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House Price Crash Forum

South Lorne

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Everything posted by South Lorne

  1. ..it may have been remortgaging to fix rates on large mortgages as the number of borrowers was down...just the total amount up.........
  2. ...why would we wish to take our turn while we are negotiating to leave .?....it would be an empty action...........
  3. ..the action that counts is the ballot box count.....if you do not agree with the democratic process you should seek another country which has a system and ideas which suit you ...seems straight forward to me....
  4. ...the only action which counts at the ballot box is the placing of the 'X'.....
  5. .....if you don't like the system change it or get out...applies to most things in life .....
  6. .. when Labour get in they ruin the country each time ....maybe you have not noticed ...unless you would like to see somebody else serving us...?....they are our servants ...remember .....
  7. ...why don't you emigrate to North Korea ...sounds like you might be happier there ....
  8. ..well Cameron appears to have threatened Tories with their position including May....I thought it was a free vote for them ...justice ..he has gone....
  9. ..there would be defections from the Tories to UKIP or similar ...and therefore a GE ...and the way Labour are going ..there will be a new party .....
  10. ..there are no guarantees in life except change, taxes and death...until you accept this you will not understand that you are in charge of your own destiny ..always.....
  11. ..since you did not vote your opinion on the subject is worthless....
  12. ...they are not talking physical notes ..they are talking proceeds of exports mainly invoiced in dollars and their decline ....
  13. "Brexit will happen" (will it?)Patience..it will happen 2nd time in under 10 years we have a PM we didn't elect - "no problem"It is part of our democratic process which does have a few holes in it and we do not vote for a 'President' at a General Election housing market "is essentially a market despite the odd prop" (really?)It is a market which you have to read like any other...no guarantees ..props of the past included mortgage interest tax relief....one of the props right now is the international money laundering in London "the government really do have our best interests at heart, but bless 'em, they're struggling right now"I don't see any struggle other than business as usual ...on the other hand I see the opposition struggling... We're being strung along by a shadow government who have their own agenda, and much of what many consider bad policy is deliberate policy. Not a conspiracy theory, just common sense. Hardly a 'shadow government' when we have just seen the dross chucked out within the rules of the constitution, while the uninformed leavers continue to bleat resisting change as most losers do.....
  14. ...judged by whom..?....without this detail one could anticipate a cover up ....why has nobody picked her up on this....?..typical dim self appointed elitist addressing the vague......
  15. ...best not to listen to Carney as he has been misleading in the past and will he survive post Osborne/ Brexit...?...
  16. ..they are getting it...once the process has been decided ...this is all waffle in the air..........
  17. ..again ..again people anticipating higher borrowing costs after BREXIT ...one of Osborne's warnings ..higher interest rates ...many could have been remortaging for a fixed rate to lock in ....
  18. ...it will all be done online within five years ...no more of this brick and mortar education...... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36703778 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36796998
  19. ..it's up to the Government to control landlords.....they need to get on with it....these petty excuses should not exist....simples.....
  20. ..the Guardian and their BBC readers are BTLers...why would they write this sense..?....
  21. ...more like people are living longer ...70 is the new 50.....
  22. .....it's worth remembering BTL does not count as mortgage lending....and a spurt could have been on the agenda in case of BREXIT forecasts ...which proved wrong and the propagandists have been banished from Westminster ...Karma in action......probably all die down in July.... good to watch.....
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