor class equals same policies, status quo will be maintained and no houses will get built, too many VI's. But keep up the insults............................. #disappointmentawaits
  3. Yep pretty much all the key players in Blair's cabinet were, have a read of the following: Triumph of the Political Class by Peter Obourne The Abolition of Britain by Peter Hitchins In the meantime: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-6197097/PETER-HITCHENS-reveals-REAL-truth-Communist-infiltration-Britain.html https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/aug/25/labour.tonyblair #yourewelcome
  4. Because when the last lot of commie socialists held the levers of power in this country (1997 & 2010) property prices more than doubled, rents went through the roof from an unregulated BTL mkt, fu*king multiple generations and this country forever. #nomoreboomandbust #cognitivedissonace #yourewelcome
  5. No. To reduce global population and therefore create a stable world to live in we must sterilise the entire third world for several generations based on their birth rates and the instability this region exports around the world. #problemsolved #yourewelcome
  6. That's why I do it, plus no council tax and other assorted bills.
  7. Did similar before moving into my campervan, i thought I'd 'clean up' financially flogging off all my possessions, how wrong I was. If i wasn't dealing with scammers online on a daily basis it was the constant piss-takers making silly offers. Ended up filling a skip on my driveway, and what I kept is stored in a shipping container. From that experience I've learnt shiny objects/ possessions are a waste of time and money hence the comment about my circle above, telling them to flog stuff off while they still can.......
  8. It is if you're as overleveraged as my circle are..............
  9. Wage inflation, ever rising housing costs and a potential hot war in the middle east?
  10. Bear in mind if you include the insulation options below it brings the price upto £44k makes the above 'building' quite the pisstake. https://summerhouse24.co.uk/three-bedroom-log-cabin-cottage-hansa-holiday-g/
  11. Agreed, we've got a way to go yet, imo we're in the very early stages of denial with most out there. Imo by mid to end 2024 reality will have dawned on all but the most dim. When mentioning to several friends in recent weeks that it may be time to sell off the toys, things like jet skis, campervans, motor bikes etc whilst you've still potentially got a greater idiot to sell to. I got called pessimistic by one, asked if everything was alright by another and another mate changed the subject. It is going to be an absolute disaster for my circle, one even now is considering extending his place. What links all their behaviours is the belief interest rates will be coming back down soon and inflation is transitory. Insane...... Interesting observation on my travels this year around Devon, Cornwall, Wales, Peak and Lake District is the sheer volume of for sale boards and the stupid prices being asked. Total denial on the part of the seller regarding mkt conditions. Feeling rather happy sat in my campervan living for free watching this all unfold, and fuk every last one of these people that borrowed endless amounts of credit over the last 20 years "because you can't lose with property".........
  12. Agreed, but it's a race to the bottom now more than ever to maintain margins, I was a subcontractor many years ago for Churchill's the retirement home people. The site manager proudly told me most of the internals for the development (Metsec, plasterboard through to final finishes including copy cat ironmongery for bathrooms, kitchens as well as entire bathroom suites, internal doors etc) all came direct from China. It was only the steels and block work that were sourced 'locally' Their marketing at the time was a big Union Jack flag around the developments perimeter, the joke on site was it should have been a CCP one given their biz model. Add to that the active recruitment by many of these companies from abroad for labour and the just woeful quality in management and I'm afraid the standards and quality we have now are no surprise to me.
  13. Last house builder I worked for in 2015 (Wilmott Dixon) could've cared less about quality, everyday was constant nagging about getting plots handed over & whining about HSE/PPE bollock$. In terms of labour that site was 50% foreign, (cheap, unskilled bullshitters) 20% local, (useless/lazy) 10% intelligent/skilled, (gave a $hit), 20% (management, clipboard dollies). I have plenty of footage (like the Welsh lad on the internet) from years working on 'luxury' & 'bespoke' developments, suffice to say having spent a large chunk of my life in this line of work there's no way I'd buy anything built after 1990. As a site agent once said to me many moons ago "it doesn't have to be good, it's just got to look good".........
  14. Na, she's had a bit of media training from the dark lord and Mandelson that's all, she'll fuk up proper soon enough.
  15. Got sent details of a place on that estate in 2021 despite being too old to live there, it was on for £280,000! The 2 bed houses are 1.5 bedrooms at best with the stairs taking up a good chunk of the main bedroom upstairs and the lounge downstairs. Add to that zero parking, bugger all garden or privacy, its shocking to think these places were around £60,000 in the late 90's and by the early 2000's around £100,000. Insane........ Fwiw I'd like to see a 70 - 80% drop, it probably won't happen but a man can dream....
  16. Yep, after spending the last 20 odd years relying on cheap imported labour for everything in this country including building very poor quality slave boxes. It shall be interesting to watch the new incumbents to power fob off the electorate. Spoiler alert: bugger all new houses will be getting built. Just too many vested interests to allow anyone born and bred in this country any chance of a decent quality of life, not when we have millions of Albanians, sub Saharan Africans, Indians, Afghans and Pakistanis to house. Can see the high streets and hotels up and down the country getting re-zoned to residential when this bunch take over. Having watched her a couple of times I can safely say Labour have found the new Diane Abbott in Angela Rayner, think she'll be out of the front bench after the first year, too mouthy and dim whereas your average Torys just dim.
  17. It's a good question; who is going to build these houses? https://www.constructionnews.co.uk/financial/administrations/no-sunshine-in-august-as-administrations-hit-another-monthly-record-05-09-2023/
  18. From a previous thread, MSI works for the NHS so gets a little sensitive to any criticism of this unreformable, monolithic, not-fit-for-purpose institution.
  19. Guardian Link Not shocked really, another country's ex PM bought and paid for to do this demons bidding. Let's play Blair bingo: If anyone has 'streamlining', 'reform-orientated', 'delivering change' or 'citizen-centred' on their card mark it off and come to the front. God help us if Labour take power, having this ***** back in the circle, did laugh though watching Alistair Campbell flounce off of Talk TV from a while back, when debating Douglas Murray on of all things the lack of truth and honesty in politics. "It's like listening to Jeffery Epstein lecturing about the age of consent" - Douglas Murray But what he flounced off the interview for was when asked about Dr David Kelly, couldn't handle it, the poor dear. These fukers are pure evil, absolute definition of psychopathy, should be in the Hague for crimes against humanity and to think 'the bands back together' is scary as fuk.......
  20. Total coincidence btw, posted then saw your post. Yeah AA is bang on, it'll be a mix of Chinas social credit system with a mkt/tech based 'solutions' as to who gets what. That 'future of Britain' document read like a blueprint for tyranny then I stupidly watched the Jeremy Hunt interview of Blair, needless to say I went for a long walk after that, it's positively terrifying what's being proposed.
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