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Everything posted by phobos

  1. I think you have two choices, either like stated a VW T5 which is converted or convert your own, or a economical 4wd like a CR-V/ Rav 4/Jeep Patriot/ Freelander and a Roof Tent: http://www.rooftent.co.uk Roof tents can be popped up really quickly and dont fill up your car, there are canvas ones and the Hard type like the Maggiolinas. Whatever you decide good luck
  2. An alternative view point... http://peakoil.com/geology/why-the-u-s-is-not-the-new-saudi-arabia/
  3. This article is pumped up BS. Firstly look at the source: Shelter is a homeless organisation, and they questioned 2,200 people, hardly a true representation of the whole of the UK is it.. Unless we know if the where the 2200 were from i.e. one area of one city, or nationwide this survey is total ********.
  4. I think the mentality on paying for news will change when devices like the Ipad/slate get popular, and custom editions are made for them with apps, rather than just web browser based news. This will probably be the future for most mags too.
  5. Can recommend Dunster House if your going the cabin route Dunster House
  6. Steve Cook HPC Guru Group:Members Posts:7,450 Joined:08-November 07 thats what I see...
  7. Guys read this: http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=126879
  8. actually I think its quite good value
  9. Yep have to agree, I run two online retail businesses and all of my suppliers are putting up their prices...
  10. Im afraid not, its just the Jazz, they are made in Japan atm, they start building here in Sept, a great little car, but it aint going to change much..
  11. looks like the US is fighting an invisible war against Iran and Russia to me
  12. You should have added Sterling no longer exists as an option
  13. If you have Sky Digital BBC Scotland is available on Channel 990
  14. Sell half the shares, pay off the debts, keep the others just in case they recover, and they will have to look for some part time work imo
  15. Yes but dont forget these are new issued shares, which waters down existing ones value anyway
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