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Everything posted by Wuluf

  1. Nationalism and socialisation seem to work... Countries with a lower GINI co-efficient tend to have populations that are more nationalistic and societies which are more rigid.
  2. Part of it, I imagine is down to Quoted rates from 160K USD per annum to one poster claiming some get paid 15,000 GBP per week. Another difference is the presence of companies like
  3. The video demonstrates how Equity Tranches (as the name suggests) can very easily end up being worth nothing despite a correspondingly low level of defaults, due to the uneven way losses are applied. This effect is, of course, magnified when/if leverage is involved. e.g. Bond Futures, broker Margin or Options. So if trading using 10:1 leverage and if 50% write down => 100% loss in the Equity Tranches, a 5% loss rate can result in a 100% loss of principal. Also some (synthetic) CDO’s have CDS's embedded in them
  4. Geneva convention Bail them out??? Or maybe let them define "crime"? Both would work!!
  5. And the.. 1. Sus law.. 2. Address registration.. 3. Fact that it is mandatory..
  6. Sounds pretty "in machina" to me.. You surely don’t believe that "benefits, services and employment" infractions and/or "fraud" have been eradicated throughout mainland Europe? The "black" economy is alive and thriving there just as it is here..
  7. A few threads discussing UK-expat experiences in Germany search link
  8. Probably also likely to be descendants of "recent" immigrants, hence that is why they are at the "lower-end" of the pile.. Abschaffen!! Austreiben!!! usw.....
  9. You have to laugh.. Unemployed perhaps...??
  10. WWW is lucid, civil and makes some valid points.. Renterbob, on the other hand is.. well.. what he is.. I wouldn't get too het up about it..
  11. Hmmm And... As I said before, all mainstream politics is nonsense.. Believe it or not, I really dont care about the BNP. I also think that anyone who believes that Barack is going to change the world is, frankly, off their trolley.. INNIT!!!!!!!!!
  12. Im confused... And I thought this wasnt real.. Like someone else said, it must have been the LHC
  13. Politics is all nonsense.. Vote for "none of the above"
  14. This woman..?? Doesnt look white to me.. The clouds behind her are more white.. To my eyes she appears a bit "reddish" p.s. That isnt what I meant..
  15. Chip.. I said he should vote for whomever he wants to.. What more do you want..? Furthermore 1. You dont know me.. 2. If you dont like it, you know what to do..
  16. A simple question.. Do you live like a 1st century "Brit" (located in England)..? Y/N? Do you live like the average Brit 100 years ago..? Y/N? You do realise that culture is a moving target and that there would be similar problems if you tried to integrate a large number of (true) Brits from a century ago into modern society. The culture you refer to is (max) one generation old.. It was different for your parents and it will differ for your children.. Get over it..
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