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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Dreamcasting

  1. My HPI madness lol 😂 I don't personally consider myself to have gained through HPI so I don't know where you're getting that from? I've also said on several occasions that I could care less whether house prices in the UK go upwards, downwards or sideways.
  2. Sure. But when HPC simply comes out and says HPI is all caused by cheap and easy credit, that is well wide off the mark. Most posters on this forum don't consider the bigger picture and then wonder why they've always been on the losing side.
  3. And as for the whole "cheap credit" line, nope. In England, the average price of property was £75k in December 1999 and £173k in October 2008. Interest rates were 5.5% in December 1999 and 4.5% in October 2008. Interest rates for the entire period were consistently within range. People on this forum really need to start looking at facts instead of just making crap up.
  4. It's not. The currency has been debased each and every year and house prices have gone along for the ride the entire time. It's also exactly why this forum has been pretty much 100% wrong the entire time, and why 20 years later people are still complaining about high house prices!
  5. Meta down 13% after hours Tomorrow might be interesting
  6. And so on it goes upwards to 4.39. I'm sure Bailey is being vigilant though so don't worry. Right?
  7. Yeah I think it's time to get the ball rolling. Every market is just acting like a casino imo. Time to take the lot down and get some common sense back.
  8. Ace of Base. Now there's a blast from the 90's past. Still don't beat Roxette though.
  9. Markets just telling us that Bailey and gang are walking the UK into a disaster zone. Nothing none of us don't already know.
  10. I think it's too-low interest rates that are fuelling this entire affair. It's basically a case of eventually losing a lot once the bubble bursts, or have your cash debased at an ever increasing rate. Pick which ever way you want to be fcked.
  11. I'm not sorry. I already own my property and could care less if prices go up or down. I'm not going to move, have no debt and have wealth in a wide range of asset classes. None of what I say changes the fundamentals of the direction of travel for house prices though as the market doesn't convey any traditional rules like how it once did.
  12. I already own my house in the UK and have no intentions of buying another one so there is no VI element at all.
  13. I tend not to take too much notice of the after hours but thought it was too funny to not mention. As for US tech as a whole I reckon it still has legs but it's still well overbought imo.
  14. Tesla Q1, 9% drop in revenue. After hours trading +6.9%
  15. Anyone with half a brain knew that 5.25 - 5.5% wouldn't cut the mustard. Rates needed to go immediately above 10% to cut the head off the monster that the governments and central banks caused in the first place.
  16. Dunno but a few posters already have egg all over their face based on stocks so far this week. Not that I disagree with the longer term view. Tesla will be interesting to see later.
  17. Exactly. It actually tends to be gold bugs who believe in the nonsense being spouted. I think most of them are just upset that their gold hasn't made them enough profit (that they'll be cashing out into USD or another currency I might add), or more likely still, hasn't kept up with inflation and is looking at real losses. Unfortunately whether people like it or not, the USD is top dog and will be for much longer despite debasement.
  18. This price increase phenomenon isn't unique to the UK. Prices are going up just about everywhere. Regards house prices, if everything else is going up due to debased currency, it is almost guaranteed that house prices go up with them.
  19. Personally, going forward, I'm not going to make any more predictions about interest rates because there's too much fakery and nonsense being spouted by just about everyone. I'll just accept whatever happens on decision day.
  20. This is it exactly. There's a chance that the BOE are jiving the Fed's play book by flipping around like bipolar disorder, probably just to facilitate pump and dump operations and to benefit a few insiders. Nothing they're coming out with is consistent from day to day. The bad news for them is that they're becoming less and less credible and will become irrelevant if they don't buck their ideas up. Unfortunately though, the BOE is led by an incompetent clown so don't hold out too much hope.
  21. Looks like another great day for everything other than gold and silver once again. Gold currently down, silver barely even +0.18% lol Stock markets and crypto steaming ahead
  22. I'm hearing a couple this year and a further couple H1 2025. That is BOE and ECB. So down to 4.25% for the UK. The Fed will likely only do 1 in around November, but with US government debt, it seems inevitable that they'll have to chase down at pace in 2025.
  23. Yep, it's not just a western problem. Mass world wide money printing would be a solution. Of course, what that really just is is a transfer of wealth to debtors, so chad down the street living in his McMansion gets bailed out whilst anyone with cash in the banks gets a huge haircut. I suspect this partly explains why stocks are pumping like crazy as nobody wants to be left holding a bag of heavily debased currency.
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