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Everything posted by disenfranchised

  1. Too many VIs Vince Cable was publically opposed to HTB and other such tripe and was 'slapped down' so to speak. He didn't rock the boat by leading a Lib Dem rebellion in the same way Corbyn never resigned from Labour despite permanent opposition to Blair. Career politicians.
  2. I hate Labour and the Tories in equal measure, which appears to be a growing phenomenon. Labour seems more irredeemabley broken than the Conservative party, yet probably more electable given the number of people on HPC prepared to "go nuclear" and vote for them in order to blow to the whole corrupt ponzi out of the water. Labour's current positions are absolutely riddled with paradoxes. They want a more integrated tolerant society, yet have a Faustian pact with 'muslim communities' to let them continue to be a self-segregating inward facing regressive 5th column, as long as they vote Labour. They want to see better pay and employment practices and services and housing for working class people, yet are happy to continue to undermine all of these things with mass immigration. If they actually resolved these paradoxes in favour of what the majority of British people want their government to do they could saunter into parliament with a massive majority in 2022.
  3. Oh I quite agree. As a former and probably future London commuter few things boil my piss more than paying for layabouts to live in the towns and suburbs I am priced out of decent housing in.
  4. We should not have little scumbags like 'Dave Love' getting £850 a month out of our taxes to rent a former council house to a family in need of social housing. That's the beginning and end of the problem. It's not the kids fault their mum has never heard of birth control.
  5. Ignore the fact the woman appears to have a revolving door installed in her nether regions and look at the big picture... Landlords can act like this only when: 1/ people who should be socially housed are in the private sector 2/ when protection for vulnerable tenants is too weak and the landlords don't fear legal outcomes for illegal actions such as the damage to possessions from throwing them out of windows 3/ when communities have been wrecked and don't stand up for their own. I've lived in parts of the country where the guys doing this would have needed a police escort out of the estate regardless of being a boxer or not the stabbing he claims to have feared would have been forthcoming in some parts of the world!
  6. I just reached my 6 year membership anniversary. I lurked here for some time, I joined because I was wrestling with the decision to buy or not in 2012. In the end, I chose not to buy, added another £10k to my deposit pot over the next 2 years, and instead chose to pursue income by allocating that as a safety net and entering contracting. This was a concious decision that I knew locked me out of a mortgage for a further 3 years. Since those 3 years are up, it's simply a matter of whether I want to buy & due to a subsequent inheritance, whether I even want a mortgage at all. The answer is no to both at present. My experience is that you can chase and get the income and pile up the assets, but once in an "HPC mindset" it will still leave you coming back to the same question. Rather than not being able to buy, you end up unwilling to hand somebody a massive unearned windfall, and thinking "this cannot go on forever". My personal standpoint is now one of considering pulling out of the UK entirely. Best of luck.
  7. I could buy 13 years ago - a 1 bed cluster home with £10k of BOMAD. Seemed like a bad idea and I declined. I was in a position to buy in 2012 without BOMAD, again I declined - believing as many did at the time that there was a risk of more pain to come. New Labour presided over the ridculous bubble that ment I as a working 20 something in 2005 earning about the local average would have required BOMAD to access the pokiest most tiny property available. I am very clear on their culpability. Cameron's pre-Downing Street diagnosis of "Brown's bubble" was on point. Given the sliding market in 2010-2011 I believed that the Conservatives were willing to let things take their course. I was unaware that there was an unspoken agenda to not only avert a crash (which I could accept as potentially necessary from a purely fiscal standpoint - we couldn't afford the banks to go bust again), but to swing the 2015 general election with Osborne's "nice little boom". Since 2013, some houses within 20 miles of me have gone up +50%. That is a monstrous betrayal of the younger generation and the "jam today" policies the Selfservatives have pursued to stay in power are going to come back and bite them. I should be a natural Tory - middle class parents who both were, as were both sets of Grandparents - one set were card carrying party members & I work at a bank! As it is, I'm prepared to press the "unleash idiotic Marxists" button in 2022 if they don't stop with this woeful "it's OK to rent forever and for the boomer rentiers to control your life for one last election cycle" rubbish. No & **** you Theresa. If the Tories remain ideologically unprepared to do what is fair and right then once Brexit is out of the way, we can have Corbyn instead. I'm quite prepared to let him throw a grenade into the ponzi, blow everything to bits and start again. It's better that way than everybody else being screwed over to protect the smug home counties NIMBY demographic yet again. The Selfservatives need to understand that.
  8. I have a Corporate Landlord now and they are much better than all but one of the private ones I've had. The ones who use estate agents for their letting management are the worst - you report issues, the agent tells the landlord, they decline to do anything about them, you argue with the agent and round and round it goes. They can just say "no" and the agent has to take all the heat. The only time I have ever been moved to turn up like an angry lunatic at a business premises was at a letting agency - I was told the Agent would be bringing somebody to view the property with a view to buying, and if I could not be present, would let themselves in. I told them they did not have my permission, and they told me they didn't care. I was spoken to like something you scrape off your shoe. I told matey we'd see about that and I was on my way to the office. The little twerp wasn't feeling so bold an hour later when I came through the door of their agency like a freight train (I am not a violent person, but certainly look like I might be) he actually ran out of the back fire door. I told his boss I would be working at home and if they turned up to let themselves in there would be a physical confrontation. I got a note through the door from the landlord asking me to call him a few days later, I told him what had been going on and he was most apologetic. He served me notice and then left me in peace and sold it once I'd moved. Estate agents are verminous creatures - them and their fees and attitudes are 50% of the unpleasant side of renting.
  9. Thanks. My problem is I'm experienced and capable at what I do, but under qualified - so I need to keep bouncing between contracts on reputation / connections. That excludes me from emigration and ties me here for work for now.
  10. +1 It's more than just "foot on the ladder / stake in society" stuff as well. I am currently taking a half hour breather having worked until 8pm last night and started at 8am this morning, I'll be out of contract at the end of the month and will be meeting my own living costs throughout the time I'm looking for another one, then off to a new contract (hopefully) with no job security, which could be anywhere in the UK. The type of work I do and the staying away / constant travel and commuting is not something I want to be doing to 68. It's fine at 40, but much past 50 it will really start to take a toll on you, I can see that in colleagues, so I mind my money (to an extent) and plan for the long term, which has to include a slower pace in a decade or so. I'm currently planning to bugger off overseas when the money is there. The "deal" I'm offered by the UK in terms of work/life balance, property costs, and what the governent takes in tax and hands out to others doesn't add up. We have always had our share of underworked / over prolific reproducing Brits, thats a fact of life - but I don't understand why I'm paying for immigrants to play the benefit system. It boils my piss when I see programs like the BBC documentary on housing benefit caps and see these layabout immigrants in London with 7 kids and no proper job costing the country tens of thousands a year. And then on the other hand, the wealthy and corporations are getting away with tax avoidance on an industrial scale, further driving up tax demand on my income and assets. I'm getting a bad deal, most of us are - and we know it. I have no loyalty to the UK and when it suits me to do so I will go. Housing costs are just part of a wider picture. I understand all the issues with automation / working class jobs and would support citizens income IF we can keep out the dross of Africa and Asia we are currently carrying and immigrants EARN the right to be here by paying in for years before they can take out or gain a permanent right to remain. One of my best friends is an Indian immigrant (now a British citizen) who certainly has earned his right to be here & feels exactly as I do about the handout culture - it's certainly not just British born people who feel as I do.
  11. I'd look for further evidence... a thread on property prices in Hebden Bridge for example?
  12. Getting angry with other people who want to see all the market props removed, NIMBYs overruled, Scumlordz put to the sword, and no state sponsored OO bailout does not really achieve anything. Preaching to the quire is one thing, kicking the congregation for any sign of theoretical future sympathy for any mortgage holder is another... That has gone too far at times IMO
  13. I always thought he was a she... the ability to dredge up things you said or did years ago and use them against you being a key giveaway We had our run ins but I like to think most HPC long termers are broadly on the same side & hope he / she is OK. I think most of us drift away from here for a while at times though?
  14. As somebody who has rented for 13 years straight and suffered no fault evictions 3 times, may I be the first to invite Theresa to ****** off.
  15. We are not the 51st state... the USD is simply the dominant global currency & therefore, when you are a net importer and yours drops against it, things get expensive and the pressure mounts to raise rates. I suspect the BoE & Treasury would far rather the Fed were being a bit less bullish all things considered? I'm expecting the BoE to follow as slowly as they can get away with whilst keeping inflation under 4%. The press appears to be being primed with articles about debt jubilee campaigns and so on, which does not feel like a coincidence.
  16. I suspect less... They didn't buy their Coventry premises in 2013 when it was up for £14m. Sold to an investment company with minimum lease through to 2020. Dumped 200+ jobs at that site in 2016. I'd have a tenner on more to come.
  17. http://www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk/mag/news/barclays-purchases-northampton-pavilion-drive-headquarters/ Buying last month in lovely bubblee Northampton though...
  18. Making borrowing money for 2+ dwellings prohibitively expensive & taxing foreign "investment" would do the trick
  19. Just watching it... God these new developments are horrible. Cars on the pavements everywhere. Houses crammed together.
  20. I have read the comments and seen the upvotes and it indeed confirms that we should rename baby boomers generation ****.
  21. Pump the assets whilst devaluing the currency, make everybody actually working for a living or dependent on handouts poorer whilst protecting the rentier side. Civil disturbances inevitable eventually.
  22. DAX & FTSE have bounced back, the DOW less so. Is this more to do with US over exuberance after Trumpenomics kicked in than the coming of financial apocalypse?
  23. Been there, had the freebie... Was 2008-ish, Marriott resorts in Spain.
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