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Everything posted by Nem

  1. Not got time to read the entire thread, so i'll add a nice little "lolz" and disappear again. Must bump in 6 months, see how mush the prices did rise
  2. I think STR has a time and place, however its an impossible task to try to convince somebody who is planning on buying. Tried last year to advise someone to get all the facts from various websites (including here) but they still bought regardless. Now this you may say in all well and good they can afford it etc.. but at this point in time, does it not make more sense to rent a better property and save more - instead of an Interest Only mortgage? The new Endownment fad of IO mortgages, were you're just basically renting from the lender and not reducing the capitol just doesn't make sense. So far, I don't know anyone who has managed to over-pay. This'll all end in tears....
  3. Lots of 3rd party software for dragging and dropping tunes onto ipods, google is your friend.... My first gen is still going strong on the original battery, plus its almost a lethal weapon (size of half a housebrick) muggers bring it on....
  4. I've been with the same insurer and energy supplier for 6+ years, I do however buy CD's from Play.com as I don't want to pay £14.99 in the highstreet when I can get the same disc for £7.99..... would you? Anywhoo - I see what you're implying and it makes sense.
  5. Just boycott or tax the companies that off-shore jobs that were originally in the UK, Barclays, BT, Norwich Union, the list goes on... These jobs will keep on disappearing, until there is very little left. How easy is it going to pay the 150k mortgage when you're joint income is just over £12 an hour, because the decent jobs have all gone? Then again.... everything is going to be Ok - The Labour government told us!!!
  6. Currently owe around 4k on personal loans (finished in 2 years) 2.5k for new double glazing and 14k on the mortgage. I'm one of the lucky ones it seems, I have friends with more dept on just their credit cards!
  7. It's more expensive to buy in Liverpool now than some parts of Chester, which in itself is rather ironic. Being a born and bred scouser I do have some passion for the city, but the prices on the newbuild apartments are just totally unrealistic. Add to that the easy borrowing option from the Mortgage Point (2 thousand pound charge for advice if you get a mortgage with them!!!) and the IR comparable to personal loans its easy to see how bad it'll get up here. I'll be selling up to STR soon, North Wales seems like a decent option with much cheaper rents than virtually anywhere in the pool.
  8. I'm in a very similar situation, and I think the clever option would be to undercut similar properties up for sale in the area. The last thing I would want to do is to end up chasing the market down, I'd much prefer a 10-15k loss at the beginning than regret it later on. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do!
  9. Off Shoring IT doesn't work, this has been proven again and again. You cannot replace people with years of experience with a knowledge transfer which usually last about 6 weeks. This is not speculation, it is fact.... The promised money savings, never happen.... Infact you'll find the only people who say it does work are the consultants and project managers whilst lining their pockets with huge bonuses usually just before they leave before the transition finishes.... Big suprise there eh?
  10. Pretty accurate description of the state of the off-shoring debacle, the only people that win in these scenarios are the consultants. Of course, these are also the same people to leave once the job is 'complete' (read f**ked up)
  11. Caught the end of the programme, interesting wording Phil used when talking about the price drops.
  12. Best hoover you can buy for the money!
  13. Sss - Season Of The Sold Signs ------------------> Sold Subject to Contract Fixed!!!! [edit] couldn't do a smaller 'sold subject to contract' like the EA's do
  14. I'm starting to see much bigger drops now, this place was 125k last year. Obviously needs some renovation, but houses in the same street are currently up for sale at 130k!! I need to sell my place asap!
  15. Hehe, luv these threads... The denial from some people while the country is slowly falling apart, and they think prices always go up!! Welcome to the real world...
  16. Basically, what Duncan said^^^
  17. Interesting quote there, and I think one of the most important factors that this government need to address. Living in Liverpool, we have more than our fair share of scroungers. Personally I'm sick to death of paying for the lazy ass barstewards brand new mobility car's from Renault Liverpool (only way they're still in business tbh) while they live rent free and squander their money in betting shops and on cheap lager. It's about time the government did something to sort out the welfare state, get these lazy gits checked out and force them to do some work for *their* (our) money! Infact get the people on the dole working too, brushing the streets cleaning up the place... If you don't do what's required, they shouold penalise them with a reduction in dole payments.
  18. Looks like a small percentage of office staff to be finished up and a significant section of the support departments will be moved off-shore. When will the government actually do something to stop this out-sourcing debacle?! UK companies supplying services to UK customers, should not be allowed to move jobs out of the UK without being penalised! Off topic maybe, but the saying "its different this time " is becoming more like "its the same all over again" compared to the late 80's early 90's. http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0100new...-name_page.html
  19. I'm currently earn just over 30k (twice the average earnings for the area) and I couldn't afford to buy the house I bought 6 years ago without a 20k deposit. The market is screwed, nothing more nothing less. Reality will bite hard in the coming years, it will be tough for hundreds of thousands of new homebuyers.
  20. Buying property now and affordibilty are two terms that can seemingly fit together, given the right numbers. However, reality shows (at least to the couple of people who I know know that bought recently) that repayment mortagages are seen as the expensive way to buy. I would hazard a guess that 70% of new loans are interest only, so after 25 year unless you've been paying something off the balance.... you're sorta screwed.
  21. I'm looking at selling in the next few months, hopefully before Liverpool's market goes belly up. I'll be undercutting the closest house which is up for sale (£107k approx 30 secs away, they of course are dreaming) by 17-20k. So hopefully it'll go quickly, if I don't get any viewings I will be drop the price pretty much straight away. Wish me luck
  22. I was under the impression a couple of percent rise in IR, would up the *average recent* mortgage by £150-£300 per month depending on how much was borrowed. If rates do go up this year and continue through into 2007, surely the forced selling would bring the market down like a ton of bricks?
  23. I'm totally sick to death of Barclays ripping their UK customers off, with stupidly high interest rates on small loans to the total lack of compassion when it comes to dealing with issues. Thankfully, when I paid of my credit card bill completely a few months ago I had the ballz to tell em to shove it, when they tried to up my credit limit. I think the best bet it to cut the card up, especially now I don't owe these legal leeches a penny!! Another UK company giving jobs to India too, it a friggin joke. Burn in hell (if there was such a place) Barclays Maybe quitting smoking and having a couple of vodka's aren't making my post anymore constructive, ah well...
  24. I really think Liverpool property market is on a knife edge, I've seen my current place (bought in 2000 valued@30k) go up to 100k. Unrealistic for the property, hell yeah!! But is it worth that? personally I don't think so. But I am getting as much work done as poss, hoping to sell in what could possibly be the last spring bounce for some time. I'm sick of the jibes from people I know saying a HPC will never happen, i'm pretty well convinced that the ass will fall out of the market in Liverpool sooner rather than later and I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is as such. Certainly wouldn't mind 70k (even 60) ready for a deposit (as my current balance is only 16k) maybe quick sale for 85k (here's hoping) in the spring time, bring it on baby
  25. Why would I use 1080i, when 720p is the better option? While we're on the subject find me a 50" CRT that doesn't have convergence issues, and costs less than £1175. It's common knowledge that rear projection CRT's aren't in the same league picture quality wise.
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