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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by hayder

  1. flats in my postcode down £98K in 12 months. Yea we're talking leafy north london hills, but still. this is devastating to the smug yuppies who were lapping up overpriced new build flats around here.
  2. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55429431.html in muswell hill. Current owner bought in 2015 for 950K Paid about 50K for stamp duty and fees Another 50K for renovating it £1,050,000 put on market in July 2018 for 975K progressively reduced for a year. Now asking £650K (A potential loss of £400K) But its only 66m2. So owner wants £10K/m2 And other places in the area are only moving at about £6K/m2 So its "real" value for someone trying to buy it with a mortgage (i.e. valued by a bank) is £450K max (bank doesn't care about the deposit). Owner is looking at a potential realised loss of £650K... after 4 years of ownership. The brutal reality is building up.
  3. everything you suggest is to "protect" a small number of people in a small number of seats in London into keeping their unearned "property lottery win". National politics is much bigger than that.
  4. It doesn't matter if your neighbour votes tory. He'll be outnumbered by the priced out in London voting for the turkey to be bunged in the oven. anyway... such taxes will have a "one year" windfall for the government. after which the houses will be priced closer to their true value and the tax will readjust to the new low price. So they only need to bear the high tax for one year. They do however need to accept the true value for a lifetime... which i suspect is the bigger pill to swallow.
  5. smug owners in london will get wiped out. they are a tiny propotion of the UK voting population. Even if Jeremy Corbyn loses their votes in london, he'll still win because the labour voting london owner occupiers are outnumbered by the labour voting non owning young, renters and those in social housing. Everywhere else, the voters will lap it up. It is a fully just realignment after decades of unjust wealth appropriation.
  6. the real solution is to kill off the idea that having as many children as you want is a "human right". How to make this work? Every woman on earth has two "child credits". She can have children or sell them. The selling is via a centralised worldwide portal to eliminate arbitrage and exploitation of the poor / undeveloped nations. I can envisage a "child credit" being worth $50K + A woman in a third world country can lift herself out of poverty by selling her credits (and getting sterilised?). This does 2 things. Reduces population growth, and has a direct transfer of wealth from the rich to the poor.
  7. yes that may well be. We rejoin as "England, Wales and Northern Ireland" Scotland rejoins as Scotland There will not be any "special terms" on rejoining. That's good for the UK and EU in the long run.
  8. no. You missed out 2 very important points. 1- Brexiters within the country will be forever marginalised for their idiocy 2- The period outside the EU will be an opportunity for some asset purchases
  9. I don't think re-entering will be an issue. In fact its a demonstration to other EU states and "anti EU" forces that not only is life outside the EU crap... but that the EU is gracious and humane too.
  10. i think the only reason the ROI is NOT in Schengen is because of the UK.
  11. I've been saying this for ages (and I'm a staunch remainer). We must exit first (hard brexit) then go for BRETURN a few years later. It would mean: 1- the brexiters will be forever put in their place by the disaster they wrought on the country. 2- UK returns as an "equal" partner with a new "attitude" to the EU and "feel" more European - rather than the past attitude of exclusivity and "opt outs". 3- UK will finally join Schengen, and pledge to join the Euro. 4- It also means that some priced out youths and the JRMs of the country had their time to grab some assets in the meantime... before the inevitable rejoining. Cerching.
  12. Renault is making one for the Chinese Market. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/renault-show-production-ready-city-k-ze-ev-shanghai however it does not meet EU regs.
  13. its pretty much propotional representation by region. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/unitedkingdom/en/your-meps/european_elections/the_voting_system.html so there should be very few wasted votes.
  14. well. I don't know about the independent group. I would vote for a party that is more established like LibDem or Green. Lets see how they fare.
  15. I just hope that remainers don't vote for Labour or Tory. As long as the remain vote is split between Green and LibDems and SNP its fine.
  16. absolutely. The Germans were not dumb when they incorporated the eastern european states! They had a long term vision for a Europe that is complementary and self-reinforcing to maintain the long term economic and strategic viability of the entire region together when faced with the large trading blocks around the world. Countries like Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia are to most intents and purposes developed countries by now and often surpassing some of the earlier EU entrants (especially meditterenean states). Meanwhile Lisbon in Portugal is becoming the San Francisco of the EU... The EU works. The only Euro states outside the mechanism entirely are Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. The small balkan states are in accession preparations. The idea that the UK can hark back to the good old days is nonsensical. Its the reason why Portugal, Spain, Italy or France don't drone on about their former glories and empires and have a modern non-blinkered view of the world around them.
  17. yea. expect a nice firesale of tat. Also car sales are collapsing (across europe). all in all very much deflationary. yesterday Mario Draghi hinted he may bring in negative interest rates on euros.
  18. #OffersUnder My view is to look at the earliest sold price within the last 30 years for that property. Add on to it the inflation from here http://inflation.iamkate.com/ Show that to the agent. rinse and repeat.
  19. I don't think nigel can be kingmaker in the european parliament even if he got 100% of the UK votes.
  20. almost 63% between UKIP and Farage on here. Not really a reflection of wider society on the board. The Euro elections could be a proxy-second-referendum. Lets hope we see a wider turnout by young voters and remain voters put their lot in with a remain party for the Euros. My worry is that the remain vote is split between Greens and LibDems (and SNP), but hopefully the openly remain parties trump the brexiters. Tories and Labour are clearly done for in the Euros.
  21. there are different categories of "small business" . Some who own the shops / premises are doing fine. If they have staff who own their home or live in council accomodation, they're fine too. The small companies that setup and try and compete with the above, but have to pay "new" rent rates as well as trying to attract qualified labour who have to rent privately will struggle. The business market is a reflection of the housing market. stratified by whether the business and its employees have access to cheap real estate or not.
  22. irony being that the keyboard and mouse jobs are far easier to automate away than the bin emptying / road repairing / infrastructure work that needs much better robotics and sensors... most keyboard and mouse jobs coulbd be replaced today if middle management in medium and large companies had any clue.
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