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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Gurgle

  1. Being a landlord is hard work. But if that mortgage is a repayment mortgage then it can still be a good investment over the long term.
  2. I discovered last week that a colleague had moved to the other end of the country quietly during covid. Literally about as far as you could possibly move without leaving England. Interesting choice with a recession looming. Exactly this, in a hot job market. Not sure it’s going to be hot for much longer. Totally agree.
  3. Good for house prices then. Less spare cash to pay mortgages and higher rates is a double whammy for affordability
  4. I really hope so. I’m so tired of these people pretending they’re better off than they are and ramming it down people’s throats. This will be a popcorn moment for me. I realise that sounds mean but these are the type of people that piss me off more than any other
  5. I've posted a similar opinion elsewhere, although I actually said 0% this time so as not to upset the population just before the Christmas holidays. (with political "encouragement" to take that stance)
  6. I'm surprised you haven't been completely flamed on here for suggesting that only a small percentage of people work well unsupervised / at home. The general view of most posters on this forum has been tending toward the "working from home is a human right" end of the spectrum. Personally I'm more aligned with the view that less than half of people are suited to working at home but it won't be a popular opinion
  7. OK. I thought you were saying it was simply illegal to leave property empty which it clearly wouldn't be. If they're not paying their council tax dues then for sure they should be taken to the cleaners
  8. And none of this chain nonsense either. Not aware of any countries where that is a thing, but of course there may well be some.
  9. Very common in other countries. Both buyer and seller are expected to pay a commission and agent won’t let you view without signing a contract to that effect.
  10. It’s not as efficient as people think to just heat one room out of 3. It will certainly cost more than 1/3rd of what it would cost to heat all 3 due to heat loss through walls etc.
  11. If you have 3 rooms of 50 cubic metres each or 1 room of 150 cubic metres it requires the same amount of energy to heat them. I’m not sure I understand why smaller rooms are cheaper to hear (unless you are only heating one of course)
  12. And the simple fact that different people have different tastes and lifestyles.. I find most British houses very claustrophobic because of the tiny rooms, narrow corridors etc. You stand in a typical house in the UK and every direction you turn in there's a door in front of you. The exception is older Victorian or Georgian places which tend to have bigger rooms, bigger windows, higher ceilings and wider hallways & stairs. So yes, I'd be in the "knock as many walls down as possible" camp in a modern house.
  13. Really ? I've not heard of many companies giving across the board payrises of anything like 8%. Do you have any examples ?
  14. Yeah, this surprised me too. I would say open plan is more Gen X and Millenials than boomers. Don’t understand that.
  15. Teachers love to forget that they get 13 weeks a year holiday. So actually pro rated that 35k a year is actually a 43k a year salary for an equivalent FTE. I'm sure someone will be along soon to tell me why I'm wrong.
  16. Very much depends what school you went to. I disagree with your second point. Your first point: - Mathematician jobs are very rare - If you don't have much ability to think critically or apply intelligence then you're going to be a terrible programmer I was referring to Liz Truss setting mental arithmetic puzzles which is frankly a terrible way to test anything other than how good they are at mental artihmetic. I think it would be quite hard to say someone who achieved a double first at Cambridge isn't highly intelligent. However, the people I am referring to simply cannot apply their mental capacity & ability to learn to real world practical problems. So yes, I view them as intelligent but unable to think critically in a more general way. They could be taught for sure but have no interest to be taught. Everything boils down to a mathematical problem for them and the world just isn't that simple. SO I'll respectfully disagree but I do understand the point you're making.
  17. You think so ? I'm betting on 0%. I'm convinced he's going to be told to hold off because they don't want more bad news before Xmas. Economically it wouldn't be credible at all but then when did that ever stop them ?
  18. I love the fact that he says "it will affect house price growth" implying they'll always go up, just slower. All property people are just so annoying.
  19. Much of the criticism is ironically coming from Merv the Swerve. Vigilance...
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