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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by nero120

  1. 99% of the electorate believed a load of fear-mongering nonsense written all over bus stops a few years back. Yourself included?
  2. Hurry up and clear them out. Hopefully those homes can be bought by young families for a price that won't put them in a lifetime of debt servitude.
  3. Actually yes I completely agree. Men must have the courage to do what is in the long term best interests of their family, and not be pressured by anyone else into putting that into jeopardy.
  4. Women make men do dumb things. Then they get fat, cry foul and instigate divorce, then appear in a Telegraph article about how great their life is now they are rid of their partner and have taken all his wealth. (or is that too misogynistic for this delicate forum?)
  5. Indeed they did. But arguably they had a lot more fiscal and monetary flexibility to do so back then!
  6. This is pure desperation by the British establishment. Their grip on power is failing with their failing ability to print/borrow to keep people in line. It certainly will result in change, but not the kind they want!
  7. That wasn't my intention, only to say that they were taken over by the federal gov in 2008.
  8. What you have to understand is that this scam will only go on for as long as the western govs can continue to borrow money from the bond market at <6% interest rates. Rates have been trending up and will continue to rise as govs desperately continue to spend to prop up their failing economies. There will come a point soon when the bond vigilantes will force these profligate govs to choose between hyperinflation and cutting spending, including any subsidies for property markets, whether explicit (HTB, etc) or implicit (leaning on markets/banks to keep interest rates lower).
  9. Due to fanny and freddie, essentially the US gov directly subsidises house purchases since 2008 when these institutions (that directly purchase mortgages from banks) were taken over by the federal gov.
  10. The only reason a 40 year mortgage is even remotely possible is due to the long end of the SONIA swap curve being impossibly low. 3.8% for a 30 year swap?! Utter lunacy. At some point before those contracts mature the long end will get repriced and those rates will go to 15,20,25%+ in line with actual reality. When that happens you can kiss goodbye to long duration mortgages, no one will be able to afford them.
  11. I think it absolutely is a reflection of true value!! The owners defaulted on a "small" loan used to purchase the building (where did they get the remaining $124.5 million?!) so the bank they defaulted with where the highest bidder in a foreclosure auction at $12.3 million! That's true price discovery. No doubt the bank is planning to hold the building as an asset on the books and dispose it once commercial real estate prices "recover" (they may be waiting a long time). Meanwhile they'll be covering all the costs to maintain the building.
  12. Aw having trouble accepting reality are we? Don't worry, I'm sure Kharkov won't be a Russian city by Autumn...
  13. Gov net income (tax receipts minus debt interest and spending) plus reserve assets (cash, gold, bonds, etc) should be all that matters. The economic activity of the people are of no business of the government, and they have no claim to it, only the tax that people legally must pay.
  14. Any measure that allows me to take on debilitating amounts of debt to have someone dig a hole for me, so that I can count their economic output that I do not have claim to, as some kind of measure of my economic performance, is utter GUFF!
  15. Because the British media said they had no ships? Did they also say they had no factories or shipbuilding yards or vast natural resources? I expect they also said they're losing the war in Ukraine and Putin is dying of cancer? In other news the UK economy is SOARING!! Any other BS you'd like rammed down your throat? I'll make you a prediction. The British will never see a drop of oil from those deposits... unless the Russians allow us to buy it from them.
  16. AHAHAHAHA! Yes let's fight Russia for it! We might last a day or two if we are lucky!
  17. Ooh you "conspiracy theorist"!! How dare you assume that gov statistics are manipulated to make the gov appear like they're doing a better job than they are, the absurdity of such a suggestion!!
  18. Our neighbour's house sale transaction which went through in December (and was offer accepted in September 2023) finally appeared on the land registry. Inflation-adjusted loss of 16% from what they paid for it in 2015.
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