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Everything posted by dugsbody

  1. Similarly, in the US, certain states were impacted harder and the lack of interstate travel ban has meant it spread rapidly.
  2. But I specifically, very specifically, was replying to a point about debt not being eroded by wage inflation, and I said that we had nominal wage inflation, which is what matters, not real. You've gone back to talking about real wage inflation. I'm not sure how much more I can say on this.
  3. Could you show your data please, that doesn't sound correct. My point was that debt is eroded by nominal wage growth, not real, and we've had that.
  4. ONS figures show that we've had nominal wage inflation. Why are you trying to cherry pick data?
  5. As I pointed out to someone else, we have had nominal wage inflation, which is what matters when your mortgage cost is fixed.
  6. Tax on the rich is inevitably a tax on the "trying to be rich or just not poor". Ie. again hit those of us who had the temerity to be born too late.
  7. Basically permanently break society because no-one will ever save again. What would the point be if you can so fundamentally break the social contract like this?
  8. And then part four of the routine is to post some irrelevant "rebuttal" that has nothing to do with the point being replied to. Never mind, round and round we go.
  9. Standard brexiter routine still on display I see. Complain how the EU is bad because of X. Someone points out that X is not true but it is actually Y. Immediately perform staggering mental gymnastics to shift the argument to blaming Y. No apology or acknowledgement that the pervious argument was incorrect. Yet again, you demonstrate that you want to hate the EU and will always find (or invent) a reason to.
  10. I think you mean real wages don't go up and that is precisely what we're saying. Nominal wages go up but because of inflation, your purchasing power does not. eg: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/timeseries/kgq2/qna or https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/articles/supplementaryanalysisofaverageweeklyearnings/august2018
  11. Not advocating it, just predicting. Governments could not have shown their hand more clearly over the last 15 years.
  12. Let us wait and see just how rigged the system is.
  13. So why is he blaming the EU then? We'll await a full factual description of what happened. But we know we won't receive it, because this is the way brexiters operate, drive by style, fling the shit (lies), see if anything sticks, and move on to the next lie. Does this feel immoral to you guys? It does to me.
  14. Lots of countries around the world have economic problems. Do you blame the EU for all of them, or only the ones you cherry pick of the 28 (now 27) inside the EU?
  15. I personally found the tone revealing of a certain attitude but as I said, you can use whichever word you want. You don't have to care what I think. I'm not sure about the benefits system because I don't know the level of claimants amongst EU citizens. Do you have the data? What we do know is EU citizens are net contributors to our tax system, so they in fact increase the availability of social housing to Brits by doing so. However, if you decide that the right number of social payments allocated to any immigrant is zero, then I can't argue with that. It is your choice. On your last point, with regard population densities, I don't know what the right level is. We're not the most populated country and we're not the least. We could house more people fairly easily but if you just want fewer people here then voting brexit seems right and you should also campaign for more UKIP policies to allow very few people in indeed, because the Tories next immigration policy will open the door to a huge amount of immigration.
  16. You can use whichever verb you want. I find the tone revealing, it belies a certain thinking. I would choose to use the term hiring if I were even prepared to make that argument, but I'm not, because I believe in the principles of the EU where we live in a single market and jobs are equally available for everyone.
  17. I can't understand the English in this post. Are you apologising? Because here is the link to your post where you were responding to someone talking about EEs. https://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=235903&content_commentid=1103558936 I replied directly to that.
  18. You have moved the goalposts, which I think is an admission of your error. You claimed the UK was exceptional in giving EEs middle class jobs, and you did so based on one data point of academic jobs. So that is what we are trying to validate, is the UK truly exception in hiring (which I think is a more appropriate term) Eastern Europeans into middle class jobs? I'm not sure why you're now trying to show me statistics of UK people working on the continent since that has nothing to do with Eastern Europeans. Are you sure you're an academic?
  19. The only thing I'm suffering from is your inability to answer a question. You're an academic, you claim. Can you please just answer the question and justify the statement that we are the only ones "giving" EEs middle class jobs, based on your one data point of academic positions.
  20. Yes, I have strong links to France and am aware of this issue. Nevertheless, there are many more EEs in middle class jobs across the whole of Europe. I'm wondering where the conclusion that we're the only ones "giving" (and I object to that term) "our" middle class jobs to EEs.
  21. No that's ok thanks. I'm just interested in your claim, based on one data point (academic jobs) that we are the only country "giving" EEs middle class jobs. You're an academic, you say. Why do you use one data point to make a general conclusion? "giving" our jobs to people implies we're being charitable. Why did you even choose to use that term. It reveals a mindset imo.
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