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Mr Strauss-Kahn will probably be held in isolation with 24-hour watch, in large part for his own protection from inmates who might seek fame by attacking someone famous, according to people familiar with the jail operations who would not speak on the record.
A complex of 10 jails on a 415-acre (168-hectare) island near LaGuardia airport, Rikers is well-known to watchers of television and film crime dramas as the place where criminal suspects are sent pending trial or to serve short jail sentences. The island can be reached via bridge from the borough of Queens.
Dating to the 1930s, the Rikers complex holds about 11,000 inmates on any given day.
Both Rikers and the courthouse detention centre, best known as "The Tombs," are harsh, loud and dangerous.
"It's crowded and the food is terrible. And one of the dangerous things is famous people are preyed upon," said Gerald Lefcourt, a well-known defence attorney, referring to both places.
"There are really heavy duty prison bars and gates that make a lot of clanging sounds every time they are open and closed," Mr Lefcourt said.

Some of our Banksters should be spending some time at Rikers IMO. I took action against my bank last week and transferred my house money to Nationwide from Natwest in protest to Hester's £10m bonus (especuially as it came a week before RBS announced billions in lost taxpeyers money). Side benefit, NW are paying me 3% on a no notice account whereas Hester's bank was robbing me with a 1% IR.

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Really? They had no problems with setting him up in the first place. Might make the message even clearer! No? :P

Not so sure it is a set up. The girl reportedly is an African immigrant, clearly open to persuasion but probably not sophisticated enough to carry off a lie of this magnitude and the charge of buggery would be backed up by some very clear medical evidence - far easier if faking just to claim he forced her to blow him

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Not so sure it is a set up. The girl reportedly is an African immigrant, clearly open to persuasion but probably not sophisticated enough to carry off a lie of this magnitude and the charge of buggery would be backed up by some very clear medical evidence - far easier if faking just to claim he forced her to blow him

I might be setting myself up for a joke here, they've buggered the rest of us etc. but where you getting that from?

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from Franklin Sanders' blog...

It's always instructive when the outward moral corruption of institutions is publicly mirrored by the inward moral corruption of their principals.

So the IMF and its head, Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French politico known at home as "The Seducer," who was for mysterious reasons political appointed head of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF is the enforcer institution of central banking which, after much moral posturing and blather about too much spending, goes in to "bail out" countries while in fact raping their economies.

Oddly enough, that's precisely what Mr. Strauss-Kahn is accused of in New York. Well, more precisely, a hotel chambermaid accused him of sexual assault resulting in charges including attempted rape, sexual abuse, forcible touching, and unlawful imprisonment. He allegedly trapped the victim in his hotel room, and so forth.

Now Mr. Strauss-Kahn, who allegedly pulled this same trick in France in 2002 but without the charges, deserves the presumption of innocence under our law. However, the New York court denied him bond, even bond of one million bucks, and one presumes he did SOMETHING to earn his nickname.

Zut alors! What did y'all expect from the Grand Poobah idols of central banking? Monasticism? Celibacy? Continence, temperance, and self-control? They RAPE countries, including the USA. Like vampires they suck the lifeblood out of nations. If that do that to nations in public view, what do you imagine they dare to do in private?

Rotten outside, rotten inside. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Abolish central banking, demolish the buildings, sow the ground with salt.


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I might be setting myself up for a joke here, they've buggered the rest of us etc. but where you getting that from?

Errmmmmmm live and learn - I'd always thought sodomy and buggery were one and the same. Sodomy in this case refers to the charge of oral sex which rather undermines my argument against it being a set up

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what makes you say he was setup, life is not just made on conspirators! there also are stupid people...

That he was arrested was tweeted by a political opponent before he was arrested (possible but strange.)

The police acted very quickly (possible)

There are claims of an alibi. (this will stand or fall pretty easily. The hotel will have CCTV as would other venues.)

If he did this now, he has done this many times before. Why was he caught now.

The story from the mother of the french woman who is pressing charges in France seems a little strange.

Of course, it could be true and he could have done something stupid, but it just doesn't feel right.

The watershed for me was about 10 years ago when a friend of mine who owns a hedge fund that deals in non-western markets and had spent a lot of time working as an economic advisor in Russia during the early to late 90s (*) told me about a senior western banking colleague of his who was concerned about being bumped off by a certain western government. The fellow in concern died in a plane crash a couple of weeks later. Now, it could have been a complete coincidence, but my thinking about these sorts of things changed there and then.

(*) Real wild west stuff. A friend of his had hand grenades thrown through his bedroom window, and my friend had to pay the mafia off to get his girlfriend's child back after a kidnapping etc.

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Errmmmmmm live and learn - I'd always thought sodomy and buggery were one and the same. Sodomy in this case refers to the charge of oral sex which rather undermines my argument against it being a set up

Ah, I always thought the 2 were interchangable, referring specifically to up the pooper :) , but having looked you're right. I do live and learn.

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what makes you say he was setup, life is not just made on conspirators! there also are stupid people...

It seems Strauss-Kahn has been frequenting the same hookers as Elliot Spitzer.


This is the article Spitzer wrote in The Washngton Post prior to the FBI conveniently finding him with a hooker:


This is well worth a read for anyone who isn't already aware of it.

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Thats why its a good thing that the french/italians dont give a shit about sex when it comes to a politicians job generally (rape obv is different).

Better its too easy to blackmail/get rid of an opponent in this way, I would rather they screw a hooker than screw the public.

Did anyone also think this speeding ticket issue with the minister of the environment is a bit convenient?


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