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Everything posted by dothemaths

  1. It has always been about self-interest. The collapse of western civilization (the status quo) is a distinct possiblity now and the elites now see that clearly and they have a lot to lose if that happens. The national debts/deficits won't shrink without growth and cuts alone will not generate growth. It's the only option they have. It will be interesting to see how the US elites will deal with this fact - I expect the funding and media coverage of the tea party to drop like a stone as it is now acting against their interests.
  2. Can I exercise my 'free speech' to say someone is mad, bad or simply preposterous ... ?
  3. In that case, aren't they getting what they deserve....?
  4. So you are saying the middle class are greedy and stupid .....
  5. A bit extreme, young man, but you do have a point there ...
  6. £3000 per month - that's really voodoo economics
  7. Reduce asking price by 10k every two weeks until you get viewings ....
  8. This is only one story and it appears they were eastern european immigrants - hardly convincing evidence that black market sales are increasing in the UK ....
  9. Not naive, self-serving. Much easier to blame benefit claimants than face the fact that you are being sh*fted by your 'betters'.
  10. As Marie Antoinette would say "Let them pay taxes ..."
  11. At a critical point in the 80s a big decision had to be made - state subsidies for (aka bail out) the big and medium sized national industries to give them time to get globally competitive or let them go to the wall and look for other sources of revenue, i.e. services. Britain made absolutely the wrong call while Germany did it absolutely right. France/Italy got it half right - they bailed out their big industries but didn't invest in their medium sized ones and so are better of than us but not as tickety boo as Deutschland. Lived and worked in France and Germany for five years and can't believe the rubbish I read on this site. There is more regulation and higher taxes in both countries than you have in the UK. However both are not as good at the creative industries as we are in the UK but that's not where the money is in a world driven by emerging markets.
  12. You guys are always b**ching about the boomers - simple solution, move in with your parents so you can save for a deposit.
  13. And so the clipping of the wings begins .... Reality bites ... The FTSE points the way to the inevitable future. Real Banking (helping the efficient allocation of capital, not gambling) simply isn't as profitable as it was made out to be over the last couple of decades.
  14. + 1 House prices just reflect this reality and the hardest hit by this relative decline will be the (lower) middle classes to which most on here belong Global economy = global meritocracy meaning you are going to have to work bloody hard, and take some calculated risks to be successful in the future. Ain't life a b***h ...
  15. A bonus of 10 million quid - cos he's worth it.
  16. Me too ! I'm not a boomer and I would be disgusted with myself if I was waiting for my parents to leave me stuff or give me handouts. I find this boomer bashing a bit creepy and whiny myself to be honest Who said life was going to be easy.... Well it isn't and never was (unless your parents are filthy rich), so get on yer bike ... and deal with it already The boomers were lucky (despite being unable to add they still did OK), they didn't have the BRICS to compete with - we have, and no amount of whining is going to stop it
  17. I'm 100 % with you on this one ..... you've hit the nail on the head ... it will be very messy indeed
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