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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Dreamcasting

  1. You really don't. Nobody does. Explain how you will buy a house if the wheelbarrow carrying your large piles of cash is worth more than the cash itself? You must have at least thought about that scenario.
  2. The mistake you're making is basing this on economics. Old models don't work today, and there's a serious risk that your large pile of cash will be completely worthless in the not too distant future. Good luck buying a house when £1 = £0
  3. People really can't see the wood for the trees. Great that the price of a house declines 90%. Not so great when you've been 100% wiped out in the process and you're in the same boat as everyone else.
  4. So if the global economy resets, how will this help you buy a house, given that you will no longer have a job and your cash, stocks and everything you own has been smashed to smitherines?
  5. Because the economy is going down everywhere else, not just the UK. If it was only the UK in trouble, you would get higher interest rates. All governments and central banks are now in syndicate, and it's sure as hell not designed to help out the little man on the street. What's going on in the financial markets today, and indeed everything that's going on in general, is nothing like what we've seen in the 70s or 90s, and it would be foolish to base predictions on those periods.
  6. Interest rates are not going anywhere. Near 0% is the norm. The currency won't collapse either because all of the central banks are playing the same game. The mass money printing is just filling a huge hole.
  7. A correction could happen next year, in 5 years time, in 10, 20 or 30 years time. How much time have you got? How much time is reasonable to expect a crash so that you get 30% off a house? Context is key here.
  8. Sorry, but your vitamin D is highly unlikely going to help in any way, shape or form. It's another one of those highly recommended supplements that claims to help any ailment, yet in most cases has no effect at all.
  9. And the pound is down a lot against the euro today
  10. It's best just to ignore TheCountOfNowhere. He's been on this site posting the same nonsense day after day for years. The statements he makes represent what should have happened over the last 15 years. Unfortunately, the opposite happened and he's so in denial, he has no option but to post statements as facts. It's all very bitter and it shows in his posts. We all want a HPC, and we may get one at some point, unfortunately it will bring down everything else with it, jobs, savings, the currency, shares, everything.
  11. Can you provide a reputable source that quotes that you'll be on "top of the world in 12" please? There is no evidence for what you're stating. None whatsoever.
  12. Having a healthy diet. Look at how many bags of crisps lots of people eat daily, and their sugar intake. Also large amounts of alcohol helps nobody at all.
  13. Most people may show deficiencies in many things, but usually any medical problems they may have are not caused by the deficiency. Vitamin D is no exception. Most people who suffer from depression for example don't experience it because they are deficient in D, even though they may well be. It comes as no surprise that the condition doesn't improve, despite weeks or months of supplementation. The majority of supplements are snake oil, and if there are any 2 things that you should be doing, that is eating well and exercising. Many people do neither, and even more so in the current circumstances.
  14. Because supplements don't work for the majority of people, and it could be dangerous in some cases. The internet provides a lot of information, much of which has no scientific evidence behind it, and supplements are no different. Vitamin D is one of those so-called miracle cures that usually provides no benefits, and can indeed make matters worse. Many people I know personally have taken Vitamin D in the belief that it will help their depression or insomnia, only for them to wonder after a few weeks why they feel weird whilst not even helping their original problems. Magnesium is another one to watch.
  15. The majority of supplements people take are a complete waste of time as the body doesn't assimilate them properly.
  16. And in the meantime, you lose your job and your savings. Really, I think if there is a massive HPC, unless you're very wealthy and/or protected somehow, you're not going to be better off.
  17. Great post that will turn out correct, and a lot of people here are and will remain in denial. The best days for the UK are well over and have been since the late 90s. This is the case for the entire west also. People these days aren't kind and considerate. Culture these days is not pleasant, and most people are just slaves with very little to live for.
  18. Agreed again. And interest rates aren't going to climb. Central banks all over the world will continue to print and prices will be held up.
  19. Another great one-liner from a professor in economics who gave a fantastic speech during their guest appearance at one of our seminars recently: "When you see an opportunity, you have to get it in the net" This is the opportunity cash rich people are waiting for right now. A small(ish) 5-6% decline will be enough to plant it into the far right corner whilst everyone else has their eyes off the ball.
  20. It really depends on how much cash you have in the first instance. Even if there is a £25k dip from £450k, it's usually nothing to be concerned about to cash rich folk. Almost a drop in the ocean TBH, and over a longer period of time, that £25k will turn into a £125k increase. If someone is losing sleep over a short term £25k dip, hell even a £225k dip then some, they aren't as well off as they could be. Lets get things in perspective.
  21. I'll quote a great one-liner from a professor in economics who gave a fantastic speech during their guest appearance at one of our seminars recently: "The only people who consider houses as bad value for money are those who couldn't afford to buy a house in the first place". You might hope that your $1700 gold suddenly becomes $170000 when you wake up in the morning, or that you're going to win lotto next week. But you can't beat a bit of hard graft and elbow grease.
  22. Nope, but i'll let you continue buying consumer-grade crap with your cash whilst you continue to hand rent money over to your master.
  23. There's just too much money to be made in houses. If you're cash rich, it's a no brainer. Even just a 5% decline will see people with cash swoop in and buy them all up. They'll sell like hot cakes. Buying houses for cash and renting them out is the best pension you'll ever have, and in the meantime, it's a tidy monthly income. I think what some people haven't picked up is the number of people who are sitting on large piles of cash. They'll always be the ones who "get in there" and do the deeds, leaving everyone in the slow lane.
  24. I've probably been in the markets much longer than you have. I've come across plenty of "young players" like yourself. Eyes wide open, impressionable. Schiff got lucky calling the 2008 crash - but then so did many other people. Schiff's track record over the years is actually appalling, and anybody who has followed him over the last 20 years would have lost a lot of money in the market. It is you, sir, who needs to do some research into this guy before it's too late for you, and I mean that kindly.
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