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Everything posted by Smokeandmirrors

  1. Some Prime Chiswick seeing some hefty drops. A few months ago the cash wave of sellers from Central London would have snapped these up: http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-30562440.html Gradual drop from £4,250,000 to £3,150,000 http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-46473509.html £3,250,000 to £2,650,000
  2. Nah........ Looks like they're going to do "insurance jobs" on them instead..... http://www.chiswickw4.com/default.asp?sect...onparking51.htm
  3. "the Scots gave the English billions of barrels of oil - for nothing." Exactly - they're only moaning now as it starts to run out.
  4. Noticed that propertysnake.co.uk now has a "days on the market" table. Is this new? All adds to the fun!
  5. I can only see HIPS stopping "kite flying" asking prices. Surely this is a good thing for a HPC'ers and will feed into Nationwide et al asking price data
  6. I don't think Chiswick flat prices have moved too much recently. The houses are going nuts though! This is a real finance worker with young family area. M&A activity this year is nowhere near as frantic as last year. I can see a lot of banks dropping staff soon as well to cut costs (Barclays; ABN; Citigroup etc). I hope that purchasing decisions weren't made on the basis of last years bonus being a guide!! The Foxtons HQ is located in Chiswick Business Park. Heard a rumour that the spiky-haired braying little oiks were banned from the local pub after being caught one too many times partaking in the old "Colombian marching powder".
  7. Financial markets are not taking risk too seriously at the moment (mortgage securitisation etc). Hedge Funds are taking on that risk by borrowing from Japan (the Yen carry). The thing is that HFs aren't regulated by the FSA. Lots of rumours of insider trading on many of the M&A activities!! The UK may be seen as the new "New York" thanks to SOX. However the SEC are looking to water this down in the US.......whilst the EU are looking to bring in "Euro-SOX". MIFID legislation may also hit Hedge Fund investors. HSBC are already looking to HQ from out of the UK back to Hong Kong thanks to Gordie's corporation tax (read sp*nkathonic splurge tax). Look out for more banks thinking the same. CFOs & CIOs may have been scared by the 25 year jail terms threatened by SOX (sections 302 & 404 especially) a couple of years ago. However there have been no cases, or even audit fails, in the public domain. Only pre-SOX cases such as Worldcom & Enron to worry the execs. I think it will take a couple of Hedge Funds to take a risk too far (and possibly bring down a big player with them) to change sentiment in the short-to-medium term.
  8. Sadly that would go for 350-400K in Chiswick. I kid you not.
  9. MEW'ing and BTL'ing their ars*s off.........that'll be both cheeks then!
  10. I can expect to see lots of redundancies to pay for this.........especially the sacrificial lambs that are "middle management" (the sort of people who have been MEW'ing their ars*s off.)
  11. I was watching the NBCs coverage of the Ryder Cup streamed over the Internet (****** to paying for Sky). Each advertising break had at least one ad for SUVs with no interest finance & circa $2k cashback.
  12. Could be a certain Mr Blair.........not known for his astute dealings in the property game. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,17129-2351974.html
  13. This wasn't Wandsworth by any chance? Did the landlord have an Aussie/Swedish accent?
  14. Not seeing this in Chiswick. The "greater idiot than the last buyer" equation is still bubbliciously good
  15. I think the *cough* independent *cough* B.O.E. decision will be fully influenced on when the Labour leadership question is resolved. I can't see Blair lasting to the spring, but Brown is desperate to keep the charade of the miracle economy going until the question is asked. I can't wait to see Ed Balls handed the hot potato. He truly is a Class A arrogant little ********
  16. Looks like air will be soon added to the CPI basket then.............who honestly believes that we have 2% inflation. Comrade Brown would have done very well in the Stalin regime overlooking tractor production. This is the ultimate sign of a political w*nker that has never been a part of the real world
  17. Wow! The reposession lot are getting very heavy handed these days. I wonder how you'd split the equity on the charred remains of a house (I'm sure you'd still get a good offer from a BTL bubble monkey)
  18. It would appear that Bliars "nest egg" has turned rotten.......losing 6k a month (ouch). No wonder Cruella is active on the "I'm the PMs wife and I'll do anything for people stupid enough to pay" public appearance/speech tour: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,17129-2351974.html
  19. "The latest craze is high end guitars" Thank god I bought my Paul Reed Smith Standard 24 a couple of years ago...........who needs BTL when you have a sweeeeeet guitar. I invested in it for my pension - honest
  20. Quality Bart - you almost made me p*ss myself! You truly are a timelord Deloreon.......88mph.........straight back to '91. How soon people forget Property only goes up. My hairy a*se
  21. numbersixvalverde - 11/1. Named after the owner's holiday home!!!
  22. woohoo. Won £160 on a free bet (new sign-on for an online betting agent=free bet)
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